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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. Yep being getting it too, even in full auto it happens. It's incredibly obvious if you switched to third person and then mag dump, your character will bob back and forth from recoil but only at set intervals rather than the consistent with the actual times you fired
  2. Huh really? How do you do that? I never saw anything in the API for doing that
  3. Yes, it's only a problem when you add it based on ID
  4. Kerc Kasha

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Nah it happened in 2 aswell, made it very obvious when you were fighting AI rather than players and I really hope to see it changed
  5. Kerc Kasha

    We need worse weapon systems

    Yeah this was something that I didn't like about Arma 2 OA and I especially don't like it in arma 3. In particular I'm not a fan of RCWS as it makes it way too easy to kill huge swathes of enemies as you dont suffer the limitation of such systems as you would in reality (issues with thermals, low resolution etc)
  6. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Oh I know I more meant if it was ready and they used the current system there would probably be much more uproar about it
  7. Kerc Kasha

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    They might not have a shortage of money but they have to justify expanding content by having a source of income
  8. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    It's not repeating an argument it's repeating facts, those points have been stated both on the store page, by a post by a dev and in the DLC plan. Anyone that ignores it is delusional (and achievements are not hard to implement especially in a game like arma)
  9. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Who says they're not? Let me sum up the Kart DLC for you. One of the lead artists was working on the go-karts in his own personal time. Bohemia decided to use it in their April fools video. There was a ton of inane bitching on the forum about it but people were still asking for Bohemia to actually release the karts. Bohemia wanted to test their new DLC solution but didn't want to use the helicopter DLC (which might actually annoy people if the system doesnt work), so used the karts One hour of programmer work later and the DLC is here. If you check the last two points, that is the big picture, to test future DLC deployments.
  10. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    And that is where you are wrong. A 'sandbox' for games generally means 'anything goes' 'find your own fun' 'create your own experience' (that last one is the important one particularly for arma). Describing arma as a military sandbox is much more accurate than calling it a military simulation as it barely simulates anything, it's just a slightly more realistic and tactical game than your average FPS. It's only by dumping a crap load of mods of it it becomes half way towards a simulator. Some people play arma to simulate being in the military, some play for tactical gameplay, some play to be bored shitless and simulate 'life', some just play the game for fun. The game is literally what you make of it and that's the whole point so to say this DLC is 'out of touch' from the core of the game is utterly incorrect.
  11. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Uhhh I don't think you know what semantics means as 'simulation' and 'sandbox' have nowhere near a similar meaning and both are inherently obvious
  12. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    How tragic
  13. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Games in Australia are usually 90 bucks a piece so, everything?
  14. Kerc Kasha

    Just 2 Main DLC for Arma 3?

    The two are just the two currently announced, they also have an unnamed expansion lined up but after that Who Knows
  15. Kerc Kasha

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Thats what happens everywhere whenever any DLC is released. Personally I hate DLC with a passion and would rather see expansion packs as it's easier to justify the cost/convince others to use it.
  16. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    You did, you might not have blatantly said it but the intention is there. To say 'they should have worked on something milsim'(paraphrase but past the sarcasm that's what you were saying, right?) is dictating what they do with their free time. People are criticizing this as if Bohemia deleted all the military assets and all that's left is the karts now.
  17. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    This whole DLC was made by one dev in his free time as a pet project, who the hell are you to dictate what they do in their free time
  18. Kerc Kasha

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This isn't an easy thing to solve and the old method was not profitable at all for Bohemia so stop acting like it was the Promised Land system as ultimately the point of these DLCs is to support the developer. I'm not saying the new system is optimal either but there does need to be something new so people will actually want to buy the dlcs but those who can't/won't wont be left out
  19. Kerc Kasha

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    I like milsim but I also like not having my head up my own ass and not being able to see the amusement in doing something with a sense of humor. BI never intended to release it as it was an april fools joke it's just people wanted it so here it is. If you don't want it don't get it jeez is it that difficult to manage
  20. Your problem lies here: private ["_Plane"]; _Plane = _this select 0; MSSLCount = 62; MRAAMCount = 24; GBUCount = 20; You are setting global variables that will be shared amongst planes. In SP you'll have the same issue if you have the AI using the script aswell as yourself. Instead of using global variables it might be a better idea to instead use something like _plane setvariable ["MSSLCount",62,true]; and subsequently using _msslcount = _plane getvariable ["MSSLCount",62]; in the fired handler (and subsequently setting it again after checking the number) This means the counts will be hard linked to each individual plane instead of global for everything Using _plane setvariable ["MSSLCount",62,true]; Means that if for whatever reason the players swap planes the ammo usage will be synced over the network.
  21. Glad to see the BI forum sense of humour is going strong
  22. movein* commands are local to the client. so if soldier1 isnt local to the server it won't work. you'll want the activation to be something like if (isServer) then {para1 = "Steerable_Parachute_F" createVehicle (position soldier1); para1 setPos [getPos soldier1 select 0, getPos soldier1 select 1, (getPos soldier1 select 2) +1]; publicvariable "para1";}; soldier1 moveInDriver para1 Don't really need it in the activation.
  23. Kerc Kasha

    FHQ Arma 3 COOP missions

    Ah yeah this was last weekk when we played it just didnt post it till now. As for the UAV... I even tried to manually link the UAV to myself with my admin menu and it did nothing, they weren't even listed under the UAV units command
  24. Kerc Kasha

    FHQ Arma 3 COOP missions

    Had an issue with "Ping Pong" on a dedicated server (well a few really), the UAVs could not be controlled after the AA was disabled and subsequently once the football was found the add action did nothing.