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Everything posted by breech99

  1. breech99

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    85% grade is around 40°. It's very steep for a road, but not impossible From what I can find, HEMTT is only officially rated at 60% grade though (~31°). I think ours can do that, but it's worth testing I guess Yes right around 40-45 degrees is about where some of the trucks stop dead at full throttle with turbo +shift engaged on hills in tanoa. Maybe try using Malden terrain as the extreme measure. Those seem very steep, almost too much for any vehicle. Best of luck modding. Thank you for these cool vehicle packs. So many war stories made using them.
  2. breech99

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I wanted to bring this to your attention: After the recent update the M977A4-B repair truck along with a bunch of other wheeled vehicles do not move up hills and stops dead with wheels spinning. Hills that consist of around on avg 45% slopes and higher. Realistically these vehicles can easily crawl upwards 85%. The current state it makes it difficult to even use and choose these type of vehicles over vanilla ones. They are well made but something changed on the vehicle cfgs. Please look into.
  3. That's alright. try adding to the supported vehicles_van section I've added "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_d_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_M1078A1P2_d_open_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_M2_wd_fmtv_usarmy" and to the chinook "RHS_CH_47F_10", "kyo_MH47E_HC", "kyo_MH47E_Ramp", "kyo_MH47E_base" but the elevation of the objects z needs to be tweaked. and IL_Supported_Vehicles_CH53 = ["rhsusf_CH53E_USMC_D", "rhsusf_CH53E_USMC"];
  4. breech99

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Awesome work Tanky! Now he just needs to put down the coding tools and play more often! He's working really hard on this project.
  5. breech99

    Where did everyone go...

    There's a lot going on over on their discord channel here https://discord.gg/7FHJWR and they have sub channels so you can select a specific topic to talk with others about and get some great feedback.
  6. breech99

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Thank you for doing bug fixes and updates. That was fast. Continued further testing...will post if anything weird is found. Fun story with vcom, I use ace3 and have vehicles start locked and carry master key, I didn't lock my tank back up after because I thought it was trashed. Both tracks and engine were red dead, so I left it nearby in a small village while clearing out so I can return to it. No sooner then I walked halfway across the small village, I turn around and there is my tank being repaired and the enemy drives off with it down the road. I do enjoy the Ai leaning out corner of windows full automatic, mortar fire and theft. Feels closer to playing against people although there is nothing like playing against another human, this is really fun.
  7. Yes, it happened only a few times last month before 1.78. All scripts stop, message "arma3 has stopped working" then all clients crash. I haven't tested it out if this is a huge issue or just random event.
  8. First make sure you have both @ACE and @ACEX mods loaded. Then proceed to editor. Place down the acex module for sitting. Save and then when in game you should be able to sit in chairs.
  9. Questions on advanced module settings: I've got Bleeding coefficient set to 0.8 Pain coefficient set to 1. The patient sometimes stays in an unconscious state even though they are not in cardiac arrest state and completely stable. Heart rate normal, pulse etc. Only thing that is reviving is the PAK set to medical vehicle and facility for medics. Are my settings correct? Something I can do for revive in field for medics? Drugs don't seem to help get back into conscious state hardly ever. Enjoying the advanced features. Best wishes on the medical rewrite. Keep up the good work.
  10. breech99

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Cool Medical truck variants and the addition of the Low telephone wire protection mitigation system. That allows to keep low hanging wires and laundry lines in urban areas from getting snagged on the MRAPS. Nice details. Keep em coming! Congrats on update. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/869616151538584773/C839C31E2D0EFBCB244EC11843D0D8B6401DA8E0/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1152&composite-to%3D*%2C*|2048%3A1152&background-color=black https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/869616151538418976/996A448A9BE3AD2ECCF1E4426FCBF288E86935CD/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1152&composite-to%3D*%2C*|2048%3A1152&background-color=black
  11. breech99

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I've seen the vanilla detector work, but not quite how it's supposed too with ACE. When selecting one of the ] straight bracket keys to bring up the mine detector, while using ACE, it no longer gives you an audio beeps and no fuzzy blips before spotting, but does put a circle when looking and pressing T. (I've lost the bleeps, I've lost the sweeps and I've lost the creeps) Not the greatest but it works. The ACE detector I do love, it's more engaging and fun, but watch out. IEDs have splattered my ass across the pavement sometimes when trying to get closer, even while crawling.
  12. A lot of the closed loop cooler companies now warranty that if it damages components due to a leak, they do replace components. The 5.0Ghz is no longer the Unicorn, it's now the workhorse. Kaby Lake is pretty good to upgrade to from an older platform. Get a product that's actually designed for your use. Don't need high premium but above entry level mid range is usually in where the label Gaming board lies, gaming boards usually have more IO, better audio and onboard silicon for 4k streaming. The high high end like Asus rog series is for enthusiasts are over priced for most folks. In the end there is no single answer, it's not that simple. In my experience, any one company can make a winner or a total dud. Use consumer reviews from verified owners like newegg or amazon. Determine the features that are meaningful to you. Understand that spending more doesn't necessarily yield benefit. Hope you all get something cool and have fun with arma that the rest of us have been having with some newer equipment. Keep saving those pennies! Wendell with Level One Techs has a review an info about kaby lakes.
  13. breech99

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    High Fives all around!!!
  14. breech99

    DETROIT 2077

    I thought I saw Charles Bronson or Robocop walking around in there...
  15. breech99

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yep, that is confirmed calebfg2. No hellfire lock. Some issue that has been around for awhile now. I think will be addressed in upcoming patches.
  16. breech99

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    That one pic isn't the final. Was just testing. I think for posting a game logic, you can simply stack the id numbers like hideObject ([0,0,0] nearestObject 456384,456385,456386); and so on...
  17. breech99

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    I goofed. I used hideObject ([0,0,0] nearestObject 456384); Forgot to remove curve bracket. I tested a nice little industrial parking lot in Saint-Julien. Looks to be a cool urban location. I did a test and removed some stuff, located in hidden and placed. See what you think buddy.
  18. breech99

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    I tried placing in a game logic ----- hideObject ([0,0,0]) nearestObject 1234567); with 1234567=ID of the map object these two are wrong and didn't seem to work due to me coding it wrong: (nearestBuilding this) hideObjectGlobal [25,25,0]; and hideObjectGlobal nearestBuilding[25,25,0];
  19. breech99

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    I tried hideObjectGlobal to find nearestBuilding with x,y,z in a game logic thinking that might help but doesn't work.
  20. breech99

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    I sure haven't found any good locations. Most have to be thought up and crafted. Like for example, using cup terrains core, you can convert dirt roads to paved asphalt with the road overlays, then add to it with structures so it doesn't look so out of place. I guess there's no small hospital for the same reasons we see none of the basics: Fire station, Police Station and no Hospital. There are a few places for clinics. I would build it up an area possibly east of the fortress on the south east island. Most of the good clearings are farms or at the end of runways which are good for nothing. Try around one of the cities. I thought with the new DLC we are getting a new module to clear map terrain structures, or is that to set buildings damage/destroy map area settings only? At least we get some tents with the new DLC.
  21. breech99

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Interesting azrink. I'll have to try that out. I've left the H&M skill parameters on, set by the dialog parameters and they still seem pretty scary. So much more fun with VcomAI. The other day I peered out the corner of this window in a house I took refuge in, thinking this btr-70 would just drive on by, (I wasn't too careful and the men riding on top spotted me) they stopped and unloaded men off the top. Soon after I had 10 guys trying to enter but some got blown up by my claymore booby traps. They finally grew tired of my shooting back and planted charges around the house, slowly pulled back and brought the house down on top of me. Hilarious.
  22. breech99

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Never used. I have no idea how VCOM AI is working ... The main issue I can see is if VCOM remove waypoints set by H&M. But, again I don't know at all. So if you want you can investigate :) I am using vcomAI in script form. I spoke with genesis and he's currently updating to make even more efficient with even more features. I spent time in debug and I didn't see anything go wrong with the mission. The Ai respond very well and scare the crap out of my friends and I. They lay tripwires, mines, rout, flank, rally, duck and use corners of window frames with full auto, stuff like that. I even fleshed out malden shops and added more buildings to match google earth. See what the waypoints are doing. I see civies driving normally and normal movement. Give the Malden.zip a try ---- https://github.com/Breech99/HeartsAndMinds/tree/Hearts-and-MindsMain_Blufor_Base
  23. breech99

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I enjoy the script version. Please offer the script version as well as mod, she's working butter smooth. It's hilarious when you see enemy AI stealing vehicles and I even have them invading FORTRESS and MILITARY class locations. They even sneak on board the freedom carrier and steal helicopters! They have good flanking, detection, leaning and fire capabilities. I can't stand vanilla robotic ai where they stand planted, rotate, rotate, rotate, fire. These AI are a real challenge. Keep up the cool coding Genesis.
  24. breech99

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Testing out different Taru pod from this : "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F", to this: "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_black_F",
  25. breech99

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Just a comment, be aware that you cannot load unconscious patient into Taru medical pod, but player can get in and be treated while conscious. Updated Current Adaptation of Malden map zip file downloads using Ace Advanced Medical, more features, added more custom AO zones. - with mods available Advanced Urban Rappelling | @AdvancedUrbanRappelling | F/A-18 Super Hornet pack | @JS_JC_FA18 | CUP Terrains - Core 1.3.0 | @CUP_Terrains_Core- 1.3.0 | MELB v0.00003 | @MELB | RHS: United States Forces | @RHSUSF | RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | @RHSAFRF | Advanced Combat Environment Extras | @ACEX | Advanced Combat Environment 3.10.22| @ace | Community Base Addons v3.4.0.170627| @CBA_A3 | _____________________Optional great with TFAR radio mod if downloading and using RHS from steam launcher use @ Ace3 RHS compat AFRF @ Ace3 RHS compat USF https://github.com/Breech99/HeartsAndMinds/tree/Hearts-and-MindsMain_Blufor_Base Enjoy!