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About ShiftyzZ-98

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  1. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    My bad, i wasnt aware i was just doing quick search and didnt found anything, apologies for accusing, its sad to what it came mainly because of ripped private mods that caused jealousy (i dont support ripped content)
  2. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    @haleks I really dont want to be that guy who would point his finger around but...that MyST (dev build) is publicly released/ can i get it somewhere officialy? If not then i feel like the rules of the Thread are unfair.....Iam really sorry for being that guy, but it seems that devbuilds hurt and are not allowed to be posted (if they aint public)
  3. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Thats part of USP, but this was only for picture, how i did it was by use of polpox and simpleobject editor i called in the classname of the OPSCORE helmet with flipped peltors and made rest of helmet invisible (via the simple object editor) and then just moved it close to the Airframe To say in short, its a visual thing for picture, it isnt possible in game, yet.
  4. i remember Jonzies pack had Forklift and the forks somehow worked, i just dont remember how.
  5. USP, Australian Commando Weapon Pack, RHS, POLPOX
  6. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    "using private mods and saying in development" Please do read it again...i stated that the addon is already released but just this specific content would be from upcoming build.
  7. Id say backpack ..because helmet would be funky when the person would look around
  8. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    like i get the whole idea of Private mods as mostly not always it been an ripped content, but what i dont understand is not being allowed to post content thats Already released but few parts of the content in the screenshot is from future update. "WIP/Development screenshots should ideally be in their own WIP/Dev thread" but isnt the Screenshots posted here even a nice way to promote an addon thats going through development?...i just dont get the whole idea of not being allowed to post screenshots of something thats public but just "outdated"
  9. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Oh, so if nobody reports my picture iam good?
  10. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    I know you will you use as excuse "8t was before rules began" but... Wasn't for example Padrino posting pictures with Dev version of RHS with his private poses?
  11. Someone said solid snake vibes? Great job on the object packs as always.
  12. ShiftyzZ-98

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Greetings all, its been a while since i shown up on forums, and iam thinking about posting pictures on forums again, wanted to ask ...is posting screenshots with content thats in development build/release candidate allowed?
  13. @FOW,@IFA3_AIO_LITE, Rismarks pose pack-
  14. Yes thanks alot, iam person who likes to understnad where was issue even tho i dont understand scripting, was there like issue about how many directories it should allow to load for the repo or something ?