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Everything posted by sosat

  1. sosat

    Metis Marker

    Could you give some info regarding installation process for this mod? I cannot make it work.
  2. sosat

    Legacy Main Menu

    This is something that I have been looking for a long time... Accidentally I found out your excellent work! After all, Arma was, is and will be a military simulation!
  3. The time has come...
  4. Aplion once again you have my congratulations for this mod, which due to your efforts is being constantly upgraded. Merry Christmas and I hope Santa Claus will provide you the inspiration for the new entry... OH-58D Kiowa Warrior.
  5. What I really hate in Arma 1.62 is the main menu and I'm not interested at all about Tanoa and the rest. In my opinion BI is desperately trying to transform Arma main screen to the Battlefield game series. That's why I prefer to stay in 1.60. It's more VBS3.
  6. Please help... Your work is fantastic and I cannot imagine Arma 3 without your mod. But I have decided not to upgrade in Apex. I would like to stay at version 1.60. So are there any incompatibilities with your new CUP version 1.7.1 and Arma 3 1.60? Thanks in advance.
  7. Anybody with the same problem?
  8. I have a similar problem when I use alive modules or zeus in Mission editor. I am getting the following message:
  9. If I am getting this correct, there will be no further support for the AiA SA? The CUP will replace AiA SA and AiA HQ? Right?
  10. Could you help me? Which file is missing? I have the same problem...
  11. sosat

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    My game also crashes when I use the ship... (v1.34)
  12. I would like to see this helicopter in Arma 3 There is a 3d model here
  13. I have the same problem... but for me there is a message at start up as I posted here Do you have the AiA SA mod?
  14. I am getting this message since update 1.34 Addon 'AiA_Core' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_EPA_EBR' I have updated the AiA SA package with your last patch fix 2014_10_18 but the message remains...
  15. sosat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is there any chance to include this...
  16. I' m making a sp Mission and I use the ALiVE mod. Is there any conflict between TPW mod and the Ambient Civilian Placement?
  17. Nice fix! Chernarus terrain is great! But still there are problems with the following vehicles (in the previous version of AiA SA everything was ok) 1) AAV7A1 (in water) 2) M113 (it is impossible to drive) 3) HMMWV (flying wheels) 4) M1A1 (one flying wheel and vertical optics)
  18. Zeus compatibility for HAFM would be great!
  19. sosat

    It doesn't feel the same

    Maybe we all miss the ACE mod in Arma III...
  20. I am a little confused about the addons regarding weapons. The following mods can be together? http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma3_files_addons_weapons&s=count&w=desc For example massi' s NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons contains the rifles of RH M4/M16 pack or FHQ M4 pack? Are there any conflicts in virtual arena?
  21. sosat

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    In my opinion BIS should consider that the supporters of Arma series were always seeking for the absolut realism and consider Arma as a military simulation. The others are happy with BF, COD etc. Of course Arma is addressed to civilian market. The VBS series is the hardcore simulation. Ground situation is a major factor that affects every desicion a military leader has to take. Imagine a vehicle convoy remaining stuck in the mud, or even better tanks. I am in love with the terrain of the Spintires game. Simply amazing. I assume that BIS will offer this in Arma IV and VBS 4.
  22. I have downloaded the AllInArmaStandalone_2014_08_10.7z (13.1 GB) Everything is perfect, but it seems that I have the problem reported in post #271. You have recommend a solution to this in post #263, but there is no file for download... Could you address another link for this hotfix? Thanks in advance!
  23. sosat

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I think (WIP) this is how Arma 3 terrain should be...