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Everything posted by Brain

  1. Because money can be invested into something more important.
  2. Honestly in all my ArmA-Time, I can't remember anyone but you who did this.
  3. Oh man! That's nice. Which ones are you allowed to port/edit?
  4. Best interior seen so far. In- and outside of the Armaverse.
  5. Brain

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Island is awesome, Dynamic water would be good, though. (Salt Lake, Beaches, Ravines) Bigger and enterable buildings for fights inside corridors (without the clumpyness). Furniture. Caves.
  6. Brain

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Exactly, anyone who has been to Syria before the conflict should know that. At least if the person is not biased due to his or her religion/political view or what ever. I prefer a dictator who rules over a open-minded land with moderate laws and good education system to some mad islamists who, surprise surprise, already started fighting each other and try to install a religious law which prevents any progress in society and anything else. EDIT: I know the Sharia was part of Syria before, it just wasn't practiced as hard as in other islamic countries.
  7. Brain

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Never seen so many Bits and Bytes wasted that hard. You could've saved a tree with sparing this. If you promise not to kick someone while fighting him, and you still kick him, the referee will jump in because it's illegal. Replace kick with use gas and referee with NATO. However, I still see no reason why Assad should use nerve gas and provoke a NATO Attack when he's clearly on the winning side right now. Especially with Irans and Hezbollahs support.
  8. Brain

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Saw a video yesterday where terrorists placed a anti-air-site between appartments. Nice firework from the Syrian AF at the end, though.
  9. Brain

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Does it change alot on the overall situation? From all the stuff I've seen in videos and first hand reports, if I'd had to choose who I fight for, my decision is definitely clear.
  10. Brain

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    I wonder that this video hasn't been more widely known, yet. I watched a few days after it was released and it showed once again that these "rebels" are nothing more than terrorists. Media does a really good job creating their own story, it seems. But some people may see a sharia introduced by foreign islamic mercenaries as total peace and freedom; it's impressive how free the population in terrorist controlled areas already is. Executions for so called blasphemy, sharia law, thugs stealing and murdering, european converts and islamists together executing women in public for sleeping with SAA Soldiers. The poor population that was so oppressed under Assad is totally free now, thanks to (again) NATO and foreign backers. I for one always felt welcome in Syria and in a normal, open-minded, stable country which had together with Israel, the far best treatment of minorities, which will, under sharia law, become so free that we are never gonna hear of them again.
  11. Brain

    America's Army: Proving Grounds

    Seeing enough videos which were released on YT (even though it's against the NDA), I'm still not impressed. No AA beats AA2.
  12. Brain

    1st person only Wasteland

    Wasteland discussions belong into Wasteland threads.
  13. Brain

    A dumb mod: Swim Stratis

    This is AWESOME! :)
  14. A bit disappointing, since IRL you wouldn't need a rebreather until you open the hatch. It's normally watertight.
  15. Brain

    Development Blog & Reveals

    IMO the dust/dirt around the MBT cannon when it shoots has to be way more than it's at the current state. See it here: http://www.gamestar.de/videos/gamescom-2013,95/arma-3,71557.html Compared to a real life Merkava shooting: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1017298_591560654200142_69310583_n.jpg I know the ground surface might be more sandy and different, but Greece is not known for it's juicy grass landscapes. So I'd say increase the dirt. A lot. :) Otherwise, I'm glad we have more Israeli stuff inside a game, seems rare these days.
  16. The average non-C&C-player can't create any relation to either a faction of middle-eastern-islamic-countries or general OPFOR.
  17. I don't think you understand. Every retexture now has a semi-transparent US Flag on their arm. It doesn't care what unit is depicted in the campaign.
  18. Uhm, yeah. You do. At least if they're part of KFOR, SFOR or ISAF.
  19. Brain

    Payday 2

    Hey guys, anyone playing Payday 2?
  20. Exactly. Give us either a way to choose our flag or put a general NATO Patch, like RH posted. Also comments like that from a dev are pretty arrogant when the list of problems and axed features is longer than ever.
  21. But we have the NATO Faction, not the US Army/US what ever forces.
  22. That is a really bad argument. Just because the USA spends an unnecessary high amount of money, all NATO countries have to wear the US Flag and we have to play only for US?