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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO

    [SP] Roadside Picnic v1.0

    I'll jump on anything based around Roadside Picnic, It's a weird and wonderful book....is there a download link? edit, nevermind found it on the Workshop.
  2.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    Checking in to say I'll be picking up the story over the weekend, I've just arrived in Tanoa.... Regarding sound, my audio settings are similar to AZC's and I haven't encountered any sound related issues so far, effects at 100% music at 70% I also have fps to spare (new pc) so Blastcore Murr edition sounds like a challenge I can't refuse.
  3. Gone from where?....those buggy little buggers are still on the Workshop, at least on my end.
  4.  EO

    Need Help

    Maybe you should consider editing that last line of your original post, there's no real need for that.
  5.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    All good ^^
  6.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    Hey there, are we good to post any arma anomalies we find along the way, no spoilers in regards to story, just general arma quirks that maybe haven't played out the way you planned?
  7.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    Loving the campaign so far, production values are insanely good, cut-scenes are seamless, just heard one of my favourite rock tracks, awesome little easter eggs are to be found if your willing to investigate.....walking down a corridor I heard a toilet getting flushed, well didn't expect this. Looking forward to seeing this story unfold....
  8. Try putting your textures in a folder named, for example, data then adjust your texture path accordingly... hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\testmod\data\clothing_wdl_co.paa"};
  9. I'd imagine they are all private, especially the shacktac one.
  10.  EO


    Add classnames of any in-game music to the custom music array, example... Or you can add your own soundtrack by creating a music addon, load the addon with Ravage then add the classnames to the custom music array as above. ^^ Here's an example of a config for an addon, where the addon is called ravage_music, the addon contains this config and a music folder for your tracks (.ogg files) class CfgPatches { class ravage_music { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]={}; }; }; class CfgMusic { tracks[]={track_1,track_2,track_3,track_4,track_5,track_6}; class track_1 { name = "track_1"; sound[] = {"ravage_music\music\track_1.ogg",1,1}; }; class track_2 { name = "track_2"; sound[] = {"ravage_music\music\track_2.ogg",1,1}; }; class track_3 { name = "track_3"; sound[] = {"ravage_music\music\track_3.ogg",1,1}; class track_4 { name = "track_4"; sound[] = {"ravage_music\music\track_4.ogg",1,1}; class track_5 { name = "track_5"; sound[] = {"ravage_music\music\track_5.ogg",1,1}; };
  11.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    Huge congratulations man!
  12. Having already been politely declined, if you ever change your mind about external config patches for Vidda, you know I'd love to do a "snowfall for rain" patch. Totally respect your feeling about keeping the integrity of the map origin and setting intact, maybe author approved patches would be something nice to see for Vidda...
  13. Sullen Skies - Pecher, added support for Pecher Winter and Zarzibash
  14. Winter and Zarzibash are coming mate, they will be bundled into the Pecher release but as separate pbo's.
  15. (This edition also adds crows and eagles to the ambient animal system.) Steam Workshop.
  16.  EO

    [sp_camp] Dark Tides

    Loved the trailer, excellent work man. Arma 3 is indeed still relevant, 7 years down the line and it's still producing great content.
  17. that victory salute at 4:53 🤣 Genius fun.