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Everything posted by cuel

  1. Yeah, I can't do anything. The credentials match with filezilla, that can connect. If I edit the password to something else (in a3s), it tells me the password is wrong. So I'm sure the credentials are correct. But it doesn't allow any change to be uploaded to the repo
  2. They are. Is there a download for the previous A3S version?
  3. It works fine in filezilla with the same details, can create folders (even with dots) etc
  4. Hi, after updating A3s to latest today, it removed my username and pw for the repo. I've entered them back in but now I keep getting a 550 error, trying to delete a .bisign Deleting remote file: @fp_ace/addons/ace_markers.pbo.ace_3.5.1.0-0add2369.bisign java.io.IOException: Failed to upload /.a3s/sync. Server returned error code 550 at fr.soe.a3s.dao.connection.FtpDAO.uploadSync(FtpDAO.java:802) at fr.soe.a3s.service.connection.FtpService.uploadRepository(FtpService.java:416) at fr.soe.a3s.ui.repositoryEditor.workers.RepositoryUploader.run(RepositoryUploader.java:268) It never deletes the .bisign. The file exists and can be download. All files have chmod 755 and the FTP user is the owner
  5. This is not really possible in a good way. I think there's one way, and that's to use try-catch with loadFile Result should be empty string if not exists, and also notice that you can't use backslash comments
  6. It means that it must be executed where the car is local (normally the driver) if any. Otherwise where it was created. However the effects are global. RemoteExec can take the vehicle as the 2nd parameter and it will be executed where local. [_veh, "hitEngine2", 1.0] remoteExec ["setHitPointDamage", _veh];
  7. Suggestion: make "Max connecitons" default to max connections for the repo? We just found out it was an option, thought it was automatically set to max
  8. Should be renamed imo, new SQF scripters might try to use it when they really want createVehicle etc. Maybe createDecorativeObject
  9. enableSaving [false, false]; Might solve it.. I'd just stick with the SP editor, there's no difference if you're just testing alone
  10. Most ACE3 modules takes a comma separated list of objects to "support", I don't think any of them takes a sync object. Sync'd objects doesn't support JIP
  11. Sleep is pretty much private _wait = time + 5; waitUntil {time >= _wait}; // Edit: half my post was erased when I posted You can read more here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sleep_vs_uiSleep
  12. SRC = "source", contains the source files if you want to expand / edit them.
  13. You should do what it says :) Copy cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo + bisign from @CBA_A3\optionals to @CBA_A3\addons
  14. cuel

    Editing units with Zeus

    anything you write in the black box when editing a unit will be executed
  15. cuel

    US Military Mod

    Hi, noticied that your CfgPatches doesn't have any requiredAddons. This could cause errors if you're referencing external classes. Just a tip for next release
  16. You can do this with XEH InitPost (requires CBA) // description.ext class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { class CUL_doStuff { init = "_this call CUL_doStuff;"; }; }; }; You can change CAManBase to a specific classname etc There's also the upcoming CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler
  17. Other groups likes to keep their mods on the same version
  18. cuel

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Happened a lot last sunday. Only allowed version is
  19. What are you trying to do that requires that you know their index?
  20. CBA_fnc_compatibleItems https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/blob/master/addons/jr/fnc_compatibleItems.sqf
  21. ACE Team are using slack and I've gotta say it was a great choice. Skype is horrible for this type of thing and everytime I've tried to connect, it doesn't work. I'd vouch for slack since this is exactly what it was made for
  22. cuel

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Known issue with linux. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22914 Can't login to feedback tracker (SHOCKER!) to fix the 'fixed in version XX' It's either related to AiATP or amount of mods loaded, but it has received very little love from A3 devs.
  23. that code is for ace2 titan = switch to thermal, zoom in all the way. hold tab
  24. Put your code in initPlayerLocal.sqf instead of init.sqf