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Everything posted by DeathF0X

  1. [FOX] Mosque Prayer About: Adds an ambient Mosque Prayer on sunrise/sunset based on BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime. Currently it supports only the Mission start day, support for ongoing will be added later. This addon works best on Takistan or Zagrabad. Required : CBA_A3 How to use/Install: The addon will start automatically with the mission, if no Mosque is found it will do nothing. If Mosques or custom buildings are found it will place a radio on it and play a sound on sunrise and sunset. If your mission start at 11:30 then u will only hear a sound at sunset. If your starts at 04:00 then u will hear a sound at sunrise and sunset. You can play a sound every time via ZEUS or use the function (found below in mission maker section). Features: * 8 different sounds * Auto scan for each Map, for Mosques including custom buildings * Ares/Archilles support for instant Praying via Zeus Planned: Support for ongoing days Reinitialize function Steam Workshop For mission makers: Takistan: Zagrabad:
  2. [FOX] Advanced Urban Zipline Finally its done, i proudly present you a working Zipline addon for Arma. How to use: 1) Equip vanilla ugl launcher and load the Zipline ammo. 2) Aim and shoot 3) Use the mousewheel actions. 4) Report any bugs Requires: CBA_A3 Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1576381952 Should be MP compatible.
  3. Allahu Akbar my friends, i present you an Zeus|Achilles addon which your community will love if they survive. This addon extends Achilles with 4 new modules all for the modern suicide bomber and terrorist. Carbomb Drop the module on a vehicle and make it a portable bomb, when you hear the mobile phone ringing its already too late. Carbomb KI Drop the module on a civilian and select the vehicle which the "terrorist" will sabotage. Remote IED Drop the module on a civilian near a road and let him place a IED Suicide Bomber Drop the module on a civilian to convert him to a portable IED, never forget they have maybe a deadman switch. Requirements: CBA_A3 ACE³ Achilles Notes: 3den Attributes currently removed Ace³ carbomb disarming will be included in a later update various function name changes Download: Steam Workshop Armaholic Reuploads are not allowed exceptions: Armaholic Functions: News,updates and more on my Discord. For mission makers Needs rework
  4. DeathF0X

    [Discord] Viper 0.0.2

    There was a MR which fixed it, be sure using the latest version.
  5. ArmA 3 Discord Bot for "managing" mission files Ive wrote a simple Discord Bot last night to let my Clan members upload their missions via Discord. What it can do: list all pbos delete a pbo drag/drop a pbo in a Discord channel to upload it Readme This project is an early dev version and a hobby project, some basic knowledge is required for setup. You need to host the Bot yourself(own api token) and on the same machine as your gameserver is running ! currently only tested on windows !!! Permission setup may not be perfect, i take no responsibility if the Bot will break anything. How to install and FAQ https://github.com/Skullfox/discord-viper Discord https://discord.gg/bTBUVBB
  6. Im currently reworking the addon, the new version will work with ZEN
  7. Ive created an ArmA Discord bot year ago, totally forgot to post it here 🙄 Sentinel is a hobby project so dont expect 24/7 up-time. Features: Display and subscribe to Arma News (Launcher) Query Gameserver (needs some rework 😜), Outputs Wiki commands or post the link based on page size Display your ArmA Unit from the Units page Steam workshop addons posting via ID How to subscribe to news: !news subscribe (only the serverowner can do it ) If you need help: !help !help command Discord Server: https://discord.gg/bTBUVBB Add Sentinel to your Discord server: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=434120898132574228&scope=bot&permissions=519232 Spoiler for screens
  8. DeathF0X

    [Discord] Sentinel

    Update: Fixed server query
  9. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Mosque Prayer

    Update: New keys. [!5] Support for ZEN. [!5] Added CBA options and global event fox_mosque_prayer_event_pray. [!5]
  10. DeathF0X

    Great white shark

    3:48:25 [57157,837.567,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."] 3:48:26 Error in expression <",typeOf _nearestTarget, _distance]}; sleep 1; }; if (_debug) then {hintSile> Error position: <sleep 1; }; if (_debug) then {hintSile> Error Undefined behavior: waitUntil returned nil. True or false expected. 3:48:26 In last 10000 miliseconds was lost another 7 these messages. 3:48:26 File Tha_Sharks\scripts\huntingBehavior2.sqf..., line 78 Edit: didnt saw the comment above. 😅
  11. DeathF0X

    [Discord] Viper 0.0.2

    Update: 0.2 https://github.com/Skullfox/discord-viper/releases/tag/0.2 Changes: .env config Minor changes Fix for folder paths Tested on OSX, Linux/Ubuntu(WSL),W10
  12. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Realism

    When its done ^^
  13. [FOX] Realism is an collection of features to enchant the ArmA gameplay. Most of them are updated version of older standalone mods from myself. Content/etc may changed overtime. Required: CBA_A3, Ace³ Most of the features can be adjusted/disabled via CBA settings Features: Info: few videos show older builds or the old standalone version of the features ! Whistle Throwing Knives Throwing Magazines Scuba Land Rebreather & HALO Goggles NVG Knocking Inventory Fuel Empty Magazines
  14. Looks nice, title reminds me ...
  15. DeathF0X

    [Discord] Sentinel

    Update: +Added 10s timeout for Server query +Added Steam News
  16. DeathF0X

    Get position on top of object

  17. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067 DES Elevator Description: This is a small addon, that allows player to access roof tops and balconies. It is inspiered by Zooloo75's Acces Points script. Usage: Just go to a door of the five usable buildings and select "Go to roof" or "Go to balcony", then you will be teleported. Available buildings: Tanoa Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F Land_MultistoryBuilding_03_F Land_MultistoryBuilding_04_F Land_Shop_City_04_F Land_Shop_City_05_F Land_Hotel_02_F Land_Cathedral_01_F CUP Land_OrlHot Land_Mil_House Land_Mil_House_dam Land_A_MunicipalOffice Land_HouseB_Tenement Land_Mil_House_EP1 Land_Mil_House_dam_EP1 Land_Dum_istan2_01 Land_Dum_istan2_02 Land_Dum_istan2_03 Land_Dum_istan2_03a Land_Dum_istan2_04a Land_Dum_istan3_hromada Land_Dum_mesto3_istan Land_Dum_istan4 Land_Dum_istan4_big Land_Dum_istan4_big_inverse Land_Dum_istan4_detaily1 Land_Dum_istan4_inverse
  18. DeathF0X

    Server Transfer System

    1. All users need the addon installed 2. Call the function on the server !!! 3. If you dont know SQF, open a new TAB and learn SQF. // code needs to run on the server! _player = param[0,objNull]; _id = owner _player; ["IP","PORT",TIMEOUT,"PASSWORD",AUTOJOIN] remoteExec ["STS_fnc_Transfer",_id];
  19. DeathF0X

    MPMission FILES

    Then you maybe ask in Life Forums for help or here https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/200-arma-3-find-or-offer-editing/
  20. initServer.sqf //example addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect", { params ["_unit", "_id", "_uid", "_name"]; _gear = getUnitLoadout _unit; [_unit,_gear] remoteExec ["fox_alive_fnc_savePlayer",2]; format["%1 left the server.",_name] remoteExec ["systemChat",-2]; }];
  21. DeathF0X

    Server Transfer System

    @KeganH STS vanished from Steam Workshop If someone needs it, Armaholic has it still uploaded http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33152
  22. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Advanced Urban Zipline

    Build: 2.1 * Shooting disabled (tbd) + Diary entry includes fix * drift off fixed * New keys !!! * cant remember all changes
  23. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Advanced Urban Zipline

    Will check it out Some bugfixing, the drift off bug is now gone
  24. DeathF0X

    Fox Refuel | Ace3

    Not rly only this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1369027575