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Everything posted by DJankovic

  1. DJankovic

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    dude you got your reply your aditional posts will not make any difference
  2. DJankovic

    RHS NVG Enhancement

    Can u please tell me witch on should i download? Is it in weapon pack?
  3. SFOD and Rangers getting ready for the raid http://i.imgur.com/462zZkf.png (Last image widouth Lights on) Mods used: RHS (MELB) VSM SPEC 4 TFA (Clan modpack)
  4. DJankovic

    Real Tanoa? Maybe

    I think it was deffinetly based off the Levoni island but ofc. They did added few islands around witch are random or maybe islands around Fiji https://www.google.ba/maps/place/Fid%C5%BEi/@-17.6654001,178.7673974,57863a,20y,90h/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6e1990fd703cdc5d:0x9e9c319946ef5b93!8m2!3d-17.713371!4d178.065032?hl=hr-
  5. DJankovic

    RHS NVG Enhancement

    Armyinf i have sugestion if it is even possible is it possible maybe to make PVS 14 look like this http://i.imgur.com/Y7gq0M8.jpg So that one side of the screen is NVG`s and other one either translusent or even full see trough. to simulate monocular NVG`s Would love if you manage to figure out is it possible PS. Image was made at late night in a hurry :D and in paint :P
  6. DJankovic

    Overlooked Attention To Detail

    Remember when salt flats looked just too flat Well look again Or when rocks on ground were just 2d image I love this game,and I love all the small details that always amazes me. A lot of people just miss them
  7. DJankovic

    Advanced Rappelling

    Great stuff duda :D Love the detach self option can u tell me if helo lifted he would be flying with it?? or the rope would just follow helicopter with the guy on the ground
  8. DJankovic

    Zee Identity Pack

    I was discussing this other day with one of my buddies i think female faces look plastick if you understand what i mean,shine from the sun on her face is too much i would say. http://orig01.deviantart.net/fde2/f/2016/258/9/e/20160914134832_1_by_zeealex-dahpz4y.jpg Other than that face looks good,looks like cute female, which would kick somebody`s ass :D
  9. DJankovic

    Eden Objects

    My question is do you need to make it intel object,like to have action menu option to collect intel or mission maker needs to do it?
  10. DJankovic


    Maybe you can contact owner of the ASCZ Heads and make it working with your camo faces?? Would be apprechiated http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27457
  11. TASK FORCE ASPIS Mods: RHS VSM DIREONE's Static Animations pack on last image TFA(clan modpack)
  12. Experimenting arma 3 tides tnx to Schrottpage MODS USED: TFA (clan modpack) RHS VSM SPEC 4 SMA Weapons Tanoa Tide system Schrottpage http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31188
  13. Who said life of an operator is hard? :D RHS TFA(clan modpack) Map Diyala province Iraq
  14. DJankovic

    Advanced Urban Rappelling

    Been using it today. Love it. But I do have to suggest one thing, maybe adding faster-repelling speed, for example holding [shift + S] will repel person faster than just holding and maybe [Ctrl] to be pushing off the wall etc.
  15. DJankovic

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I got it working just by ticking the box in the plane attributes and then putting the car into the belly and it worked. Same for MARK V SOC boat,just put the boats where they should be and it is working
  16. Oh man,this was discussed till the end of the time. Dude stop playing on servers with 3rd person enabled. It is so easy really
  17. I am ready to operate in Tanoa :D MODS: RHS, SPEC 4 Gear VANILA Backpack
  18. FEEDBACK: I like new Shift + T feature(Pointing) but please do it like the ACE have it medium sized circle which is gonna focus people on the certain area. This small ( ! ) sign is really weird and not helping a lot only my thought! But either way thank you for listening for feedback from us. Shacktac hud,Pointing,drawing on map,visual update...This is getting better and better :) EDIT: Reason i made this comment was because for example if i place Ping somewhere far on the map,my buddy is gonna see it but when he looks at it that thing is gona be right in his place obscuring the real target if you know what i mean. And as you can see on Fadi image when we used ACE it made a circle to get your focus on that spot,and if something happened your vision is not obscured. Just my thoughts
  19. DJankovic

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    BIS is this intentional that this window panels are not breaking?? http://i.imgur.com/yk5JXEN.jpg And on that Blue garage with semi opened doors, back doors glass is not breaking(even if you can hear sound of bullet hitting glass) and any glass in that building there is 3 glass panels and which ever you shoot you break all 3. I know this is nitpicking but that catched my eye
  20. No worries you will probably be able to remove it from the UI so just take is easy :D
  21. DJankovic


    http://store.steampowered.com/app/395180/ New screenshots on APEX page