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Everything posted by Nichols

  1. Thanks for the answers @hcpookie! Keep up the good work bud.
  2. @ferpo_the_great I don't know about this but in the case of Pooks SAM pack CUP vehicles are not required now. So I am guessing that he wouldn't require it now. Unless he just has no other choice. But I guess @hcpookie can answer that more definitively when he wants to address it.
  3. Thanks @drebin052 and I do know about the special units and police stuff being different. Which is why if you look at my 15th PLA faction I used the VME troops for it instead of creating some off the wall things. When I am building my "Special Forces" groups for PLA I tend to stick to multicam or OD Green with generic looking plate carriers and other commercially available items.
  4. Looking for references outside of this one stating that some units in the PLA have started using multicam. http://camopedia.org/index.php?title=China It has some good indications of the types of camo being used for troops by China but being from the US makes it a little difficult to track down information on them sometimes.
  5. So couple of quick questions on the boat after a gratuitous complement of; Heck yeah bud nice job cranking out the content! I like the subdued colors for the boat. Looks like it might fit into the massive fog banks and haze near the shore that inhabit the Tanoa map quite nicely. Does the rubber boat in the bottom of the Type 22 get launched at all or is it just an art object? Are the lights on the boat itself able to be rotated? Could a player use the boat or control it via Zeus? Are the interiors modeled at all? Nothing fancy just walkways and a simple control cockpit area similar to the way the internals are on the lowest decks of the Nimitz aircraft carrier? Forgot one more...Do the weapons (guns, missles, etc...) operate at all or are they fixed in place with no functionality?
  6. It works great but it is extremely laggy for us on our current Tanoa mission. It might be due to some of the things we have working script wise as well but we have instances where people can't see the train moving at all on their end until it just magically shows up in front of them after the other player exits the train. We haven't tested this in a week or so but we will test it again soon.
  7. Quick question...Why do the "recon" version of the NVG's disappear when they are equipped but not in use; shouldn't they still be visible at all times on headgear?
  8. @hcpookie that one looks great. Are you planning on doing different color schemes for it and any other vehicles you are working on for the mod? I was wondering since the chinese digital camo sorta stands out quite a bit and I can't imagine that they would leave them those colors in a wartime setting. Nice work on everything. Can't wait to check them out in game.
  9. AWESOME!!! Good to see the vehicles progressing nicely.
  10. @Incontinentia We are having some great experiences with the script but we are having some issues. Will post it on the github and see what you think.We are having players who are getting stuck in incognito without the players coming out of incognito even though they are in the middle of the enemy and shooting at the enemy actively.
  11. Nichols

    Tanoa Trains

    Thanks for the link @duda123. Have a bunch of guys needing trains for moving across Tanoa and killing bad guys!
  12. Can't wait to see the next iteration of the Chinese vehicles you have been working on @hcpookie.
  13. Nichols

    RH Pistol pack

    wrong message
  14. Sorry but aren't both TFAR and ACRE now in the open source realm??? Anyway if you have something to say just say it. Don't beat around the bush for no reason.
  15. Nichols

    Paddle Mod - RELEASED!

    Saw this yesterday and was glad it got an update. Seriously considering putting it in my newest mission.
  16. It is a confirmed problem since 1.64 and BI is aware of it. I saw a notice about it in the feedback tracker for bugs and it apparently has someone assigned to it. It is suggested that you go there (https://feedback.bistudio.com/) to post your bug report so that it gains some more traction and gets repaired.
  17. Small update to the overall file and still working on problem with AI not spawning with more than 1 magazine in loadout.
  18. I think so Scotty. At least it looked that way when I was testing my mission a couple of weeks ago.
  19. Nichols

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Probably just in time for me to be out of town for a couple of days with a mission that is awaiting release due to the 64 bit client....:(
  20. Nichols

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    I will be keeping an eye on this one; it looks promising.
  21. I agree with @darksidesixofficial here; would much rather have the inner mechanics working in a nice manner than be worrying about another odd duck vehicle addition.
  22. Agreed even though we are only 166 pages into the thread an update on the first post would be awesome.
  23. @Max255Are you guys trying to use R3F Logistics for anything? We had a similar issue awhile back and it was tied to logistics being a whiny module. I think we ended up pulling out the logistics module entirely.
  24. I am eagerly awaiting this one's release. I am guessing there will not be any other mod requirements like CUP or RHS?
  25. @john1 Did you look through the classnames? If not then; No at this time I am relying on the actual mod makers since I am not a modeler. I am waiting on VME to get their helos from Pook or either Pook to finish up his new helos and maybe have a chinese pla flag on the airframe.