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Everything posted by NeuroFunker

  1. NeuroFunker

    when all 3 episodes are released...then what

    can't wait! (for arma 3 being final ofcourse)
  2. NeuroFunker

    ai test

    i'm fine to wait few more months for next episode, therefor getting more optimizations. I wonder if it's possible for example first 50 or 100 AI addressed to first cpu core, next 50-100 AI addressed to second cpu core, next 50-100 ai to third cpu core, and 50-100 for the last core. And so every next core, the more cores cpu has, the more AI it can handle. So on a 4 core machine, we could be fine at least with 200-400 AI, which is not bad at all. (yeah i know, playing engine expert, is not hard) :P
  3. the result is what counts, no "what can be done". Where is sucessful military simulation on RTI?
  4. never knew it's military simulator, you alway learn something new!
  5. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    then your words have no weight, you claim something without backing it up, simply silly. Lika a grandma sitting on a bench and telling stories, nobody listens to.
  6. it's well known, that simulation on cry engine failed, i wonder why we do even talk about?
  7. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    check this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172012-ai-test
  8. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Anyway, they have all the cash, to spend on rewriting the engine now, which is obviosly the only one, to use for arma.
  9. NeuroFunker

    ai test

    i think this should go to AI discussion, or global descussion, devs should see this.
  10. what about map size? I saw BF sized maps only. Maybe BIs could make similar if they wanted, editing map size utes, pumping it up with lots of details.
  11. NeuroFunker

    ai test

    thats a bad news then.
  12. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    thats weird, cause most missions if not all are playble for me.
  13. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    what about t-100, at least t-90 had moveable plates as well if i remember right. ---------- Post added at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:29 ---------- what mission, what are your system specs?
  14. usually, flight sim games, have smowhat low detailed terrains, so it actually allows them to make very large worlds. But thats just tradeoff, i guess you could make a terrain in arma the size of flight sim, with samd amount detalization as this games have, but who needs it? Arma 3 is now infantery combat focused, so having huge terrain with little bits of detail is useless.
  15. NeuroFunker

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    and vts weaponresting. Now you can finallyshoot of watchtowers like the boss ;). But yeah, all you listed, are must have mods for arma!
  16. well, one thing saying: rv engine suxxzorz! Frostbyte gives me 120fps! BI should get rid of that engine! Another, to say, rv engine is really the one engine, what can handle arma needs, yet it's quite old, and needs a big update. Thus game engine "experts", are quite amusing, they want to put a formel 1 car engine, in to a mining truck, because they want more speed. ;)
  17. NeuroFunker

    Altis map - planned changes

    500m so everyone can have 60 fps? mm kay.
  18. anyway, figured out by myself. Overall the battles feel better, AI being more aggressive, switching positions faster, i love how AI does barrel roll, while being under fire, on the ground. All in all, this is deffenitely a mod is worth to play, along with jsrs, blastcore and weapon resting. ;)
  19. how to switch off all unnceccesary stuff for me, as "causal player", debuging, balloons over AI heads etc? Thanks.
  20. nope, only if you get accepted to host it officially.
  21. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    you can name it "freelc", since you had not pay for it anything. But you are paying for "updates" with DLC.
  22. NeuroFunker

    How important is Ram to Arma 3 performance

    yeah, very "wise" to tell someone to get something more costy, when there is something cheap that could be enough for first time.
  23. NeuroFunker

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    no DLC's? Forgot about AAF additions? Or you would preffer to pay for it? Damn BI, you just lost a chance to cash us 15$ for this! And yeah, you should reread what he said perhaps one more time.
  24. NeuroFunker

    Altis map - planned changes

    what about, splting altis in parts, for multiplayer pourpose? For example more simple PvP missions, being in small radious, don't require whole map, so mission makers, could use a piece of altis, to make their missions, and people enjoy much better FPS. At least to west/east Altis, maybe to 4 parts even better, SW/SE/NW/NE. ---------- Post added at 16:30 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ---------- there is A3MP map pack out, with Chernarus and Takistan if you didn't know.