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Everything posted by dna_uk

  1. dna_uk

    Break a loop

    _unit = _this select 0; _veh = _this select 1; _pos = _veh modelToWorld [ 2, 3, 0 ]; _pos set [ 2, 0 ]; _unit setPos _pos; _unit switchMove "LadderRifleStatic"; _fastrope = true; while { _fastrope } do { _unit setVelocity [ 0, 0, 1 ]; if ( _unit distance _veh < 5 ) exitWith { _fastrope = false; _unit switchMove ""; _unit assignAsCargo _veh; _unit moveInCargo _veh; }; };
  2. Nice work with the release :) One thing however 1.9 description.ext in both the "gear_test.stratis" and "scripts" folder contain includes for the TAW View Distance script which will probably cause issues.
  3. User Interface Event Handlers You're looking for onLBSelChanged I believe.
  4. Sorry my bad, forgot to include that part in the arguments. >.< Try this: [ [ [ _inf ], "client\player\turn.sqf" ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", _inf ] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
  5. This: lbAdd[ 1500, _class ]; To this: lbAdd[ 1500, getText( _cfgVehicles >> _class >> "displayName" ];
  6. [ [ _inf ], "BIS_fnc_execVM", _inf ] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; This will execute the given script file only the client where "_inf" is local.
  7. _cfgVehicles = ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ); for "_i" from 0 to ( count _cfgVehicles ) -1 do { _entry = _cfgVehicles select _i; if( isClass _entry ) then { _class = configName _entry; _scope = getNumber( _entry >> "scope" ); if( _scope >= 2 && { _class isKindOf "Car" } ) then { lbAdd[ 1500, _class ]; }; }; };
  8. Would you mind uploading the mission so I can take a look?
  9. Not going to lie, it is a disappointing fact indeed that there will only be one fixed wing aircraft in the game. However I have completely confidence BIS will get around to at least finishing the F35 and the Osprey for a patch or DLC. Don't think I'll be gagging for them on release though, plenty of awesome helicopters and UAVs to play with :) For those that really want fixed wing aircraft, just wait for release, there will be plenty of mods no doubt.
  10. dna_uk

    Hint server to all players?

    This could also be useful to you depending on what you need it for of course... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_showNotification You'll also need to use BIS_fnc_MP for the notification to show on all / selected clients.
  11. Mines at the moment only seem to be local and accessible server side. Your only solution is to run your trigger server side and send clients task updates. See BIS_fnc_MP.
  12. Correct me if I'm being stupid here... - I place a "hgun_P07_F" (pistol) into my uniform or vest. - Attempt to remove it with : player removeWeapon "hgun_P07_F" - Attempt to remove it with : player removeItem "hgun_P07_F" Neither command works, so I'm basically unable to remove weapons via scripts that I place in my uniform or vest. Any ideas? :confused:
  13. Here's the ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8307
  14. Not sure if this is an issue in the dev builds, can anyone confirm? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154912-Remove-weapon-from-uniform-or-vest
  15. Great addon, can see myself using this in future. Perhaps it would be an idea to compile the functions using cfgFunctions in config.cpp for better security / implementation?
  16. The problem with this now is that mission files that were locally compiled by cfgFunctions such as missionConversations.sqf or missionTasks.sqf are compiling their blank defaults in the "a3\functions\scripts" directory at runtime, but on mission load / init the local equivalent of the script file cannot be compiled and overwrite the default blank file because it's protected. This is obviously breaking any missions that use BIS_fnc_missionTasks or BIS_fnc_missionConversations (such as all the showcase missions).
  17. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/541383/geforce-drivers/official-nvidia-r320-00-beta-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-4-23-13-/post/3791122/#3791122 Found this post on the GeForce forum. Apparently Nvidia is either in contact or going to try and get into contact with Bohemia Interactive to help optimize their drivers for ArmA 3. Hurray! :D
  18. Nice new event handlers in the latest dev build for inventories. Are we going to get any more of the kind? Like event handlers for moving gear from vest to uniform or adding/removing a weapon attachment?
  19. dna_uk

    Nvidia optimizing for ArmA 3

    Cheers for the update
  20. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP
  21. Couple of bugs in the last two or three dev builds:
  22. It's sort of what OP wanted, but not. It's easy enough to use though, see: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/missionNamespace
  23. Not possible to pass parameters to debriefing as far as I am aware.