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Everything posted by Rydygier

  1. Rydygier

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    An advice, if you wish to experiment more with side swapping in the future, you may consider to: 1. at the very beginning of init.sqf define three global variables, for example in the vanilla version: RYD_JR_AlexSide = west; RYD_JR_HostileSideA = resistance; RYD_JR_HostileSideB = east; 2. Find and replace instances of west -> RYD_JR_AlexSide, resistance -> RYD_JR_HostileSideA, east -> RYD_JR_HostileSideB. But do it by hand, not via mass find&replace, as there will be exceptions, that should stay untouched, like compass direction names (west), marker colors bound to sides, such words inside various texts/strings... If done properly, changing Alex side and hostile sides will be then all about changing those three lines. For example: RYD_JR_AlexSide = resistance; RYD_JR_HostileSideA = west; RYD_JR_HostileSideB = east; Still, unit/object classes native to certain side to be changed separatelly. So anyone willing to try should consider, if it's worthy of effort for him.
  2. Rydygier

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Primary function of KIA are those marks, but later I added to it also Alex reputation change related to kills. In the Killedmark.sqf the code starting from: if ((_this select 1) in [player,vehicle player]) then { relates to reputation gained or lost due to kills. Side of killed unit matters. In this array: [civilian,west] there should be civilian side and Alex's own side to make "friendly fire" losses check. So if west side is now enemy and Alex is of resistance side, it should be [civilian,resistance]. BTW I recommend to do a mass search across all the files for words west and resistance to see, where else side swap would make a difference. For example, we have RYD_JR_BigCamp function in JR_fnc.sqf. There are spawned recruitable POWs. In vanilla they are of west side of course, so the change is needed also here: _gp = createGroup west; and may be a good idea also to change accordingly POW classes in JRInit.sqf: RYD_JR_CaptivesClasses = ["B_G_medic_F","B_G_engineer_F"]; as those are natively BLUFOR. and revealMine side: if not (RYD_JR_ACIntense > 0) then { resistance revealMine _mine; }; to west. also the checkpoint function: RYD_JR_CPSetup if (_side == resistance) then { _staticW = ["I_HMG_01_high_F","I_GMG_01_high_F"]; }; and _camo = "CamoNet_OPFOR_open_F"; if (_side == resistance) then { _camo = "CamoNet_INDP_open_F" }; should be turned into west and according classes. RYD_JR_Sherwood function (hidden camps): if (isNull _gp) then { _gp = createGroup resistance; }; resistance -> west. and according classes in the RYD_JR_CampStuff array (JRInit.sqf) RYD_JR_Warmonger (ambient combat function): _sides = [resistance,east]; Here should be both sides hostile to Alex. And here: switch (true) do { case (_rnd > 98) : { switch (_side) do { case (resistance) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsI;_gpKind = "arm"}; case (east) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsE;_gpKind = "arm"}; } }; case (_rnd > 90) : { switch (_side) do { case (resistance) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllMechGroupsI;_gpKind = "mech"}; case (east) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllMechGroupsE;_gpKind = "mech"}; } }; case (_rnd > 75) : { switch (_side) do { case (resistance) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllMotGroupsI;_gpKind = "mot"}; case (east) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllMotGroupsE;_gpKind = "mot"}; } } }; RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsI etc should hold hostile groups of proper side. Same as RYD_JR_AllLocalGroups = etc. but I guess, those are handled already? Problematic may be RYD_JR_AllFIAGroups = , an array supposed to hold possible to spawn in AC allied with Alex partisan groups of FIA faction. But those must be same side, as Alex. There's more across JRInit.sqf: _sides = [east,resistance]; also: switch (side _x) do { case (east) : {RYD_JR_East pushBack _x}; case (resistance) : {RYD_JR_Resistance pushBack _x}; }; and few other in type of _side = resistance;. At the very beginning of vanilla init.sqf wehave also whole setFriend stuff: west setFriend [resistance, 0]; resistance setFriend [west, 0]; east setFriend [resistance, 1]; resistance setFriend [east, 1]; //west setFriend [sideEnemy, 0]; //east setFriend [sideEnemy, 0]; //resistance setFriend [sideEnemy, 0]; civilian setFriend [west,1]; west setFriend [civilian,1]; //west setFriend [sideFriendly, 1]; //east setFriend [sideFriendly, 1]; //resistance setFriend [sideFriendly, 1]; //civilian setFriend [sideFriendly,1]; Recommended to ensure, all is right here. and lower, same file: if (RYD_JR_ACIntense > 0) then { east setFriend [resistance, 0]; resistance setFriend [east, 0]; }; Ambient combat. If both sides hostile to Alex should fight with each other, both must be properly used here, so for example west instead of resistance, if Alex is resistance. Then AddKMark.sqf: if not ((side _x) in [west]) then into: if not ((side _x) in [resistance]) then also in decoy.sqf: if ((_side in [east,resistance]) and {_delRisk > 0}) then { [east,resistance] - this should hold sides hostile to Alex's side. Mainloop.sqf, code for hacked "mad stomper", two times: if ((side _x) in [east,resistance]) then//hostile sides here { RYD_AS_Targets pushBack _x } Finally, about civilians attacking Alex despite good reputation. Thing is, if Alex has high reputation, sometimes should spawn an armed civilian as an ally. So same side, as Alex. In vanilla that's west. Hence spawned are west side armed civilians. SCA_fnc.sqf: if (RYD_SCA_HostileToSpawn > 0) then { _side = resistance; if (RYD_SCA_FriendlyToSpawn > 0) then { _side = west; So if now Alex is of resistance side, those two should be swapped like this: if (RYD_SCA_HostileToSpawn > 0) then { _side = west;//or east... if (RYD_SCA_FriendlyToSpawn > 0) then { _side = resistance;
  3. Introduction HWS is meant as very easy in use generator of dynamic, interesting battles conducted by HETMAN commanding AI. Unique each play battle experience powered by very complex scripting is created with few mouse clicks. No addons required. Optionally at init player may customize the gameplay by choosing fighting factions, scale of the battle, daytime, weather, forces ratio, persistency of the result (campaign mode, where results of past battles slightly affect every next battle) etc. Additional text field allows advanced users and Hetman veterans to apply also more complex setup code or even regular script, that will be executed at init. Resulting battle may vary greatly each try. War has many faces, nothing is guaranteed. You're only one of many cogs in the war machine controlled by HETMAN, so do not expect any special treatment. Those battles aren't player-centric in any way. One time you may found yourself in the middle of fierce firefight immediatelly, another time you may be kept as reserve long time before you see any action. You may die in the first few minutes or survive to the end without a single shot fired, but with few clicks in the legs. Both extremes are not very probable, but possible and perfectly OK - just do your part or act on your own. Create own war stories. HWS will utilize also units from custom addons when loaded if addons have configured properly groups. Additionally, player may any time via supports menu (0-8) activate passive spectator mode based on Smart Camera script, that will turn the game into kind of war movie to watch, showing autonomously chosen interesting spots of the battlefield - all without any interaction required. That mode may be switched off anytime by pressing a keybord key. In the same menu player may find also other useful in-game switches. Download HWS 1.06 (Armaholic) HWS 1.10 (Dropbox) HWS 1.10 (Steam Workshop) HWS 1.10 open (Dropbox) - open folder Hetman War Stories GithHub public repository WIP It is my own "dev branch". Here I'll try to update the file on an ongoing basis each time, I find and fix any bug, so impatient may use it instead wait for the fix in the next official version. Latest fixes: Changelog To do Recommended addons - TPW MODS (especially for HUD feature); - any preferred low level AI enhancers, that doesn't mess with waypoints (bCombat, ASR AI...); - L_ExShake & L_Twitch; - some custom factions addons for bigger variety of forces to choose from (African Conflict, CAF Aggressors...); - Dynamic weather; - any preferred sound and graphical FX enhancers (JSRS, Laxemann's "Enhanced Soundscape", Blastcore...).; - Liability Insurance 1.1 (units hit by allied vehicles will take no damage, ramming enemies to death still possible - workaround for AI drivers hitting infantry, recommened, until BIS will fix driving AI). Porting HWS to another map Although official ports will arrive not sooner, than when this version reach final state, porting process is easy and not require any scripting knowledge, so anyone is able to prepare port indepedently by following these steps: 1. de-PBO mission file using any tool doing that, eg from here; 2. locate resulting folder, where all mission folders saved in editor are (Win7 usual path: C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Arma 3\missions); 3. Launch Arma 3 with custom map addon, where you want to port HWS, and whatever this map requires (only, no other addons!), enter editor with Altis and load this mission; 4. Copy (select and ctrl+C) all objects present on the map; 5. Load in editor empty target map and paste on it copied objects in any suitable place (sc1 object's location will determine initial GUI screen camera shot); 6. Set copied unit (dummyPlayer) as player unit; 6b. (Ignore this point, unless you're porting mission to the map from older games of Arma series (OFP, Arma 1/2/OA)) For A2 and older maps, additional step is required: Add in editor another object: an empty, square trigger, that will cover the part of map, you wish to contain a possible battlefield. This trigger must be named: RydBB_MC. Length of the edge should be divisible by 500 (single sector dimension). 7. Save the mission; 8. Go, where you stored de-PBOized HWS, copy everything inside HWS' folder except mission.sqm and paste that as is into newly created mission folder; 9. Return to the editor, reload and preview new mission. If is working - Mission is ready for use/pbo-ize. Notes - Idea behind HWS is to give HETMAN experience for all, also those, who up to now considered HAL as complicated to use; - scripters and Hetman veterans may find the GUI text field very useful for advanced mission/Hetman/spectator mode setup eg by pasting favourite init configs. However keep in mind, not all Hetman settings have a sense; - yes, Hetman in HWS is able to make good use also for custom content without any manual RHQ mambo-jumbo. Is used special piece of code, that constructs RHQ set automatically. It is based on assumption, so unit's config is following some typical patterns established by BIS' vanilla configs. Weirdly configured custom units may be misused; - used settings are stored for the next play. Hit ESC key to restore defaults. Mission is released under APL-SA license. Voice acting: DuddBudda, SiC_Disaster, nettrucker. Enjoy the war stories. Rydygier
  4. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    Great! Let's wait and see then. 🙂 Clear now, thanks!
  5. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    Hello @Atlas01Actual. 🙂 Thanks for the kind words! I'm happy, HWS still brings some fun to the people. I'm hardly MP scripting specialist, but at least I could try to put some thought into this... So, I guess for MP there must be initially placed as many playayble units on the map, as many slots is wanted to be available. Hetman itself can run on dedi, it's just server-side script. Not sure about possible issues with HC setup though. Well, that would mean, the initial options GUI must be moved to one of the clients. Also probably initial camera flyover is impractical in MP (being for only one of the players to watch or none whatsoever if left on dedi side; it's just a gimmick anyway). Probably in the very same place in the code, where SP player is put in the shoes on a randomly picked unit: 2133: selectPlayer _player; (init.sqf) should be added the code to handle all the player-controlled slots in similar fashion, provided, it will work OK MP. Now, as lobby MP parameter or another option for the initial options GUI there may be a switch, if all the players should get their units at random, or rather should be found a group, that includes enough members and all the players would land there. So, there should be also added a custom respawn behavior, putting fallen player into another unit, right? ...and also a mechanism, that would keep all the players together, if any of them decide to team switch... And to respawn in the vehicle, they died in? That last one sounds bit weird. Not sure, if I understood this one. Well, aside the last thing, I probably misunderstood, I could at least to think and try. If I manage to achieve anything of the above, I let you know, but no promises, no idea, if or when it may happen. For now, I must to sort some issues with my A3, which was misbehaving recenty. Anyways, Happy 2025, guys! 🙂
  6. Rydygier

    [SP] HIVE Battle Generator A3

    Tested briefly. A simple way to hop into a dynamic fun, which indicates a good battle generator IMO. Initial settings do the job well in quite simplistic manner, which is perfectly fine. So I become a simple BLUFOR TL in the town center, the HQ tossed our team back a forth a bit with waypoints (could help to have some kind of indicator, the new waypoint pop-up, be it radio chatter sound or just on screen info). Soon the town defenders, we included, became flanked by two Marids from opposite directions with nothing serious against them in terms of vehicles (though my situational awareness was very limited, as should be in sake of immersion, so who knows, what was at our disposal). Anyway, luckilly for us I found a dead comrade - AT specialist, so I took his Titan and backpack, then I was able to destroy both Marids within one minute, because they politely presented themselves to me. So, seeing in my mind's eye the medals for heroism already flying towards me (BTW possibly cool idea for debriefing - to list gained awards/decorations/medals assuming, player's deeds was heroic enough, but that would require a heroism detector algorithm), I paused the game and went to vacuum the apartment. When I returned and unpaused the game I fell dead immediately. Apparently the bullet with my name inscribed on it was already in the air, when I paused the game... Oh, well, post mortem medals then. I could team switch, but decided, such a finale is too perfect to ignore it, so that was the end. Anyway, looks like it may be an interesting alternative for my HWS or any other battle generator, especially, if it does things in its own, distinct way. Having brand new HQ brain behind it makes it even more exciting. Also, it was like a decade ago, but I still rememeber the thrill of creating this sort of stuff, more rewarding than playing the game actually, I hope, it's similar adventure for you, so truly - congrats on the project and good luck!
  7. Rydygier

    RYD_Projectile_Spectator Script

    As for me - sure, you have my permisson. Good luck. 🙂
  8. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    OK, I have no big experience with GitHub, I find it confusing a bit, as I'm not a programmer, still attempted to create such a repository. Also attempted to make off limits "sound" Hetman sub-folder, as sound files in Hetman are provided by other community members, probably long time out of reach, so it's neither may work, niether I know exact usage limits, they would want for their input, hence sound files should be left as they are. https://github.com/Rydygier/HetmanWarStories/tree/main Not sure, if anyone would like to work on this, but here it is nevertheless.
  9. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    In general I keep my Arma projects, HWS included, open source to anybody wanting to make any fair use of it, with "share alike" as the restriction and being thruthful about the original authorship as strong recommendation (APL-SA). Hence we have NR6 HAL Evolved for example.
  10. Interesting, can you share more details, how exactly learning works here, what the exact principles are (if not the secret)?
  11. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I didn't review HAL code long enough to lose confidence what's what and where, but keeping that in mind: Rest orders can be issued due to several causes including: 1. Group's vehicle: no fuel, armed but no magazines, damage > 0.5, immobilized; 2. group members: total value of wounds and losses too high (threshold depends on commander's personality - recklesness), note, KIAs are counted by comparing the "initial count" (measured once, somewhere at init) with current units count. So any despawns/caching based on despawns are counted as losses too, which affects both group readiness check and the morale; 3. group's ammo reserve considered too low (complex calculation); 4. If HAL decides, the group is overwhelmed by near enemies (complex calculation), rest order may be issued as well as form of "tactical retreat". So, whatever is going on due to Alive or something else, it most likely triggers one of the above. Mods in type of Alive can mess with stuff sensitive for HAL, sadly. Personally I've no further plans for HWS (empty personal "todo"). To be honest - same applies to Arma scripting in general (no any personal projects planned, probably I'm just burned out/out of appealing ideas, or just (re)tired). But always feel free to write any particular wishes/requests or bug reports. Nothing can be promised, there may be nothing done about them easily, but who knows, maybe I'll be willing and able to do something, if easy/quick enough, depends on my RL situation and overall motivation, both are changing often these years. In any case at least I'll be informed, people would like to have something implemented. Oh, I see, HWS has already 10 years... How this even happened?
  12. This also is a way. So you have some marker in RYD_SPR_RespawnPositions and then in some parallel loop you update it's position to make the player respawn somewhere around last position. Maybe like: [] spawn { _pos = getPosATL RYD_JR_Boat; _i = "respawnMark_" + (str _pos); _i = createMarker [_i,_pos]; _i setMarkerColor "colorBlack"; _i setMarkerShape "ICON"; _i setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _i setMarkerSize [0,0]; RYD_SPR_RespawnPositions = [_i]; while {true} do { sleep 30; _i setMarkerPos (player getPos [(75 + (random 75)),random 360]) }; }; But again, IMO there's serious risk, combining this respawn with Pilgrimage would somehow, at least partially, break Pilgrimage regardless of respawn position method.
  13. There's large risk, it woulnd't work because reasons, but if you want to try, I recommend to [] spawn {}; whole thing at the very end of JRInit.sqf and add such a line: _newUnit = (group _killed) createUnit [(typeOf _killed),_respawnPos,[],0,"NONE"]; RYD_JR_Alex = _newUnit; But then also you need to figure a way to define respawn position/decide, where respawn should occur. At the boat? So initially: RYD_SPR_RespawnPositions = [RYD_JR_boat]; And at the hideout if it is set, so this: case (8) : {_center setVariable ["RYD_JR_Parking",_veh]}; into: case (8) : {_center setVariable ["RYD_JR_Parking",_veh];RYD_SPR_RespawnPositions = [_veh];}; And if you pack the hideout - the boat is set again. But there may be optionally multiple hideouts, so it is more complex - perhaps you should rather add new randomly piced spot to RYD_SPR_RespawnPositions each time new hideout is set, and remove this spot when it is packed, and if after that the array is empty - add the boat to it?
  14. FFE 1.14 (Armaholic) FFE 1.17 (Dropbox) PDF manual INTRODUCTION FFE is a counterpart of A2's "Fire At Will" addon prepared for Arma 3 with only minor changes, mostly unavoidable due to completely new artillery handling. Its variation deals with artillery under Hetman script. Unlike Arma 2, in Arma 3 scripts aren't necessary to actually see AI artillery firing, still some scripting can improve arty AI and can be useful for people, who need such enhancement. That is the goal of FFE. "Fire For Effect" provides fully autonomous AI artillery, that reacts on current situation by smart shelling enemy targets spotted by allied forces. "Smart" means reasonable target choosing, avoiding friendly fire or civilian casaulties and ability of predicting, where moving target will be at impact by analyzing its movement vector. FFE provides also simulation of targeting errors due to factors like human mistakes, weather and more. Addon supports all generic Arma 3 artillery units. Custom artillery pieces, if compatibile with vanilla artillery computer, may be added via init variables. ----- USAGE To use the FFE addon version in your missions launch the game with FFE addon, place on map some artillery pieces, any units of same side acting as FOs, some OPFOR as targets and FFE module. That’s all. To use FFE script version, instead of module, put content of "Script version" folder into mission folder and place following code line eg in the init field of any unit or activation field of trigger etc. or, best way, in the init.sqf: nul = [] execVM "RYD_FFE\FFE.sqf"; See included manual for more details, including optional customization via init config variables. ----- KNOWN ISSUES ETA issue I'll be grateful for any bug reports, best in form of well discussed repro mission. ----- Addon was created "by player for players", source scripts you can freely modify, copy, "cannibalize", to use in your projects. It is released under APL-SA license. I'll be grateful for notification about each such usage. Enjoy fireworks. Rydygier
  15. No idea, cDLC assets can have some extra functionalities scripted in... FFE for sure doesn't make any arty to move anywhere, but if target is revealed by some FO, this may trigger some attack/engage behavior perhaps?
  16. Oh, that's an old code indeed. Simple thing, it seems. RydFFE_FO should include group names, not unit classes, quoting manual: As for the classes: So it works in a bit odd way, as you see...
  17. Title explains, what I try to achieve - thing like this. Shooting straight ahead seems to work (tested with code from BI CAS module used for planes, also works with forceWeaponFire), worse with targeting at ground targets - here I encountered few issues. Heli ignores/will not change direction/pitch/aiming at doWatch/doTarget with or without target reveal (apllied to the heli, heli's gunner and/or driver), target may be allied or hostile unit, whatever. It doesn't even turn minigun turret at the target. Ignores also setFormDir. Said CAS module uses also spawned laser target object. But as soon I spawn it, heli starts to spin around: BTW Similar thing happens after using BIS_fnc_fire (action "UseMagazine" way), but some shots are fired then. Also doSuppressiveFire seems not work with the heli (pity, would be optimal for my need). If applied with position or object, heli will not shoot at it, instead will start doing flybys, like in normal attack pattern until reach some position or indefinitely. I would like to avoid using enforced ways, like setDir, addTorque or setVelocityTransformation, rather to base on AI than fighting with it. Still it may be unavoidable, since to shoot from fixed weaponry at ground level target, heli needs to dive a bit, which without invisible "helping hand" means flying forward (could be countered with setVelocity). Anyway, tested setVelocityTransformation, with partial success. This code: makes the heli turning in right direction, but the turn is too wide (why?). This from the other hand does the trick: but faster, than in 2 seconds and after few more seconds heli starts very rapidly change its vector, like crazy (why?). I have no experience with setVelocityTransformation, so I might misuse it somehow. (_gun/v1 is the heli, _tPos) - target position. I would appreciate any insight.
  18. Well, as the title suggest (stationary hovering position), it's for helicopters. Plane CAS would be quite different story.
  19. Yup, sure, perfectly OK. Implement it, if you find it useful. 🙂
  20. Rydygier

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Introduction The beauty of Pilgrimage is its effective combination of soldiering sim, orienteering adventure and detective mystery. PCGamer's "Mod of the Week" Alex, freelance PMC, is looking for the body of his brother, recently died on Altis during search of something very dangerous hid by their father. Island is in chaos after civil war, is terrorised by numerous bands of unleashed mercs and other marauders. Even worse, Alex knows only, that his brother fell at one of so numerous chapels or churches. It may be long, risky journey... Pilgrimage is free roam, semi-randomized open whole map SP mission with optional plot to follow set on Altis. I basically combined several well or not so well known ideas, few scripts etc into kind of semi-procedural mission adjusted for my personal taste and use. Should be liked in the first place by "lone wolves" who appreciate freedom of choice, yet want to be motivated by some certain goal and act for a reason. This mission is highly customizable. Gameplay dynamics is, depending on settings not very high, there are long intervals of calm journey across whole island separated by fights of various density if player choose to fight or is surprized by enemy. One gameplay may took many hours. It is designed as mod-friendly and should work fine with most FX, AI and immersion enhancers. Cool showcase by HazBo - Thanks! Mission Guides etc Leadminer21 aka alky_lee, an experienced pilgrim, prepared great compilation of useful informations, observations and advices about Pilgrimage gameplay. This invaluable source of knowledge is a must read for all new on the pilgrims' pathway: MISSION GUIDE TO ACCOMPANY PILGRIMAGE by Rydygier Excellent playthrough by BeachAV8R: Pilgrimage - AAR vol. 1 Pilgrimage - AAR vol. 2 Great youtube playthroughs for various mission versions (links to the first parts, follow the links provided there to continue watching): by Scott of Royal Gamers UK, first run by Scott of Royal Gamers UK, second run by leadminer21 by leadminer21, with mods by Starfish by llegostackr by Titus Groan, 1st (RIP) by Titus Groan, 2nd (RIP) by Carl Meyer Thanks to all! 🙂 My own playthrough with some features and specifics explained Download Altis, Bornholm, Chernarus, Lingor: Dropbox via Orangedox (1.951) Dropbox via Orangedox (1.951 open Altis) - open folder MANW contest edition Big thanks to all, who voted and supported my work! 🙂 To Do WIP 1.95_beta5 1.95coop_wip7 1.95coop_wip8d 1.95coop_wip10 It is my own "dev branch". Here I'll try to update the file on an ongoing basis each time, I find and fix any bug, so impatient may use it instead wait for the fix in the next official version. Please, play without -noLogs startup parameter, and provide me RPT file (path to the folder like: C:\Users\Rydygier\AppData\Local\Arma 3), if any issue encountered. latest fixes: - content from DLC, player doesn't own, shouldn't be spawned as loot, vehicles or AI units; - redone inspecting vehicle (each part treated separatelly insted of damage/setDamage approach, no FF taken, if inspecting not possible, for example no toolkit and difficulty at least Very Hard and fuel 100%); - updated credits; - significantly more doctors and mechanics, better chance for a doctor, than mechanic; - body has to be actually spotted before loading action available; - "NW" tooltip correction; - main settings track for Chernarus port a bit louder; - no more error message about lacking windMedium sound at the intro begin; - added green exclamation mark 3D icon to indicate recruitable POWs positions; - improved setting initial direction of the boat; - blue-3D marked civilians offering special services will not loose their icons after asking them for the intel; - Stuff sellers. Unofficial editions Download links to Pilgrimage custom versions/ports made by other people will be put/updated there if requested. In matters of these editions, please, contact their authors. a2012v's edition (v2016-08-05): Vafana's editions (v2016-08-22): rsoftokz's Tanoa edition thread Pilgrimage - Ported - ports compilation thread Changelog Requirements - Arma 3 Features - whole map reasonably yet dynamically each play initially populated with enemy garrisons and patrols with few possible behavioral patterns. Nothing is spawned later, every kill counts and has meaning; - dynamical adding of random loot to some buildings. Such buildings are, until checked, marked by 3D icon if player close enough; - cameral plot with some small, nasty surprise; - across whole island may be found few dozens of empty vehicles ready to use. If known to player, for easier spotting, also marked by 3D icons if close enough; - context-sensitive jukebox playing with reasonable intervals A3's tracks depending on situation (safe/enemy spotted by player/player spotted by enemy); - simple caching system to keep performance on decent level despite many groups on map; - fuel fund used for fast travelling and repairing or refueling player's vehicle; - kept as high as possible compatibility with mods. Recommended addons - Bigger Trunk addon (experimental); - INCOGNITO addon (alpha7: experimental) - Description; - TPW MODS; - some custom factions/weaponry addons for bigger variety of opposition and loot (African Conflict, CAF Aggressors...); - unlocked uniforms; - Dynamic weather (with init delayed by 30 minutes - In tort_DynamicWeather_config.hpp set "delaySeconds" to -1800 before starting Pilgrimage.); - any preferred low level AI enhancers (bCombat, ASR AI...); - any preferred sound and graphical FX enhancers (JSRS, Blastcore...). Credits & Thanks - zapat for code, that inspired some improvements of my garrisoning functions; - torskee and Law-Giver for language corrections and some new phrases for Alex; - Leadminer21 aka alky_lee for mission guide pdf. Known issues - some mods may cause "no sound at init" issue, often with on screen config errors. In such case troublemaking mod should be found and disabled, then mission restarted without it. Alternatively issue may be "wait out" (should disappear after some time); - since A3 v1.32 was observed sometimes minor issue with not visible "yellow actions" like "sell content" action for the boxes. Usually is enough to approach the box/other object again, otherwise save/load may be suggested. In some cases, if you play with AI companion, may be worthy of checking, if he could perform unavailable action for you via 0-6 order menu; - due to interaction of fast travel and caching system in rare situations may occur enemy units appearance "out of thin air" before player's eyes if hostiles was cached near target position. Tricks and advices - If you got green mark and message about finding the body, it is most likely not farther than 50 meters from you and you had not obstructed LOS towards the body position. If finding brother's body seems too difficult, you may temporary set Terrain Details in video settings to "LOW" to remove grass etc. To load the body bring your vehicle not farther than 10 meters from it and use load action at body. Then guard this vehicle well until reach the boat. - to enable unlimited saves: CONFIGURE -> GAME -> DIFFICULTY and enable "unlimited saves"; - to get a few more FPS, if you not loaded any saved game yet, try to save then load this save. For me it gives noticeable improvement; - game crashes (CTDs) during the mission may have various causes, but some of them, especially those happening at init, eg during loading screen, also probably some weird errors with vanilla config breaking loading screen may be fixed by allowing more RAM for Arma 3 (seems, Pilgrimage needs lots of it during initialization due to lots of things to set). This may be done via -maxmem startup parameter, eg -maxmem=6144 if you have at least 8 GB of RAM or even -maxMem=8192 for 16 GB of RAM. Lower value may be sufficient though, not tested. Should be higher, than 2047. In the Arma's own game launcher this parameter may be set in parameters -> advanced. Same trick may help to reduce greatly initial lag, making initialization much smoother;
  21. IIRC there's nothing in Hermes, that could trigger such behavior. In HAS everything is triggered on player's demand. I guess, there's many other possibilities outside HAS. To be sure, what's the cause, normal course of action is to disable part of used mods/scripts whatever and test with the rest etc. until you determine the culprit. To confirm or exclude HAS specifically, try and compare without HAS. And then also with HAS only, no other mods whatsoever - "vanilla repro".
  22. Hello and welcome on BI Forums. 🙂 AFAIK/IIRC NoControl should be the way. Arty groups put there are simply not touched by FFE scripts. That means, those arty groups are operating in pure vanilla manner. If other mod fails to use them - likely the reason is not connected with FFE. Are you certain, the other mod works OK with same arty groups, if you don't use FFE? If not - try. Also be sure, you apply NoControl properly. Should include group names/groups and should be defined at scenario init. Yet another possibility may be some issue with artillery itself, especially if it is some custom arty from mods, in that case, test same scenario with mod arty replaced by vanilla arty. That much I can tell.
  23. It says, that bad_module_info stopped working. After closing the message window there's another with the info about unexpected Arma 3 exit with the code: 0x000000FF - Since it is at exit, I would ignore it, but each time it leaves another 40MB large mdmp file, which is annoying. It started to happen lately, probably after game reinstall. Here's generated report.
  24. Rydygier

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    This. It simply can happen. There's no balancing mechanism ensuring, your forces are a match to your opponent. Numerically forces should be roughly adequate, but that's it. Think about it in this way: not every war story is about a fair fight and not all has a happy end so don't feel bad about loosing a battle, just immerse into another war story. A part of being a cog in war machine is, sometimes you'll be ground to ashes between bigger cogs.
  25. Rydygier

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    No problem. 🙂 Of course, this can be applied to any map, simple changing folder's map name should do it, I believe.