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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r


    Once the latest dev version comes out I will try to update the documentation on the wiki with the info. The ones on there are not using the latest classnames and I'm not sure if it is changing in the next release version.
  2. cosmic10r


    Im also trying to finalize the next version of Ravage Rusty guns... I will post the changlog for that when im home. It would be good to have it included in this release and get some feedback.. :)
  3. cosmic10r

    Forums Upgrade

    Same thing with me... again...
  4. cosmic10r


    Have to try those out one of these days :)
  5. cosmic10r

    Arma 3 Error codes

    Its a new error that was pushed from dev to stable... I think when CBA is updated you wont see it anymore...
  6. cosmic10r

    My first Tac-Ops DLC Impression

    I had exactly the opposite experience when i played. By far the best SP I have played in Arma.
  7. cosmic10r


    I fiddled with weapon wear and jamming with weapon fixing a bit... It works fairly well but the jamming ramps up to fast imo... In any cases I tried to get to the point where it only became prevalent after a thousand rounds or so, I just configed the ammo crate to fix the gun but it should be fairly easy to config 2 types of repair kits that half repair and fully repair guns that you can keep with you... It is wip/may never be included mechanic lol... another proof of concept ... I usually get that back from Haleks in much more advanced Ancient Sumerian that I can only barely read LOL In any case... it isnt the best and isnt the worst lol
  8. cosmic10r


    Thats a great one... i thought you made one too... are these on the wiki? Good advice... i ususally play walkers only and i usually avoid ones that dont impede me, use EM a bunch, and if i become overwhelmed i look for somewhere to use as a funnel like a hallway or room depending on the ammo to force them into a tighter area which maximizes ammo effectiveness.... i try to do as little chaotic firing as possible and force them into areas where i get a higher hit chance. How is that not the most subbed channel on youtube ;D A link to the channel should be on the wiki as well...
  9. cosmic10r


    Get enhanced movement as well. It will allow to scale walls and get on roofs. Essential... There is a great video somewhere that eo made. It is as easy as changing a setting in the modules. I cant find the video. Weird. A number of the missions on the wiki will likely have walkers only.
  10. cosmic10r


    ahhh... another must have.... check your steam pm...
  11. cosmic10r


    If you are playing the default scenario then yes... surviving those first few days is key of which many of us would succumb... I love zombieland for that reason... rule 1... cardio... LOL in any case... i use Qnet stamina mod remove stamina for ravage. realistic or not i find it an annoying mechanic for survival gameplay. personal choice. Otherwise you can always download or create your own mission with walkers only... this is the way i prefer the game. There are a few missions out there and a bunch on the workshop. And there may one or two coming from other community members *cough*cough* Let us know if you have anymore questions. Here is a link to some missions as well put together for us by Kodabar http://ravage.wikia.com/wiki/Missions oh and btw... great first post
  12. cosmic10r


    ill update the wiki with the classnames and haleks script there with a warning that coding may change. Having the same type of code in the module for guns as for uniforms would be a good step for people I think too. We could make a page on the wiki for all those classnames just like EO did with uniforms. Goodness Its getting close to time to pull out my Ravage zombie in the santa outfit lol
  13. cosmic10r

    [WIP] RavWarMod

    I wouldnt worry about it too much Gunter. We all get burnt out and need to let the juices stew for awhile... When you are forcing yourself to mod it feels like a second job and the mod suffers... come back to it when the creative juices flow again...
  14. cosmic10r

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Interesting... that new target command. Mikey and i were talking cover mechanic again... Ai laying prone in the open indefinately really grinds my gears...
  15. cosmic10r


    Ill have a look after work if one of the other guys doesnt beat me too it
  16. cosmic10r


    Post your code in a spoiler and one of us can have a look. If the code in the wiki isnt working it needs to get updated so it helps if people point it out.
  17. cosmic10r


  18. cosmic10r


    Looks great man. Interested to see that script.
  19. cosmic10r


    Wow... that looks amazing in 4K. Eo's custom zubr is chambered in .500 rebus. A newly developed explosive round based off one of the largest revolver rounds, the .500 smith and wesson round. Those green tips arent for show. Eo's gun uses hornady zombie max ammo. ;) http://www.gunsandammo.com/blogs/zombie-nation/hornady-zombie-max-ammo/
  20. cosmic10r


    There is already a few rusty guns in there but I am hoping to add more so the ravage is less dependant on the bright and shiny new BI guns. I think I have doubled the first release count so far. Having textures build up isnt something i have looked at... I think it is possible but it isnt in there yet and i am pretty sure it isnt possible with optical lenses because of how they are configured. It is a shame as I wish all BI assets had hidden selections like all the accessories... having a brand new silencer on a rust gun looks ridiculous... although maybe i could model a tube for a rust silencer ... two circles and a wrap might be possible lol
  21. cosmic10r


  22. cosmic10r


    Could also half the value of sidearms compared to rifles... so much less chance to primary assuming it is a simpler mechanism.
  23. cosmic10r


    ok.. ill keep an eye out and see if i see it too... im pretty lean on mods right now
  24. cosmic10r


    Yup... at this point the way they are configured does not lend itself to compatibility with other mods and in order to do it properly there would need to be a universal standard for the zombie configurations to allow compatibility... sucks I know... but thats. how i understand it at this point because each mod is using different inheritances and damage configurations..