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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. Kerc Kasha

    Whats with the new sounds??

    The closure sounds are now working they're the same sounds just a bug was fixed
  2. Kerc Kasha

    stop animation loop

    playmove ""
  3. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Using the m4 distance sound effect I get an error saying that m4_inroom2 is missing
  4. Kerc Kasha

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    hey jarhead just a heads up in the dev branch the 'closure' sounds for weapons are working again so the default closure sounds are playing over most weapons. this isn't an issue but for most of them they feel a bit loud compared to the actual gun sample (ie. the mx which seems like mostly mechanical noise) so might need to tweak them. Probably because your sample is set to volume 1 in the config and the vanilla closure is 1.4~
  5. Kerc Kasha

    NPCs, optics and goggles

    Scopes do. They can spot better with them and use more 'accurate firemodes' (hidden AI only firemodes for scopes and the like)
  6. Kerc Kasha

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Ah my mistake, sorry.
  7. Kerc Kasha

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Can the hex pattern inside the Comp M2 Aimpoint be made more transparent/hidden? It's not very noticeable when aiming down the sight irl but in arma it's blatant and can get in the way of targeting
  8. It should work.. I used something like this and it worked without issue: class CfgMovesBasic { class DefaultDie; class ManActions { PumpActionStand = "PumpActionStand"; }; class Actions { class NoActions: ManActions { PumpActionStand[] = {"PumpActionStand","Gesture"}; }; }; }; EDIT: Maybe the class names need to be the same
  9. Use something like this: player addEventHandler ["fired", "_this execvm 'shotgunpump.sqf'"]; shotgunpump.sqf private ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_type","_sh"]; _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _type = _this select 4; _sh = _this select 6; _needReload = (_unit ammo _weapon !=0); if((_needReload) && (_weapon == "my_shotgun"))then{sleep 0.3; _unit playAction "BoltActionAnim_stand";}; You want to use playaction rather than the gesture
  10. While I understand the reason behind that it seems keeping everything quiet until the very last minute just means a lot of people will be bouncing up and down about the game being 'abandoned' or run by a skeleton crew. I think just saying 'hey we're looking into this no promises but we'd like to do it' would go far and either announcing its cut or deployment when that time comes. This isn't just about weapon resting but, well, anything you guys are working on. It somewhat disappoints me to read the various blogs and literally get nothing from them unless it's a feature that's going to show up in a couple dev builds. I know there was a lot of fallout from a bunch of features being dropped but at least to me the problem was less the feature not being implemented but rather it it being swept under the rug with zero mention of it ever again, not even acknowledgement that the feature was axed.
  11. Kerc Kasha

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    It's an issue with ACRE (and CBA pre-Beta 5)
  12. Kerc Kasha

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    While 10mb was an exaggeration I much prefer 428mb to 5gb
  13. Kerc Kasha

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    It worked fine for me in 1.3 with the Zeus Fix pbo. I havent tested it with 1.4 yet
  14. Kerc Kasha

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    and stuff like this is why sixupdater/pws thankfully exists. while all the addons might have change there might only be 10mb worth of 'real' changes all up.
  15. Yep that was what I was going on, glad I'm not losing my mind
  16. Comparing the two, the DayZ one is a new texture and some changes but it's made by the same artist http://www.moddb.com/mods/rhs-armed-forces-of-the-russian-federation/images/ak-74m#imagebox and http://www.moddb.com/mods/rhs-armed-forces-of-the-russian-federation/images/ak-74m-gp-25#imagebox either it's the same artist or they have incredibly similar styles, but I'm leaning to the same as the bolts and markings are the same
  17. Spotted Spiridonov Vadim's AK http://i.imgur.com/c3ILofY.jpg Good to see BIS getting work from you guys, his AK-74M is probably the best one I've seen.
  18. Kerc Kasha

    PhysX Discussion (dev branch)

    It seems weapons dropped by dead enemies have gone haywire with the recent few dev versions. It's gotten to the point where they start levitating bouncing around etc
  19. Kerc Kasha

    OHally's T-10 Parachutes

    Ah okay I didn't realize you wanted it to autograb a chute... I thought it might grab one from the vehicles cargo but maybe that was ACE only as I havent tried it yet in A3
  20. Kerc Kasha

    OHally's T-10 Parachutes

    The default eject should work? Are you inheriting from class ParachuteBase ?
  21. Kerc Kasha

    A3 and DayZ share anything?

    Porting the weapons over wouldnt have any of those issues, it'd only have that problem if they just copy pasted it into Arma 3 without doing anything to it.
  22. Kerc Kasha

    ACE for OA 1.13

    @ace;@ace_a2; is also an issue..
  23. Kerc Kasha

    Disable Battleye on private server

    Oh no he might hack on his own server somebody stop him!
  24. Kerc Kasha

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    I believe the reason for this was the move from single lane roads to double lane roads. It blows the AIs mind and must have been implemented poorly at the time.