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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    biggest issues that we currently have...

    sure. but are we still thinking that 'fix' is actually coming, or even possible? I assume at this point SP performance is about as good as it's gonna get...
  2. daze23

    Update is out

    I think we got the new stuff for this campaign in an update around christmas
  3. I think hitting the Space Bar will skip the briefing
  4. I agree that overall it is confusing, and apparently inconsistent. and trying to understand it takes a little too much 'outside the box' thinking (in other words, I have to think about 'metagaming' things that really have nothing to do with the actual missions)
  5. I don't mind being able to do missions in the day or night. I'd just like to understand the mechanics that control it (I assume it isn't 'random') the nvg's, persistence of gear, and how it works with the 'patrol' missions, is kind of confusing. basically just know that when you start one of the 'main' missions, it will probably strip your gear. this is annoying because you usually take the stuff you need from the crates at base, but that gear just disappears (even though I return to base with it), and your crates end up empty if you're not making an effort to put new stuff in them. if you want to be safe and save anything, put them in the crates at base before starting a 'main mission'
  6. does anyone else randomly hear the 'fire' sound (like a burning fire), when it seems there's no fire around? ---------- Post added at 15:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:54 ---------- I think that's a sign the AI is causing the slow down. I noticed when playing the mission, my FPS would stay around 30 (even when I wasn't close to towns/cities, where I usually get bad FPS), but shoot up to 60 when I hit ESC.
  7. but they might not really 'fit' in many of the locations. if you add more AI, some of those "checkpoints" will look more like a "base". if you're already expected to take out around six enemies by yourself, it seems you would have to add quite a few to balance it for a bigger squad. also the transportation if often a ATV, and that would present a problem for more than two players all in all I like the solo optional missions. I think their implementation is a little awkward, but I think they're a nice change of pace. it gives you an opportunity to really slow down and think about how to approach these situations ---------- Post added at 12:43 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ---------- it could have something to do with the mods more hints in spoiler:
  8. he's (probably) there, but pretty well hidden. it took me awhile to find him... big hint in spoiler: ---------- Post added at 12:08 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ---------- I agree that the whole "I'm gonna sneak off and do my own thing" is awkward edit: I guess the context is you're supposed to be on 'patrol'. but that seems kind of contrived when you get all this specific information on where to go
  9. ---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ---------- that's what I thought at first, but I've found that they're actually pretty well balanced for a solo player. they've also conveniently placed transportation in various locations (you can usually find it if you leave camp via the 'road'). playing solo you also don't have to worry about the silly friendly AI that never wants to retreat...
  10. I agree it's confusing. basically you have to get away from camp, then the 'patrol' mission will start, and the optional missions are all kind of sub-missions to the 'patrol' mission (if that makes sense). it seems you have to go solo, and find your own transportation. the devs in this thread have kind of explained how bringing equipment back works, but I wouldn't have figured that out on my own. one thing that's not clear is exactly when you can do them. I tried to wait until daytime for the , but got hit with a warning that the main mission was going to start in 1 minute
  11. this. is there some state I can put them in where they'll actually retreat with me? I try telling them to 'disengage', 'hold fire', etc, but they still get left behind this is also a general frustration with how the AI becomes unresponsive, or at least takes a long time to carry out orders, when they get into 'combat'. you tell them to "get into that vehicle", and they want to run around the world first...
  12. lol, I just coincidentally upped an old thread on this subject. thanks!
  13. so... are lamps (street lights) ever coming back?
  14. thanks! in general I think BI should rethink how they have the campaign setup. I finished 'Survive', but then stated over, and now I have to play through the whole thing again to unlock 'Adapt' (or use the cheat). but that also seems to mean if you ever want to replay any campaign mission, you will lose all you progress (after that mission) in the campaign edit: I guess I didn't see the "replay" option
  15. I'd also like to know what's going on with this
  16. 325mb patch d/l'ing... edit: changelog is up survive
  17. having a pso-like scope that you can zero is kinda confusing. is the default 400m?
  18. yep, the first thing I do when I start up the game is alt-tab out and back in. if I don't do that, vsync does that thing where it's constantly dragging my framerate down to 30fps that is using the ingame vsync. before I was forcing it with the nvidia control panel, and what I noticed was it was very inconsistent as far as if it would work on start-up. it was obvious because I start-up to the 'empty' world (water), and if vsync wasn't working, I would be getting like 140fps (v-sync should have brought it down to 60). alt-tab would fix that as well
  19. yep, as someone that monitors my fps externally (rivatuner), that number in the menu is not you ingame FPS. it goes up the moment you pause, and then usually goes up a little more after that it is helpful in that it goes up and down when you adjust (some) settings. but it is not a representation of your ingame FPS
  20. still the same for me. are other people having this issue? I already verified my files, but I'd rather someone confirm they're NOT having this issue (with the dev branch) before I reinstall edit: found ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14866
  21. this happened to me last night with a SP mission. normally when the mission started, the player was a unit in the back of a truck, and the truck would immediately start to move to it's destination. one time I previewed it, and things started to kinda stutter. what I really noticed was I could look around and such, but the truck didn't start moving at all. then a few seconds later it froze completely and CTD. the way it happened made me think maybe something screwy happened with the pathfinding
  22. I think they said they were planning on a stable patch every two weeks or so ---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ---------- I'm still having trouble with binoculars (and rangefinders). basically they won't go into their slot. I can put them into a crate, and even into my inventory, but not into the slot to actually use them. anyone else?