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Posts posted by JohnKalo

  1. Congrats on the first mission release!

    There is an issue however. In your first post I cannot see if there are any required add-ons, and as mentioned above if there is any re-spawn. As for re-spawn I would suggest enabling revive and also placing a re-spawn on position of death mode. A lot friendlier for players who are not looking for extremes. Oh and uploading on armaholic too would be nice. 

    • Like 2

  2. And it depends on how close all of those objects are to the player. Having many objects in-game in various however locations is much much better than placing them all in one place. So maybe you can change your story mission a bit and have hundreds of victims separated in a number of places?


    It is an Arma 3 editing errr.. lets say challenge. It does not matter how you want a mission to be. You think of a story mission and then you change it so as for the game's engine to be able to handle it. At least that is what we do.

  3. Recording actual human voices is the best way. To do so you can use audacity. Once you record them you need to turn them into .ogg format. Once that is done you can define the audio as music in your mission and then call it via a trigger. That will guarantee that all players hear the audio and if you want text chat too you will indeed need remotExec as stated above.

    • Like 2

  4. Welcome to the forums! For the gore part you can use this:


    As for what hits the most, its the AI. Gladly there is this:



    but even then the AI is not to be trusted. Especially when it comes to editing...


    AI do not even follow simple way-points at times. Whenever you design a mission many things are a no go simply because one AI unit might refuse to follow a way-point and so the mission has to be restarted. The planning and creation of a mission gets way more complicated. Hence many editors have stopped creating missions.

  5. Guessing you are connecting the two computers directly or via another "LAN" device. Sometimes in LAN only the one computer can see the other. For Arma reasons....


    It is a common occasion. To solve it you can try plugging and unplugging the LAN cables, changing where you connect the cables(if you use some sort of device and you do not connect the two computers directly) restarting the game multiple times and such. 


    Oh and you can block the internet so as to be able to turn off your firewall and antivirus program. They might be blocking your game.


    Not a scientific solution but it is the only one that works :thumbsup:

    Most of the times...


    And trying to play in LAN makes you lucky by the way. Other people cannot see each other online and they turn to other programs such as hamachi. 

  6. I cannot be sure without a 3rd person view, as stated above, but it seems like the ropes cannot handle the pressure and they brake. When they brake the weight that was no longer there make the chopper turn to the side instantly. Physically speaking it is a logical reaction. 


    It is like pulling a rope that is stuck with a great amount of power and once it gets unstuck you go way back. If it works with the GhostHawk it is an AFM glitch.


    Nice try to save the chopper by the way. Have you been at a greater altitude you would have most likely saved the chopper.

  7. Just searched in the forums a little more and it said BI has set the speed limit when sling-loading to about 100 kph. You can just tell the AI to sling-load something and you shall see the speed. 200 as reported above is possible but is by no means realistic. It should be an advanced flight model glitch.

  8. Well if you are working with modules you should have a create task module and a set task state module. For two possible endings for a task you can sync two set task state modules to the create task one. The set task state module should be then synced with a trigger. The one for mission complete should be with the !alive nameofconvoyvehicle and the other one should be with a trigger which will be synced with the vehicle of the convoy. Set an area for that trigger and if the vehicle gets in the trigger area it will activate the other set task state module which will fail the task.


    If you are working with a script you can use the distance command:


    nameofconvoyvehicle distance markerwheretheconvoyshouldgo <50;

    In general I have been using modules but scripts are indeed a better way. They have their cons but they remain better. That is why I am remaking my campaign missions. One of the major changes is module tasks turned to script ones.


    Oh and there are many tutorials out there, so you might be able to find your answers on you-tube for this or for any other troubling of yours. If there is nothing there then ... forums!

    • Like 3

  9. I cannot remember the speed limit for choppers when sling-loading but even 80-90 kph seems much for heavy cargo situations. 


    That is because of increased momentum which is mass x velocity. Increasing speed increases momentum and due to that whatever movement you make can be dangerous. Like it happens with ships. In order for a tanker to stop it takes a lot of time even if it travels at low speeds. That is because of its huge mass. In that case even if you want to turn or go backwards because of an iceberg or anything alike you are anyways doomed. 


    It is hard to explain because of translations :thumbsup:

  10. Ehm I took the solution as granted and so I moved on to create the media needed. (Not such a good idea :scratchchin:) Due to that, now that some of the media are ready to be implemented, the condition seems not to work. I tested it by placing it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf of a mission and it reported an expression error. Using this seemed to fix it:


    waitUntil {count allPlayers == count playableUnits + count switchableUnits};

    but does it do the same thing? 

  11. So what I need is to destroy the engine of a vehicle so as to make it unable to move. This must be kinda simple but hard to find. So I did my research and found the:


    vehicle player setHit ["motor", 1];

    which did not work because of the name of the part that needed to be destroyed. Trying to find how to figure the name of a vehicle's part was to no avail. So I then searched some more and found this:


    myTank setHit [getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf myTank >> "HitPoints" >> "HitRTrack" >> "name"), 1];

    which was not for the engine but turning it into this:


    myTank setHit [getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf myTank >> "HitPoints" >> "HitEngine" >> "name"), 1];

    made it work. However does the above work in an MP environment or just in the editor? Because in a server I do not know what goes on with config files and such.


    Trying to figure the name of the part like this did not work:


    hint "getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf myTank >> "HitPoints" >> "HitRTrack" >> "name")";

    trying to follow the above path was impossible since in the config file there was no HitPoints tab. Guessing the vehicle's part name with "motor", "engine", "machine" and "damnyou" did not work either. So how can you find a vehicle's part name in general? I suppose other people are looking for that answer as well.

  12. @Dedmen


    So I placed everything you posted in the script and some errors were encountered.

    However since I new what part of the script causes lag I now had a way to fight! So I started erasing everything that seemed excessive. 

    It did not work at first because some lines were needed although they seemed fine to remove. After a few more sophisticated attempts however I managed to erase whatever parameter I could and success! Everything worked well and most importantly the task lag was gone!!!!! There even was an increase in the fps entirely. Thought I had changed the mouse's sensitivity but nope ... it was an fps increase! Thanks!!!

  13. So I followed the thread's advise and I found the culprit! In the new mission I am making I firstly entered the tasks and then I tried placing everything else. Once I placed this one script the tasks started to lag. It is a script I activate via eaches unit init line like this:


    guard = [this] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"

    and the script which is not mine is this one:



        Random House Patrol Script v2.2 for Arma 3
        by Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS]
        Contact & bugreport: BIS forums
    Place unit close to a house and put this in the init field:  
    guard = [this] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
    guard = [this, MODE, STAND TIME, EXCLUDED POS, STARTING POS, DEBUG] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
    * BEHAVIOUR - set unit behaviour.
        guard = [this,"COMBAT"] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
        Default: SAFE
    * STAND TIME - Set maximum amount of seconds the unit will wait before moving to next waypoint.
        guard = [this,"SAFE",50] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
        Options: Any value in seconds. 0 = continuous patrol.
        Default: 30
    * EXCLUDED POSITIONS - exclude certain building positions from patrol route.
        guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [5,4]] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
        Options: Array of building positions
        Default: [] (no excluded positions)
    * STARTING POS - Some building positions doesn't work well will the setPos command.
        Here you may add a custom starting pos. Negative number means starting pos will be randomized.
        guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [5,4], 2] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
        Options: Any available building position
        Default: -1 (random)
    * STANCE - Tell the unit what stance to use.
        To keep the unit from going prone you can set this to MIDDLE or UP.
        AUTO will be the standard behaviour and unit will crawl around in combat mode.
        HIGH is the default mode. This is like AUTO but prone position is excluded.
        Options: UP, DOWN, MIDDLE, AUTO, HIGH
        Default: HIGH
    * DEBUG - Use markers and chatlog for mission design debugging.
        guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [], -1, true] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"     
        Options: true/false
        Default: false
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    sleep random 1;
    // Set variables
    _unit                 = _this select 0;
    _behaviour             = if (count _this > 1) then {toUpper(_this select 1)} else {"SAFE"};
    _maxWaitTime         = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {30};
    _excludedPositions     = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {[]};
    _startingPos         = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {-1};
    _stance             = if (count _this > 5) then {toUpper(_this select 5)} else {"HIGH"};
    _debug                 = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {false};
    _position = getPos _unit;
    _house = nearestBuilding _unit;
    _numOfBuildingPos = 0;
    _currentBuildingPos = 0;
    _lastBuildingPos = 0;
    _waitTime = 0;
    _timeout = 0;
    _behaviours = ["CARELESS", "SAFE", "AWARE", "COMBAT", "STEALTH"];
    _stances = ["UP", "DOWN", "MIDDLE", "AUTO", "HIGH"];
    _name = vehicleVarName _unit;
    if (isNil _name) then
        _name = format["Guard x%1y%2", floor (_position select 0), floor (_position select 1)]
    // Set behaviour of unit
    if (_behaviour in _behaviours) then
        _unit setBehaviour _behaviour;
        _unit setBehaviour "SAFE";
    // Set unit stance
    if (_stance == "HIGH") then
        _stanceCheck =
            _unit = _this select 0;
            while {alive _unit} do
                if (unitPos _unit == "DOWN") then
                    if (random 1 < 0.5) then {_unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} else {_unit setUnitPos "UP"};                
                    sleep random 5;
                    _unit setUnitPos "AUTO";
        [_unit] spawn _stanceCheck;
        if (_stance in _stances) then {
            _unit setUnitPos _stance;
        else {
            _unit setBehaviour "UP";
    // Find number of positions in building
    while {format ["%1", _house buildingPos _numOfBuildingPos] != "[0,0,0]"} do {
        _numOfBuildingPos = _numOfBuildingPos + 1;
    // DEBUGGING - Mark house on map, mark building positions ingame, broadcast information
    if (_debug) then {
        for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= _numOfBuildingPos}, {_i = _i + 1}] do    {
            if (!(_i in _excludedPositions)) then {    
                _arrow = "Sign_Arrow_F" createVehicle (_house buildingPos _i);
                _arrow setPos (_house buildingpos _i);
        player globalChat format["%1 - Number of available positions: %2", _name, _numOfBuildingPos];
        if (count _excludedPositions > 0) then
            player globalChat format["%1 - Excluded positions: %2", _name, _excludedPositions];
        _marker = createMarker [_name, position _unit];
        _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
        _marker setMarkerText _name;
        _marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    // Put unit at random starting pos.
    while {_startingPos in _excludedPositions || _startingPos < 0} do {
        _startingPos = floor(random _numOfBuildingPos);
    if (_startingPos > _numOfBuildingPos - 1) then {
        _startingPos = _numOfBuildingPos - 1
    if (_numOfBuildingPos > 0) then {
        _unit setPos (_house buildingPos _startingPos);
        _unit setPos (getPos _unit);
    // DEBUGGING - broadcast starting position
    if (_debug) then {
        player globalChat format["%1 - starting at building pos %2", _name, _startingPos]
    // Have unit patrol inside house
    while {alive _unit && (_numOfBuildingPos - count _excludedPositions) > 0} do {
        if (_numOfBuildingPos < 2) exitWith {};
        while {_lastBuildingPos == _currentBuildingPos || _currentBuildingPos in _excludedPositions} do    {
            _currentBuildingPos = floor(random _numOfBuildingPos);
        _waitTime = floor(random _maxWaitTime);
        _unit doMove (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos);
        _unit moveTo (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos);
        sleep 0.5;
        _timeout = time + 50;
        waitUntil {moveToCompleted _unit || moveToFailed _unit || !alive _unit || _timeout < time};    
        if (_timeout < time) then {_unit setPos (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos)};
        // DEBUGGING - move marker to new position
        if (_debug) then {
            _name setMarkerPos position _unit;
            _text = format["%1: moving to pos %2", _name, _currentBuildingPos];
            _name setMarkerText _text;
        sleep _waitTime;
        _lastBuildingPos = _currentBuildingPos;
    // DEBUGGING - Change marker color if script ends
    if (_debug) then {
        player globalChat format["%1 - ended house patrol loop", _name];
        _name setMarkerColor "ColorRed";


    Sadly the person who created the script has months to log in to the forums so I cannot ask him directly. So is there something I can do about this? In the script's thread nobody said anything about lag.

    Tried placing the script into a spoilers tab but it erased the whole thing. So I just added it like ^^^

    • Like 1

  14. @Grumpy Old Man Yep, that animation is the one lagging. I also use sleep 5 normally but in this case it does not delay anything. It shows task completed and then task assigned almost immediately. Without waiting for the first animation to be over. It did that one with the modules too. Maybe it is because the animation showing task completed lags while the animation showing new task assigned does not as much. Not making much sense since the animation lag is not 5 seconds! And I should point out that the task animation lagging only happened on the host and not on the clients.


    What is that scheduler thing? Plus only one text function lags. The others do not and so I use them. And in general, after replacing all the triggers and modules and syncing with the script generated task, the mission seems to be optimized too. It goes even smoother. I might even replace all campaign missions task modules with the script ones. Will take time but I believe it is worth the while.
