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Everything posted by CraveMode

  1. I have searched for keywords similar to this, but didn't find anything that would fix my issue. When I try to use VerifySignatures=2, Steam server browser shows my server as all mods red "Signature Mismatch". I've copied the .bikeys for each mod loosely in the /Keys/ folder of the server. I am using all steam workshop mods for my server and I have the mods setup as a softlink folder in ArmA 3 directory that links to the workshop id folder in steam. If I set VerifySignatures=0 everything works fine. Anyone know if this is a limitation of the Steam launcher or if I am doing something wrong?
  2. CraveMode

    [FOX] Realism

    Really looking forward to this!
  3. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    H&M works on Livonia/Enoch as it detects the cities. Works really well, just download one of the maps and change the name from, for example, .Altis to .Enoch and load it in EDEN. Move the assets to a base you prefer. I will recommend that if you choose an enemy faction that has any planes, do not put your base at the airfield. It is the only airfield and the enemy planes will pile up on the ground in a treeline. There are military bases in many cities to choose from!
  4. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Wow that simple, didn't think to look at the wiki for that. Thanks!
  5. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @VdauphinReally enjoy your work on this mission. There has been something that has plagued our online persistent server for a while and although I have been learning the SQF language, still very noob at this. We have found running the mission 24/7 without supervision sometimes, the vehicles end up all wrecked or abandoned by public players. We encourage players to take care of vehicles, even put up boards for them to read but it happens. One of the ways around this we have come up with is to make the vehicles respawn after an hour, whether they are destroyed or abandoned. This way, when active groups get on at certain times they won't find all the vehicles are gone because one person was up late using them over and over and respawning. I know the mission is made to be used in this way, but the issue I am running into is any respawn script I use, it causes the helis to keep blowing up after respawn. Only after I comment out the line in the veh add respawn function that has helis respawn does it work. But that leads to odd behavior where markers stay on the map even if a humvee or any other btc_veh_x had respawned already. I thought about leaving off the btc_veh_x but from what I understand, some of the functionality including db saving will be lost with it between restarts. So, finally to the suggestion. When you get time, or if anyone else who branches off, could you consider adding options for respawning for those who may use the mission in this way? I have been hacking at it but I am in no way at that level just yet of coding to understand how it is working in this mission. My players and I would greatly appreciate it!
  6. I am very new to scripting in SQF but I am not a stranger to modifying scripts to tweak and break things. However, trying to learn and one of the projects is very simple.. disable the Personal Aid Kit on our mission. I am not sure if it is an issue with multiple loops with "while", but hoping someone could assist me with what I am doing wrong or at least let me know if there are limitations with the initplayerlocal.sqf. The following is my entire initplayerlocal.sqf file but the code I am trying to get to work is at the bottom. // UnderCover Script initialization (Incontinentia's undercover / incognito simulation script for Arma 3) if (player getVariable ["isSneaky",false]) then { [player] execVM "TAC\scripts\INC_undercover\Scripts\initUCR.sqf"; }; // External camera view in Pilot seat of Helis while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "External"}; if (vehicle player == player || !(vehicle player isKindOf "air") || player != driver vehicle player) then { player switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.10; }; // Remove PAKs from Inventories while {true} do { if ("ACE_personalAidKit" in items player) then { player removeItems "ACE_personalAidKit"; }; sleep 5; };
  7. Thanks for the information. I actually steered away from using loops for this as @sarogahtyp has made me realize how good eventHandlers are. I have been able to make functions and creating an eventhandler "Take" to remove the PAK once someone puts it in their inventory and it works well. Once they implement the change, I will have no need for the script and that is fine by me! Surprised it wasn't included sooner. my functions loading this class file (I have multiple scripts in the file) removePak = { player addeventHandler ["Take",{ _unit = _this select 0; _pak = _this select 2; if(_pak isEqualTo "ACE_personalAidKit") then { player removeItems "ACE_personalAidKit"; }; }]; };
  8. Ah figured I was doing it wrong. Thanks 😛
  9. Yeah I am running a dedicated server so this is perfect, it is going to come in handy. Increasing performance is always a better option.
  10. Wow thank you Sarogahtyp, I appreciate the information and the suggestion. I have a lot to learn lol.
  11. This is ***ing amazing. We have a community where we host a Realism server. It was in hiatus recently but we have brought it back with more emphasis on realism and this mod would be perfect. Hell, wish we had this level of detail on interaction with all vehicles.
  12. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @Laerte LeiteIt is a heavily modified version for our mod set. You can put H&M on any map by renaming the folder to .fallujah, just use define_mod.sqf to set towns and such and their sizes. Maps where towns are so close together you have to have smaller cities so there are gaps.
  13. @Arghbra Thanks this worked for me too! @Flax Thanks, although I had tried to roll back, I still got the same error with the mod list reported above. I am using a previous version and applied the workaround for now.
  14. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    As always @Vdauphin , thanks!
  15. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I am trying to add H&M to Fallujah. I get an error regarding not finding a safe position and spawns all the hideouts in one place on top of each other south of the airfield. Anyone have any luck getting this to work on Fallujah? I set up the defines as well: btc_custom_loc = [ //EXAMPLE: [[13132.8,3315.07,0.00128174],"NameVillage","Mountain 1",800,800,true] [[5486.95,5103.4,0],"Al-Fallujah",800,800,true], [[6714.37,5710.85,0],"Askari",800,800,true], [[5950.56,4683.77,0],"Industrial Park",800,800,true], [[6049.99,6383.84,0],"Jeghaifi","City",800,800,true], [[3328.72,5333.82,0],"Jolan","City",800,800,true], [[4343.98,6340.28,0],"Mualimeen","City",800,800,true], [[4392.41,5428.03,0],"Muhandisin","City",800,800,true], [[4678.68,4415.41,0],"Nazal Old City","City",800,800,true], [[3867.85,3968.78,0],"Resafa","City",800,800,true], [[5509.47,5102.29,0],"Shuhada","City",800,800,true], [[5291.15,6270.9,0],"Shurta","City",800,800,true], [[5328.43,3168.93,0],"Sinai","City",800,800,true], [[4682.83,5203.27,0],"TV Tower","Area",100,100,true], [[8054.98,1819.42,0],"Airport","Base",800,800,true] ];
  16. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I did not take that into consideration. We may leave it for persistent storage then and put up a notice about it. Thanks!
  17. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey Vdauphin, great work on the new update! We want to use a script/mod that allows loading objects in vehicles physically, where they are seen like Boxloader (http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1199318917 Could you add a param to disable the cargo system or is there a simple way to do that through the code by commenting something out? We run a public server with a modified version of this to fit the public more (change rep hit on player death and added some vehicle respawns for transports), and if we leave double systems.. it gets confusing for public players. We would rather just disable it for the mod. Appreciate any insight, thanks for your work!
  18. CraveMode

    Verify Signatures Limitations

    Thanks for your response Dedmen. Basically, what I have experienced is that when running large mods, large in the sense that they have a lot of files/pbos in them, not all mods verify and shows they are ready in the server list. We ran CUP Core/Maps, All RHS Mods, VSM AIO, MGP, and a large Retexture pack with many custom variations. The problem we ran into is, it didn't matter what order we put them in if I take off one of the mods, all showed green that they verified. When I put that mod back and take out another, the same thing, as long as you adhere to the dependencies of course (load order). For example, below mods would show red for verifying. When we take one away, it would show green and signatures verified. CBA ACE CUP RHS MGP VSM CUSTOM TX PAK If we remove CUSTOM TX PAK, it shows Green. If we put it back it would show red for verified. If we take away VSM this time, it shows green.. put it back, it is red. We take away MGP, it shows green, put it back it shows red. We don't run a lot of mods, but I feel it should verify all mods unless there was an issue with a mod. We checked signatures, everything we run has updated signatures. I just want to understand how it works and if there are limitations, what they are. I appreciate the mentioning of the Linux open file limit. We are hosted on Windows 2016 and I suspect that Windows may be limiting how many keys it can check.
  19. CraveMode

    Verify Signatures Limitations

    I would like to know this, as I have learned how to fix the problems @PeenerShotmentioned above in our community, I would like to know how it works so we can possibly expand what we can allow on the server. Currently, we can only have so many mods and keys for client-side mods we allow but don't use on the server. I understand how signature/encrypted hashes work for other things. When a key is created, it creates a hash of the file names, sizes, etc. What we are wondering is, what is the limitation of the verify signature process? I assume it is a limit on the # of assets in a PBO against it's .bisign file, is that correct? Is there a way or something we can set to allow it to run longer to verify more assets so we can have more mods or allow bigger mods like RHS with CUP along with weapon and texture mods that add more assets?
  20. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks Vdauphin!
  21. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    We have it set to ACE3 Advanced Medical in parameters and even set that as the default when mission starts, but we want to use a custom ACE3 setup where we don't have to PAK people to revive them. However, the modules don't seem to work and I barely know anything about scripting yet lol. So, essentially, wondering if if we can disable ACE3 completely in the mission and we can just use modules for settings?
  22. CraveMode

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @Vdauphin I understand you have certain settings of Ace3 Medical set to allow side missions to work, like healing civs. I would like to modify other aspects of Ace3 medical to fit our unit's playstyle. Would it be possible to disable the Ace3 medical settings in the mission without breaking the side missions? If so, if it isn't too much work, is it as simple as commenting out a few calls to functions or would it require editing that would be too much trouble? I would like to use modules to set these settings, including enabling AI unconsciousness to keep the side mission working.
  23. Thanks for the request, while getting the .RPT log, images of the structure, etc. I decided to try one more thing, I set the service to use an actual user other than LocalSystem and voila, steam shows the mods matched and even shows recommended ones (extra keys I added). So, if anyone else has this problem, make sure the user you are using isn't LocalSystem and use an actual user with proper permissions to run it. That fixed my issue. :D
  24. I don't know if you are still deciding this, but I am hosting a public server where we only use steam mods as it is super easy for people to join. Our clan server we use armaholic mods, but if you could at-least put this standalone mod on steam, I would be super appreciative and all my players who love to play EOD.
  25. Someone told me about this being announced on April 1st, I brushed it off and tried to forget it because I thought it was a joke. Then I see the twitter announcement! Hell yeah! Congrats! Now to find some servers that are running it..