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Everything posted by baton1990

  1. Hellow, I read your wishes about respawn, spectator and mission progress save. Well, In my opinion there is no way to turn on/off/change spectator and respawn mode DURING mission (on the fly, that you need right ?). This params are fixed and you can set them only in editor/description.ext and you cant change them after mission start. Its all just my opinion which base on my personal experience as arma 3 editor user, mabye I dont know something. The only thing I can recomend with respawn it is to set up "menu position" respawn mode and add "respawn point/location" only after first objective complete, so you cant respawn before 1st objective complete because there is no respawn point (its just example and my vision). About mission progress save, recommend to try this script: https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-persistence .
  2. Aswell recommend you to make some action/radio command to reset saves/mission Data for mission restart ability. Here it description https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-persistence/wiki/clearMissionData
  3. Hellow, check this script's page https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-persistence/wiki/Configuration . I think you need make file description.ext and add lines: saveUnits = 2; saveVehicles = 1; //0 - disable save, 1- save vehs placed in 3d editor, 2- all objects, 3 - only objects that were created during the mission (either user placed or by script/module/Zeus) saveContainers = 1; saveStatics = 1; saveGradFortificationsStatics = 3; saveMarkers = 0; saveTasks = 0; saveTriggers = 0; Saving some objects/vehicles dont work because you dont turn on such script function.
  4. Strider42, thanks a lot!
  5. baton1990

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Used randomSectors script, with _classModuleFilters = "nil"; all work fine but when I try to set one faction to spawn (_classModuleFilters = ["OPF_F"];) its stop working and give error. Any solution ? Or I do something wrong? Thanks.
  6. Thanks, great work !!! Are there any way to add red markers wich will become green after clearing out all enemies in it (like in insurgency scenario) and despawn function (when player leave activated area its delete all spawned units)?
  7. baton1990

    Object Random Spawn

    cache_1 allowdamage false;//cache_1 - name of ammo box, allowdamage to prevent damage during spawn cache_1_pos_list = [[2792.17,5150.47,1.14975],[1935.53,4538.65,0.300816],[3371.74,4609.48,0.568662],[4854.12,4604.52,1.22188],[4956.52,4210.37,0.931324],[3472.92,4944.08,0.704975],[2864.42,4248.38,0.57999]]; //position - right click - copy position cache_1_pos = selectRandom cache_1_pos_list;//select random position from list cache_1 setPos cache_1_pos;// place on position sleep 1; cache_1 allowdamage true;// allow damage //better to make all it as script and activate via init for example or anything else
  8. baton1990

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    Hellow, you need to do this: open bon_recruit_units folder =} open file init_newunit.sqf =} add line: _unit spawn G_fnc_initNewAI; under Client stuff line =} profit.
  9. Ok, thanks for answers.
  10. Does anybody know how to prove Arma 3 VON quality on local host server? This script is outstanding but bad quality of vanilla VON force dont use A3 radio system. Thanks.
  11. baton1990

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hellow, how can I change area/zone size-radius around cities and villages ? Thanks.
  12. Has same problem as barccy: Variable 'r_dis' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace.
  13. If you use BIS virtual arsenal here the trick: in mission folder create two files initPlayerLocal.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf. In initPlayerLocal.sqf file write and save: if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then {waitUntil {player == player};}; //save loadout [missionNamespace, "arsenalClosed", { player setVariable ["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout player]; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; In onPlayerRespawn.sqf file write and save: player setUnitLoadout (player getVariable ["Saved_Loadout",[]]); Profit
  14. baton1990

    Mission scenario tips

    You can get a lot ideas and info from military channels on Youtube.
  15. Hellow George, can you reupload this script +GF_Zone_Spawner.Stratis.zip? Thanks.
  16. So, its extreme suitable for populating area by enemies, camps, fortyfied positions by script command but not solution for easy way hole scenario spawning.
  17. Some kind of waypoints (I had problems with leave vechicle waypoint, as well had problem with synchronization of waypoints with triggers), some kind of modules (show/hide module, delete objects on map module) dont work or get error, but mabye it was fixed. Objects, units, object/unit's init line work ok.
  18. Ok, I ve tried to figure out how to use blacklist in this function. Ask in forum few times but nobody know. Could you write it here as example if you figure it out. This fucntion automaticaly convert to sqf all what you places on map in editor (with some limitations), so it really help to know how to make balcklist objects/layers.
  19. Hellow, try out BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF function, mabye it help you. (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF).
  20. No you dont use it on the fly. You set up it's modules in editor and then play saved mission. Both server and client need to have this mod.
  21. You can try Drongo's Area of Operations mod (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1712007238). With it help you can easily set up such mission. It has random tasks and random enemy patrols, as well civillian spawn for better immersion.
  22. Hellow Larrow, I found an intersting function BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF in Eden editor. It works like your script with some difference (link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF). I cant figure out how to use black list units or layers. Mabye you know how to do it ? For example I have mission with layers witn names BASE and MISSION. How I can convert to sqf only MISSION layer and not convert BASE layer. Code: [ true, true, [0,0,0], true ] call BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF;. Thanks.
  23. Hellow, I found an intersting function BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF in Eden editor. (link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF). I cant figure out how to use black list units or layers. Can someone help with it ? For example I have mission with layers witn names BASE and MISSION. How I can convert to sqf only MISSION layer and not convert BASE layer. Code: [ true, true, [0,0,0], true ] call BIS_fnc_3DENExportSQF;. Thanks.