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Everything posted by NordKindchen

  1. Exactly!!! This is so true! I was thinking about the same earlier. And gladly - somehow it is even integrated. But only for low power zoom. The sprite lods are a bit thicker than the model. Sadly if you got a high power scope this is completely neglected... There needs to be some kind of workaround for camo at distance. Maybe even a sprite which mimics a gras layer under each bush. Because normally there is shadow under each bush which conceales but at distance there is nothing. So a sprite under each bush would serve camo very well and would not cost any cpu power. Greetings
  2. We all now that the camouflage at distance is severely lacking. Just look this picture to get what I mean. I really think its time to adjust the bushes trees and the all around foliage to better hide players at distance. 1. My first and easiest thought to improve this would be to simply lower the bushes into the ground. If they are low enough then the leaves of the lod model will reach the ground and that will hide the player better. Sadly I dont know how to do it. And I first would like to test it before going into that direction. Could someone help me with this problem? 2. My second thought was to align the existing bushes in a way they serve camouflaging better. For example place bushes so you can lay down under one and be partly hidden by another one. To test this I would need to know how to place bushes on the map. Again: Could someone help me with this? 3. Idea would be to adjust the bush models so they reach farer to the ground by default. This would require a remodel of the bushes. While its not the whole model that needed to be recreated (simply copy and paste some parts of it and fit them together again) it still would require some deeper knowledge of the modding utilities. Heres an example of what Id like to improve Now My vision Do you think this is doable? Best regards
  3. NordKindchen

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    No - so because if they spent time improving the effects it wont get us another BF
  4. @ fragmagnet... lol sry but even if he layed BEHIND the bush he would still be visible^^ No offense This pic is a perfect to show the flaws of armas distant camouflage. At close up its really nice I have to admit
  5. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    @tremnarch omg your comparission screenshots are the first screens of the vanilla texture I see since a very long time! omg...^^ Hey...maybe you wanna try the texture I made for myself. Maybe you like it.
  6. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I think he is referring to Killkidz scripting find Sadly the results are not satisfying at all. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4934308/Arma%203/mid_range_problem/config_command.jpg Nevertheless a very nice find of Killkid! Greetings!
  7. NordKindchen

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Is this thread even still beeing looked at?.... I dont think so but before my thread gets closed again and I get a warning for opening a thread to discuss an improvement for the game I better post it into the bin in the first place..... Well either way: We all know the camouflage system at distance (at close range it works really fine) needs a workover. This is as much camouflage as we will get in Arma III But where we see the flaw of the camo system in its full glory is here: Diver vs Ghillie I think everyone agrees that its plain wrong that the diver is better camouflaged than the sniper... Greetings
  8. NordKindchen

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    Even (edit - I meant PC Games..)PC Gamer critisized the effects of Arma III in their newest video: http://www.pcgames.de/Arma-3-PC-236876/News/Arma-3-Vorschau-Teil-1-Szenarien-KI-Missionen-1081313/
  9. NordKindchen

    SweetFX in Arma 3

    Is there a way to town down all sweet fx effects AT ONCE. Like if I wanted to have all my effects on but only at 50% overlay? Greetz
  10. NordKindchen

    Lighting Tweaking (dev branch)

    Heres the beautiful Arma 3 night Its somewhere in december 2035 around the 21th. At the default time it looks "better" but not nearly as good as I had hoped. Here are some examples: This is how it looks like_01 This is what Id like it to look like_01 This is how it looks like_02 This is what Id like it to look like_02
  11. NordKindchen

    Lighting Tweaking (dev branch)

    My night in the dev build looks really crappy...it allready looked formidable before the big light change...so I hope its still work in progress because if not - it was a huuuuuge step back. Best regards
  12. Hey;) I disabled all my mods and wanted to try your addon. But somehow I allways get a missing sceleton bug where my soldier is clipped halfway through the ground and in T-pose and all the soldier surfaces are fucked up. It only happens when your addon is active. Exact bug line is: no entry 'bin\config bin.cfgSkeletons'. Nevertheless: Your texturing work is really professional. Theres nothing to critizie apart from the big logos;) And of course that the camouflage is not really fitting to the island...;) But the work is flawless as far as I could tell in the bugged time I had to look at it. Would you maybe like to make another camo which is fitting the island? Maybe take the same pattern but only adjust the colours more, so the vehicles actually get camouflaged behind fooliage? That would be great! Greetings! Ps: This is what my poor soldier looks like now=( PPS: I made a quick mock up regarding the textures. Maybe you will understand what I mean regarding the camouflage aspect of the textures^^ A quick recolour would make it fit in more easily! And I think your great work deserves to be usefull=) Current one slightly adjusted (could be better though but its to give an impression^^)
  13. NordKindchen

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Anyone noticed improved particle effects?
  14. NordKindchen

    The sound thread

    Weapon sounds are great but explosions are very weak...I hope they are placeholders just like the effects coming with them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Why isnt this in Arma vanilla?
  15. NordKindchen

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    Honestly - the tank shells in Bad Company look like a quite realistic HE shell. Even exploding tanks are not that far from realism. Only obvious unrealistic part is that tanks allways explode. BUt so do they in Arma III vanilla... And even if we get BF like effects it would be a huge improvement over what we got now. But I am not talking about copying the effects from battlefield but ABOUT LOOKING AT HOW THEY DID THEM. They worked with sprites and with cleverly placed small effects. BF3 effects for exmaple are not that hardware demanding. Why? BEcause they used what they got cleverly. Sprites can be used for really nice effects and dont reserve muich cpu power. THe current system in Arma III only uses round cloud textures. Even flames are round textures and the wirbled up sand too. It looks very strongly like a placeholder. But since the effects in Arma II looked quite similar and we havent heard anything about if the effects are final or not - its better to give feedback. And honestly - Arma 2 didnt improve regarding effects. Yes there came some addons which improved the effects but you cannot give BIS a medal for the work of a modder. And in the end the remade effects werent THAT professional either. And saying Armas effects improved due to mods is like saying - well let the effects stay like they are. 2 Years after release we will definately get an addon which improves them. Thats not what an Alpha/Beta is for.... Conclusion? Battlefield effects may not allways be realistic but they are formidable made and can be used as a perfect reference of how to include effects. Even if then the effects get toned down to a realistic niveau. And on top of that: Many effects are quite authentic allready in BF3. I could put up enough examples but if anyone wants to argue he can search for references first for himself... Best regards
  16. Makes problems with the dev build. Sceletons seem to be gone when loaded. otherwise nice textures!
  17. NordKindchen

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    I just hopped into the old battlefield bad company vietnam addon and I must say: Even the effects from back then in 2010 are way better than the current effects in Arma III. I uploaded some footage of BF3 effects as a reference for improvements. If theres one thing that was great about BF3 it was their effects. Not allways realistic but pretty damn well made. This is a video with tanks firing and hitting oil tanks. The oil tank explosion is a good example of an impressive looking explosion. Usable for a JDAM for example. Or a big artillery shel.l This video is a good example for HE-shells of tanks. This is an example of how a mortar looks in BF3. Look at how a sprite is used to show off the first explosion for just a split second. In Arma III this part of the effect stays for too long. This lets the explosion look less powerfull. Greetings Ps: Last post is not less than 4 month ago
  18. Hey guys! Would it theoretically be possible to build a replacement mod for ALL existing stones and rocks in the game? For example: I really dont like how the cliffs of stratis look. In the current century stones can be modelled better. Therefore I am thinking about an addon that simply replaces certain stones/rocks and cliffs with a worked over variant. Would this theoretically be possible? greetz!
  19. Wow! The new rocks look astonishing! Great work! This is how I imagined the rocks to be. Nice to see such improvement! Hopefully the effects (and some parts of the animations) will get the same improvement! Keep up the good work!
  20. NordKindchen

    Enhanced movement and more

    Bad the indoor sounds sound great so far! And applaus to implement a melee attack! Although obvisouly the animations need some work still;) Rename yourself to "Great" Benson!
  21. NordKindchen

    replacement for rocks/stones - possible?

    Hey BusStop! Thanks for the comment! Thats actually exactly the rocks I meant;) Are you still working on the rocks? Maybe we could work together - I worked 3 years as a graphic artist in the gaming industry so I have some kind of feeling for textures;) But I dont know how to alter the rocks in Arma 3. Give me a call! Greetz!
  22. NordKindchen

    replacement for rocks/stones - possible?

    ....^^ Thing is I actually saw something similar for Arma2. A rock replacement set from...whom I dont remember the name;) It could have been related.
  23. NordKindchen

    replacement for rocks/stones - possible?

    Thanks for your help guys! Ive searched everywhere for 17th century 3d rocks but couldnt find them. Could you maybe send me a link? Greetz!
  24. Arma 3 in general looks beautiful. Ok there are some improvements to be made in the midrange but close and far distances are allready a feast for the eyes. Also - the tracers and muzzle flashes look great too! But what about the explosions? They really dont fit into the picture! At first I was eager to see my first mortar shell hitting the ground! Now that I saw how it looked like - I mainly try to look at them as few as possible... To be honest: The explosions look as if they were copied out of Arma 2. And thats not a good thing. I didnt bring up this topic till now since by the look of them - I was pretty sure the explosions would be placeholders. But now that I though about it again - I feel this needs to be addressed at this point! A very simple way to improve the explosions would be to change the colour! I worked as a gameartist for years and as such I can telle you - grey is never the right colour to choose! Either the mortarexplosions should be more white like the smoke grenades(example) or more black at the top! Btw: The smoke shells look quite nice to me! The explosions on the other hand not at all. There is still much to improve regarding the explosions! Best regards!