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  1. Janez

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    You're probably trying to import Auto-Completion XML instead of Language and Theme. I'd suggest you to open up ReadMe.txt and read where to copy the two XMLs directly.
  2. Posting Language All communication must be written in English on our forums. Avoid writing in other languages, any kind of slang, or "short text" (e.g. "wtf") speak. This way, users can ensure they understand one another clearly. https://forums.bohemia.net/guidelines/
  3. Janez

    Scoring music for videogames

    Hey man, no problem whatsoever, the fact that you were spending time with your loved ones without any brain rotting tools that we tend to attach ourselves so much to, makes me more happy then any reply could. That is what I'm all about. 🙂 But on top of that, you worm my heart with your reply as well. Thanks for being cool about it. At the risk of being rude, I would just like to a add slight clarification. When I said it crept me out, I was being a bit polite of sorts. To be frank, I got a bit of a headache due to how monotone it is. It's just too much of the same thing. This is also amplified by the fact that YouTube inherently restrict the quality due to sheer volume of content and traffic, this is understandable. I agree tho, war is a complete and utter horror, to be avoided at all costs. We should remember that more often, especially these days so from that perspective, I suppose it's merited but in games you tend to be inserted into boots of the pawn. As the saying goes "there are no atheists in foxholes", and so we always tend to hold on to something to remember, to have an anchor and to motivate us to keep going through hell and it can be something as little as hint of perfume on a scarf. That's all I'm saying, a hint... and also instrumentals. 😄 In general tho it's is truly endearing what you wrote. Here also, across the Balkans you have in pretty much every household at least someone if not most of family playing an instrument, of course piano or some string instrument dominating and boy oh boy do they sing. It's totally not out of the ordinary for some minimum wage construction worker to have a voice of an angel on the yard! Doing at least four to eight years of music school is likewise a common occurrence. Back in the day when English wasn't so widely spoken well, when we went to Italy, we could always count on music and football to bridge the gap. 🙂 Anyway, happy New Year to you and yours as well. Take care!
  4. Janez

    Scoring music for videogames

    Hey @nettrucker , haven't seen you in a while. That damned real life getting in the way of nerding. 🙂 First, I would like to commend the effort, that you even went about doing this. It is very unique around here what you're trying to do, so I can appreciate that. Though, I'm not sure I should say anything but since you asked for feedback, I'll be brief. I... well, I suppose it's in line with channel's name and it's title, not entirely sure what all that is about, I can assume but the whole thing to say plainly, crept me out. I went into it without any expectation whatsoever but I couldn't find any beauty in it. I mean, I get what you're trying to do, it's as you describe it, first section and then next one but it's all just dark, constantly, you dig? Compare it to vanilla Titanfall 2 main theme for example. There's continuous playfulness between dramatical (not dark) and hopefulness. Key word here being hope. That is beauty or at least potential for it that will come thought struggle. But you know, don't let me trample all over your party, however, I would suggest, hmm... a muse of sorts perhaps? Something to inspire a brighter state of being. Thank you for sharing and Godspeed!
  5. Yeah, no problem at all. If you have further questions, I suggest you turn to Editing & Scripting section, way smarter and talented people then me reside there whom can potentially help you out with specific issues. Since BIF search has a cooldown iirc, you can set filters on your favorite search engine to search only specific websites. For example, enter the following into DuckDuckGo (or whatever) to search BIF for term loadout. site:https://forums.bohemia.net loadout Btw, just for future reference, please don't quote large posts just to add one sentence. Let's preserve lifespan of our scroll wheels. 🙂 You can just quote the relevant part or first sentence and add <snip> after or something. Or just tag someone if you want their attention by typing @ and then selecting their handle from the list. If they have notifications about it enabled, they will get one. Good luck!
  6. I'm not sure what you mean, _unit is just an example placeholder here, you can choose whatever you want as long as you define it properly. If you'd put magic variable player here, then obviously it would only affect player like that. Something utterly rudimentary for example would be to create a file called loadout.sqf in mission root folder and put the following inside: /* Execution: 0 = [this] execVM "loadout.sqf"; // insert into any infantry unit's initialization field in 3DEN, 0 just means no handle is used. [this] (without square brackets) is a magic variable */ _unit = _this select 0; // here we define what _unit is, meaning the following will affect whatever [this] points to _unit setUnitTrait ["engineer", true]; // we can set a special trait to a unit // we remove all the gear from a unit removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllItems _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeGoggles _unit; _unit addHeadgear "H_Cap_blk"; // unit probably needs at least a cap for some sunshade _unit addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred"; // a pair of glasses to look cool _unit forceAddUniform "U_BG_Guerrilla_6_1"; // we force a new uniform on a unit, don't worry, it doesn't resist much _unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit"; // First Aid Kit is added to the new uniform in case of emergency for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToUniform "HandGrenade";}; // and couple of grenades, of course _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_blk"; // a vest in essential to a unit for protection and pouches for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_red_Mag";}; // couple of sidearm magazines are added to the vest for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "SmokeShell";}; // couple of smoke shells if (395180 in (getDLCs 1)) then { // 395180 is ID of Apex DLC, getDLCs is a scripting command to check for installed DLC for "_i" from 1 to 8 do {_unit addItemToVest "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";}; // we add magazines before we add weapon so weapon is loaded on mission start _unit addWeapon "arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F"; // now we add a weapon that we want to be used if Apex DLC is installed } else { for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {_unit addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_black_mag";}; // MX rifle caliber compatible magazines _unit addWeapon "arifle_MX_Black_F"; // MX rifle to be used in case Apex DLC is not installed }; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_M"; // this unit is high maintenance, it needs a Gucci rifle _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Hamr"; _unit addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; // pfft, switching to your sidearm is always faster then reloading, everyone know that, dude! _unit addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L"; // "Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" _unit addWeapon "Rangefinder"; // sigh, weren't you paying attention so far? It needs a lot of things, OK! _unit linkItem "NVGoggles"; _unit linkItem "ItemMap"; _unit linkItem "ItemGPS"; _unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; _unit linkItem "ItemCompass"; _unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; I commented on pretty much every line so it should be quite obvious what is going on. Also, keep in mind that I'm about half a decade rusty at this point so, you know, use at your own risk in case your computer explodes, etc. On larger scale, i.e. editing whole faction loadouts or whatever, you'll probably want to detect unit classnames. Something akin to this: /* Execution: _faction = [] execVM "factionLoadout.sqf"; // insert this into Mission Root Directory\init.sqf. '_faction' can be whatever you want */ { if (side _x isEqualTo independent) then { // is unit on independent side? _x is a magic variable if (typeOf _x isEqualTo "I_soldier_F") then { // is unit a Rifleman? removeAllWeapons _x; ... // this is not an actual command, just cutting long story short :) _x linkItem "ItemWatch"; }; }; } forEach allUnits; // do above for all units on map So yeah, similar goes for vehicles and everything else. You can even change unit faces, voices, pitch, name, etc. Be sure to look up scripting commands used and more on Biki. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Functions https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers
  7. Janez

    Merry Christmas to all ARMAholics!

    Wow, seems two years have passed already. Merry Christmas, everyone! May God be with us all.
  8. Janez

    PS5 WASD keys not working

    This is pretty cool, I only seen articles and whatnot that keyboards on modern consoles is possible but never actually met a person using one. Usually I get people coming from consoles to PC and using a controller there. 🙂 I'm afraid I can't offer you any assistance in this regard but hopefully it can get sorted. Devs seem to be pretty active on Discord so you may try getting help there. This seems like something that is important but not very common, yet.
  9. I suppose that depends on how much of a difference there is between the two and how much work would it require to script replacements in case someone did have WoTT installed or how much work would it require to make Western Sahara faction look like the way you wonna make them look like. In theory, there is so much stuff in vanilla game already that you could probably make any faction look however you like. But just to make it clear with very simple example and then you can decide and see where and how this is possibly applicable. You can just use simple MX rifle from vanilla game but if a user has Apex DLC installed then you can detect that and replace MX rifle on unit with SPAR rifle. if (395180 in (getDLCs 1)) then { _unit addWeapon "arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F"; } else { _unit addWeapon "arifle_MX_Black_F"; }; Therefore, those without Apex can play the mission but if user does has Apex DLC installed they also benefit from having a different gun. You can apply this principle to a lot of things.
  10. This is the exact example I was talking about tho, I think you can totally make that one optional. In case only equipment and vehicles from that DLC is used, again optional. Anyway, sounds like fun. Godspeed!
  11. Does Reforger have separate 3rd Person View difficulty settings for infantry and vehicles?
  12. Well, unless it's like terrain or very specific theme, you can also maybe make weapons, equipment, vehicles and such, optional. There are commands specifically for detecting addons.
  13. Ah, the memories. Montignac and MP5SD, good job!
  14. Janez

    Vigor's shop

  15. I mean, it's way more then you're asking for here but you could just do Arma 2 in Arma 3. 🙂