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Everything posted by maquez

  1. maquez

    ALiVE RHS | Cold War

    missions updated
  2. I loved ofp/arma series always for it's play as you like philosophy but these stamina and sway effects are the pure opposite of it. The biggest mistake of BI is that these effects are not optional and easy to select thru game configuration. If someone likes to play as you say "Soldier Of Fortune" "Universal Soldier" "Rambo" style, does it insult/hurt you? I hate to quote myself but: This is still a game and should make fun for all someone speaking about realism in a game make me always giggle little advice to all realism junkies out here, go in your country head army office and sign to serve army then you will have realism.
  3. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    first: do not use Eden editor while testing mods second: do not use Dev Build while testing mods use stable branch and if then error still persists you can start complain here but better would be to make a ticket at RHS feedback tracker: http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view_all_bug_page.php update 1.54 messed up a lot of things... so patience is asked until mod developers fix this
  4. maquez

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    Biggest mistake BI did it is not optional via game configuration select able, very simple and all would be happy. I did ask for a optional configuration in Feedback Tracker ... ticket got closed after 10 minutes. This is still a game and should make fun for all someone speaking about realism in a game make me always giggle little advice to all realism junkies out here, go in your country head army office and sign to serve army then you will have realism.
  5. maquez

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    hi all solution for all who dislike the new introduced exaggerated stamina effects ! https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186348-q-net-nostamina/
  6. maquez

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    dear BI developers Could we please have a game configuration option to disable this ridiculous fatigue and weapon sway ! I do gaming for fun and not to get nerved up by something stupid like this. thanks in advance ! Other question, has anyone already found out how to disable this crap completely script wise? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26762 please vote up!
  7. my time to game is limited, I like to have fun while gaming and do not want get nerved up by a total ridiculous whatever system. back to feedback: RC 1.54 seems to have really problems loading addons correct, tested several different mods.
  8. - missions saved with 1.52 can not be loaded with 1.54, error missing addon 3den pops up. - new stamina and fatigue ... this must be a bad joke, my mother in law walks faster than this and she is 98 years old :D (unfortunately any no fatigue or stamina addons do not work anymore!)
  9. what you think, nobody here can do miracles and fix you this overnight. google is your friend: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=reference+by+pointer+blue+screen happy error hunting
  10. maquez

    Arma 3 Referenced Memory cannot be read

    do NOT touch size of pagefile, leave it system managed!!! delete all memory allocators in dll folder or use performance version (did not test it). seems that delete all allocators and use windows own allocator helps minimize memory crashes a little.
  11. can NOT confirm this! all RHS units are working as they should, no graphic errors nor glitches. the mess must be on your side probably running INCOMPATIBLE addons together.
  12. did you fix that error your map crashing every other map installed even stratis and altis? it even crashed other maps when your map was NOT loaded into game, had to remove australia folder to get other maps working again normally.
  13. and test with all addons DISABLED ! I am sure this comes from any of the tons of addons you load, correct?
  14. using memory allocator patch 1.50 = many crashes using windows own allocator it crashes very rarely. see: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184763-arma-3-crash-error-0xc0000005-status-access-violation/ and similar posts. from BI wiki: note: Windows 7 allocator seems to be quite good, and it may therefore make sense for some users to delete all custom allocators on Windows 7 or newer. since patch 1.46 arma 3 is very unstable and crashes way to often due it's own allocators.
  15. leave -malloc= empty will load default memory allocator which is the broken BI one "tbb4malloc_bi.dll". read : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Custom_Memory_Allocator -malloc=system can be used to force using Windows allocator even when allocator dlls are present . I have to delete the dll's to get windows own allocator to run.
  16. add -malloc=system to start parameter this will fix crashes most the time using patch 1.50 !
  17. could you please add -malloc=system since latest patches the memory allocators distributed by BI seem always to be broken. and please do NOT consider enable BE by default, Arma 3 has really very poor performance with new BE enabled!
  18. maquez

    Looking For BECTI with RHS integration

    how difficult is it to open steam then go to workshop and do a search for BECTI and RHS? http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=107410&searchtext=BECTI+RHS&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=textsearch&section=home ...
  19. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I get always this error: "Warning Message: Error: creating weapon rhs_weap_M107 with scope=private" starting RHS. I use CBA with RHS.
  20. maquez

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    RC 1.52 crashes to desktop nearly every 15-30 minutes, in multiplayer when respawn your computer tend to freeze for minutes and arma 3 then crashes back to desktop with error message "arma 3 has stopped working". switched back to 1.50 after one week testing RC and permanent crashes in the current state the RC is unplayable! Could you fix this before release 1.52 to public?
  21. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    serverkey version 0.3.9 ? could not find any link for it edit: damn getting old .... :P found it sorry
  22. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    since asdg joint rails got introduced with newest CBA update do we have to load now the asdg join trails RHS compatibility patch "asdg_jr_rhs036_v2" every time we use RHS ?
  23. maquez

    ALiVE RHS | Cold War

    missions updated Due personal reasons I am still not able to do any major update or further develop the missions. I am sorry about this.
  24. yes this works very well on a dedicated server, before mission start simply set the time you like in the lobby with the mission parameters menu. note that you need to be logged in as admin to do that. kind regards maquez [Q-Net]