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Everything posted by jonekone

  1. http://pastebin.com/vvhrX5SK I just tried the maloc, and got this.. :( Seems like it doesn't want to work proper Ok so I actually loaded the Wasteland Mission By Sa-Matra went to a 60 player server and this is what happened! : ) It seems to work.. Thx. http://pastebin.com/7EBNUfN4 game session. http://pastebin.com/adbi9wSC
  2. Would it be possible to make a connection to a private SQL server and send all the kicks/bans including info to that DB, like with the player stuff? So when I ban ppl it would automaticly register it to the DB
  3. The large fonts etc "-b" on my screen makes all the text disappear from the window. Also transparency makes the menu to go transparent i can't make it nontransparent again. Edit. I found a small section where the menu came up and got the transparency to go away
  4. ... PERF0 client .. doesn't seem to reveal allot of spare fpsses.. However, very hard to compare... :)
  5. thx =) ouh, i'm just an operator. And only have rcon... Do you know how http://arma3.swec.se/server/list works It seems to have uptime... Just a thought that i had, hopping it would help...
  6. Hi, this is a very nice rcon tool, thx for doing this.. I was using battlewarden, however they want money to use the database, unfortunately i have no money. My clan however says i would have to use Battlewarden as it provides more info off the user.. Is it possible to extract more info with your program? "Score, deaths, time played and Team." It seems like team thing doesn't work anyways on the battlewarden. Not in the mission that we use. I have suggestions too, off my own :) not just copy of warden. -Config file to change the color codes, currently the red color that is displaying BE info is way too red, i cannot read it without extra work. -If team (indi/opfor/blufor/civilian) can be extracted, would it be possible to color code the chat accordingly? -Uptime of the server to the status line bellow. next to "Max Ping: xxx"
  7. jonekone

    Proving Ground for ArmA 3

    Cool, i have always used this mission to test stuff on arma2 :)
  8. Why is Samatras Server named differently ... Midnight gaming server is not on the list, nor it's named proper!?!?!?
  9. I can confirm this explosion effect, when loading in a car "cary it, then push load in while carrying the plane" Sometimes when you drop the Grill heli =) down in ground... It explodes too. Carrying those items is dangerous. Maybe disable load in while carying. And just drop use when carying.. and you have to use load in separatelly.
  10. Using beta and not using beta is giving the player more and more different gaming exprerience, forexcample - NLAW (No beta instant lockon, Beta 5 sec lockon) - BTR-90 (Beta gives your gunner green TWS, no beta no TWS) - METIS (Different color TWS after first cycle and lock on targets when no beta) - TOW Humwee (Different color TWS) - Crows humwees (different color TWS) - SPG9 rocket launcher Cars (Reload time differes) - M2A3 Bradley IFV (Different color TWS) - RHIB2 boats (With Beta you can see the ammo in the inventory, without beta you can't) Lately Parashutes have stayed even when they are left allone (character keeps going) Not sure if it's an issue with Arma and if you can't do anything about it but In littlebirds when a person eject's it usually results on terrible destruction. The parashute opens too early and the littlebird blows up. You can avoid it if you are very still in air (autohover) But it's anoying when ppl spawn on your heli and you allways have to tell them that "hey don't jump, (eject)" usually typing... Moving vehicles "towing" with helicopters is very dangerous these days due to Sync issues.. Now I think i recall that it used to be that falling cars didn't have any physics? Or is it just my imagination? (with fast extract, extracting a car that your pal was driving. to do it safely the heli guy has to land go to the driver seat drive it littlebit and then take off heli and crap the car, for it to NOT go horrble wrong after you untow them.) Car towing ... well yeah same issue but it just apears in last location of where ever. =D So my suggession for this "Mandatory beta" and disable eject button on littlebirds Ouh and the fucking plane! That is beeing used as a attack thing like just crash it to a enemy base. And go get it again, or even have your budy at any airfield as it's bound to spawn where there are ppl and its not that random spawn anyways. Now 2 things i would say here, testing the plane with gun on chernarus, so it woudn't be something that you can get rid of so easilly maybe. Or make a timer for the spawn. Or just random spawn it to where ever, not in the airfields. Is it possible to make skalisty island a mission site not just possible AI base spawn. And moving the "script start spawn" to somewhere else? Like North west corner of the map (the mountain) if it can't be in debug.. If it could be in debug that would make it even better.. Currently "fresh spawns" who's computers lag and server lags, means that they can freely move around the skalisty island. Jone.
  11. Played it =) Looks nice.. My Core2Duo :( cant handle it.. 5-8 fps =D
  12. Video or it didn't happen =D hahahah, Now that was a spike to the admins -> Yeah you should have done, was to tell admins that, hey this guy stole my ural train.. edit, my grammar bad :(
  13. This is an old bug... We used to play with it.. (Read fool around with it) ;)
  14. 3rd exploding ?! Noooo third isn't an exploit at all 3rd person view that I use (1525 kB)
  15. I say current problem is, trust. People don't trust Anti Hack thingies anymore. The trust is gone. I don't half the ppl who kill me.. I call hax way too many times... BI studios made announcement about the Doubters of Battle Eye "We have made 100 000 global bans" So what? The trust is gone. There are hax that can NEVER be detected on battle eye! AND YES! I MEAN what I say, without getting in to more details. 1. They should encrypt stuff better. 2. They should ban even more ppl 3. They should incorporate these custom ways to detect hackers (ways that current admins use, in conjunction with battleeye. I just hope these issues have been taken care of in Arma3 (read engine 2.0) edit Battle eyes approach currently is to BAN only if sure. And they don't have to deal with hate mail or any kind of communication. I think this is wrong. Ban everybody then let them explain what went wrong!
  16. How about a 24 hour restart times for weekends Starting from Friday 15:00 cet and ending 24hours later.. Can the cleanup script handle that? Or will it become unplayable?
  17. Sa-Matra. When will we be playing proper Wasteland on taviana? =)
  18. ... Maybe maybe I just should come there and play.. The whole team, it would be a trade off. All so at the same time indies ability spawn even when enemies present could be disabled. Well.. infinite numbers of G17 :) I do not agree with your tactical assesment. This will all so make the attackers think twice before even attacking because now opfor/blufor can't spawn right next to base, them self. If they have their own spawn beacon. Or ... well there are many NEW possibilities with this kind of change.. :)
  19. Havok34, Taylor and doctor dentist... Go indie if you want to play. Don't mess other ppls days... You spend 4 hours on this game to secure something good make a base of awesome and ppl/grieffers like them join check for base location and pau start to mess the 4 hours of WORK! Or if you don't want to call it work! Even the lowest forms of life will join me and call it lost time... I know I should play on hardcore but you cant build. I can't build good bases without 3rth person. Now a server without cross hair. Just take the cross hair away from one server and I would love to play on that. Suggestions. 1. Less spawn points Or Spawn beacon to buy (10 000$) - There could be a Beacon for opfor and blufor but If you turn it on you can only spawn inside spawn beacon area nowhere else until it gets destroyed, removed or disabled - Reason for this? Well A base can only last as long as it has supplies and supplying a base that is Constantly under siege is impossible at best allso ppl tend to just get bore inside a base "I know this is not the problem of the author BUT it would make new and interesting scenarios for opfor/blufor" Currently team work :( it doesn't work. 2. Could all opfor/blufor be abble to see eatch others locations in map. like a big group.. But if you make another group it would separate from the main team. 3. If a radar dish is enabled inside a town area or it intersects with the town area indies couldn't be able to spawn randomly in. 4. Radar upgrades... 5000$ rough location of enemy in radar area 3000$ 100 meters of radar range max 500m?
  20. we had that thing before restart.. =D it is the shit!
  21. That has been a bug in DayZ as well. For some reason building are hole but still broken at the same time. It sometimes shows you a frame (on monitor) of a whole house/building
  22. I know.. You should know as well... Search your heart luke you know the answer... :P But truthfully! What did you expect?
  23. We where playing on #2. virtually every Helo mission was an harrier.. We stashed one in our base.. Nothing much you can do with it.. :) Ammo trucks are such rarity these days. And we found 3 Repair urals, had 2 on base.. planted a mine under the third..
  24. Damned wetpussy on #5 eu server just friendly killed ppl.. with a pipe bomb. Can you put the TS server info somewhere else than side/global chat.. Like in here first page and ws.arma.su site...