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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. Yeah I agree. It's especially nonsensical when some of the weapon names are plastered on fictional weapons so it was a case of 'find the closest thing and roll with it'
  2. Kerc Kasha

    Personal Insignia Extension

    Sure, once someone from PWS uploads it
  3. Kerc Kasha

    Personal Insignia Extension

    The latter, it works like current implementation of insignias for arsenal etc. One of the things on my wish list is to let players set a URL to a jpg/paa image on a web server but this will require an extension and a fair bit of work so I wouldn't expect this to happen any time soon.
  4. Kerc Kasha

    Personal Insignia Extension

    Thanks, added it to the OP
  5. Is there any documentation for serverconfig.hpp yet?
  6. Kerc Kasha

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    763. I couldn't find any reports on the issue tracker related to it
  7. Kerc Kasha

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Getting a lot of RPT spam in the latest release, also had a script error pop up. 15:29:36 Error in expression <t 0; _newSignal = _newSignal*(1-(_signal/_newSignal)); if(_newSignal <= 0) exitW> 15:29:36 Error position: </_newSignal)); if(_newSignal <= 0) exitW> 15:29:36 Error Zero divisor 15:29:36 File idi\clients\acre\addons\sys_prc343\radio\fnc_handleMultipleTransmissions.sqf, line 182 This appeared when someone spoke on a 343 outside of optimal range but still audible. I'm pretty sure it transmitted without issue but unsure. The spam I was getting was 15:29:38 Attempt to override final function - acre_radiospeakingfunction This was near constant, no mods or mission were attempting to override this function
  8. Kerc Kasha

    Recoil Overhaul Feedback

    Just saying other people agree with you doesn't mean you are correct. Shooting in game needs skill, managing recoil needs skill. If our arms were rock solid 100% of the time and there was zero recoil there'd be zero effort to actually hit targets. If you do not like recoil at the moment make a mod don't ask the devs to remove all sense of recoil just because you can't be bothered to learn how to shoot
  9. Kerc Kasha

    Dedicated server error

    move @cba_a3 to the start of the modline and there's a space in @bl astcore-tracers
  10. Kerc Kasha

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I believe it's done with 'compartments' in the config
  11. why do people go from AIATP to A3MP? A3MP is older and has a lot more issues than AIATP does. I think it's that stupid notion I see posted on reddit that A3MP is supported (it isn't) and AIATP isn't being supported anymore (it isn't but is more up to date)
  12. Kerc Kasha

    Half full magazines

    unitName addMagazine [magazineName, ammoCount]
  13. Any chance of the soldier models limbs being bulked up a bit? The legs in particular look like someone skipped leg day in a bad way
  14. the mx was designed by CMMG for arma 3 i don't know why people comparing it to real weapons that it borrows some likeness from.
  15. The issue seems to be in \l_es\scripting\cfgWeapons.h Line 139: class Launcher should be class Launcher: LauncherCore ditto with missilelauncher below it.
  16. my bad after playing around with it a bit more it's still there, too used to the way AGM did it and was looking at the wrong functions
  17. Been testing out the latest on GIT but I noticed basic medical no longer has bleeding? This seems like a strange thing to remove
  18. i'm pretty sure bailing out of the vehicle is part of the danger fsm, so disableai "FSM" might work?
  19. Kerc Kasha

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    buggers love to throw them if they only have a side arm
  20. check your mod launch line, make sure CBA is the first in line as that stopped my server from booting up despite never being an issue prior
  21. If you're charging people for something it's no longer 'i'm doing this in my free time' and more 'i'm doing this for profit' so there's some expectation of quality
  22. Kerc Kasha

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I believe the second one was due to missing 'minimalhit' values on some vehicles. like for example being able to break a BTR's turret with small arms fire
  23. I believe syncing a trigger to the create task module will make it only create the task when the triggers condition is met
  24. servers have profiles too
  25. Kerc Kasha

    RH Pistol pack

    The main issue I have with it is it makes it harder to do AN-94 style '2 round burst' stuff. But I guess with a high enough ROF and the new recoil system that shouldn't be an issue anyway