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Everything posted by smokedog3para

  1. smokedog3para

    Are you allowed? Learn from?

    I know exactly what a uvmap is buddy ive just converted all the baf and taki units to a3 and made well over 400 models for my terrains, and started on my vehicles why do you need the uv map when u can make one from the nohq.paa from the vehicle you want to skin from the model just desaturate it in cs6 or gimp and bang if you bothered to read these forums i would not be explaining this as its been said many times over. ill make it simple for you quick google http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?115620-how-to-retexture-existing-Arma-2-models
  2. smokedog3para

    Are you allowed? Learn from?

    You can reskin a3 models, but you asked if you could open them in oxygen which is not allowed unless its an a3 or a2 sample model look what's came out loads of a3 reskins from cars to choppers thats fine, but putting an a3 model in oxygen to look at the textures is not allowed thats why i gave you the link as all info you asked for will be in that for weapons to get you started. you can open the A3 pbo and look at textures.
  3. smokedog3para

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I've noticed that having no ai in the editor and just walking around and im freezing when walking and running is terrible i thought it was just multiplayer that done it, even in single player when ai were around but ive been just testing a terrain out and its doing it just as much with nothing but a terrain working no ai at all. It really killed the game I had last night looking through the scope it freezes and also looking left and right with num pad it is the same constant freeze then lets you move then freeze again its non stop and its really starting to get annoying that were so far down the line and simple game mechanics are still shot, isn't it time to drop all the crap that is immaterial and just concentrate on getting a working performance patch. Just before the last stable patch came out the devbuild was good maxed out every gfx option and I and a few gu members were getting 60fps and 120fps then the patch came out and it went down to 30fps for me and 60fps for others, when playing in game it drops to 10-15 in multiplayer and the editor making people quit as its unplayable. I've put 610 hours in game and my opinion is its worse than ever on performance stop adding stuff and fix what's causing the problem or its going to turn people away im not far from it now, last night was the first multi player game I played in 5 weeks because of the performance and it was bad even in training with our gu with no ai just us no scripts running its bad and thats just not my view other members are suffering the same issues. My rig I7 3770k @4.2mhz Asus sabretooth mobo 12 gb ram ocz ssd 2 x ati hd 6970 4gb vram = 15fps to 30fps in game
  4. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    @Spectre hi mate they will be released separately when configs are done.
  5. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Yes sorry guys had some issues when i went to fix a few of my tunnel models had to back track and delete all my custom models to find the culprit that stopped bulldozer opening when i started to fix them i was surprised at how many models i had made over a 100 so its taking a little longer than planned but its looking good and hopefully won't be too long. I will be testing on our servers shortly in the next week or so you can sign up to our forums http://www.3cdobde.net/ and get the pbo from there before official release, it will be like a closed beta and maybe I will hook up an old school mso RC 4.6 version for some public beta testing on it before it gets on Armaholic. still need some config help for the units Baf and Taliban if any one can help out that would be cool.
  6. smokedog3para

    Are you allowed? Learn from?

    would not if i was you try the a3 sample models or kio sample weapon to get what you need http://www.multiupload.nl/1PSLSDE64K
  7. Hi all I have been working on this supacat for a while but just picked it up again in the last 3 days I have managed to get it in and 90% working on land and in water but I have a few issues I am stuck on and could do with some help please if you need the mlods pm me and you can take a look at it and see where my errors are. heres a YT of the problems 1 Water line is too low not sure how to fix it I am using just canfloat=1 in the config and waterleakiness=10 I have found no info on buoyancy lod so have not used it. 2 The right side wheel won't turn as the left one does I have named the points in memory lod and have it defined in model config could any one scan it over to check its right please config here http://pastebin.com/dH2H9mJw model here http://pastebin.com/bG556jTZ 3 The supacat sits fine untill I get in then the weight seems to sit on the rear like its carrying a large weight on the back of it not sure whats causing it its only 1000kg plus 60 for the wheels 4 my 1st person view is now below the supacat not sure how I have managed that as it was fine last night. 5 My geolod is not working now from the a2 tools to the a3 oxygen i had two geo lods like was said in the a3 car guide wiki on the old oxygen it worked now in the new oxygen with proper phys lod no weight in this one, it does not stop me walking through it. cheers if any one can help once I have cracked this I have a panther and Macs mastiff to finish off for A3 if any one is good at texturing pm me aswell if you could help out .
  8. smokedog3para

    trouble with supacat 6x6 atv

    @surpher I have looked through a lot of configs for a2 sample models and it seems different people use differing ways for the wheel names some go with the way i have and some with the way you have shown so not sure I think as long as all names correspond in the config its all good cheers for taking the time to help out @Redstone cheers for your help and the image makes sense now hopefully can get this sorted now next question redstone do you know what is happening with towable vehicles as need to get this working as a towable vehicle.
  9. Any thoughts on a mlod pack from toh there is a lot of assets sitting there that would suit altis.
  10. @Dan thats why I mod for myself, I think its the same weather it be a mission or terrain or addon I am always giving a thank you or feedback on Armaholic if I use the said DL manners cost nothing.
  11. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Bit more progress
  12. smokedog3para

    Simple object from 3ds to ArmA

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials.htm heres a start export as 3ds file import to o2 that guide will do you on the basics
  13. Hi I have been trying to port the taki insurgents from a2 to a3 and I am not sure whats going wrong and if it is the a2 tools or a3 tools or bin.pbo or arm3 bin.pbo or just the sample models a3 character. The problem I am having is if I use this guide on the wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Modding_Characters for porting a2 to a3 units the unit works in arma3 but sits in the floor while the rest is above ground like in this image here I have done everything to the dot as is here open two Oxygens, one with the template scene A3_character_template.p3d, and one with the Arma 2 character you want to port select only the visual mesh of the Arma 2 character (only the physical mesh of the actual character, nothing else) and copy-paste it into corresponding LODs in the Arma 3 template. Discard all Arma 2 proxies and technical LODs, only copy the visual mesh and mesh from ShadowVolume 0.00. If bare skin is present (typically hands or head) then discard the Arma 2 mesh, and replace with Arma 3 parts (included in template). In O2, even the skinned mesh can be freely copy-pasted without trouble. update the names of the injury selections in the LODs. The new names are "injury_head, injury_hands, injury_body, injury_legs" update the material links (default Arma 3 path is a3\characters_f\ ) check model for degenerated faces, isolated vertices, split edges, zero UV faces, make sure you transferred Named Properties correctly (there cannot be "lodnoshadow = 1" in Shadow Volume etc) If I use Oxygen2 I cannot open in bulldozer as it says bad 58 proxy for weapon in the A3_character_template.p3d but will bierize with a2 bin.pbo and go in game like the above image. If I use the new oxygen and the new bin.pbo the same happens. So I thought that I would use the mbg samples that are on the wiki if I delete out the mesh and camo from named selections and replace all the above meshes in the guide and repath the textures just the same as I did with the A3_character_template.p3d were the textures work this happens My unit goes in game fine but the textures are skrewed seems to use the nato texture instead of the original ones nothing shows as missing when I check textures in oxygen2, If I use the new oxygen and bin.pbo its the same I have spent all day on it and it just wont use the right texture when using mbg config and sample its so weird if any one can offer some advice I would be thankfull or would like to take a look at my source to see if its my tools and drive set up at fault, my terrains binerize fine for both a2 and a3 let me known and I can upload them cheers and sorry for the long post just want to get all the oa civs and insurgents in a3 for a release with sangin. All fixed and got mbg sample working now the fix was delete the camo and Camo in named selections and deleted camo from model config after that its in game so job done maybe the wiki needs updating not sure why the a3 character sample does not work with both tools though. so taliban are good to go now expect a release soon.
  14. smokedog3para

    problems with tools\sample models

    cheers guys had a break through all my own fault your correct gnat had an old model name in the model cfg now it works and I have baf andf oa insurgents fixed also it has made me see the way to fixing the vehicles that were not working for me when my pc went down. @tinemem if I delete the camo\camo2\camo3 how will i define the extra textures to be random when placed in the editor as at the moment 1 unit has 1 set of clothes but i would like to keep it the way it was so i can have many clothes for the same model cheers guys all that messin with the configs over the last 6 days paid off.
  15. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    @savage cheers mate I think ill have to do that over 80 hours now making a config finally have one for bath but they are not in groups like baf dlc was, same with the takistan\taliban ill have to install skype and get some help cheers again.
  16. smokedog3para

    See, I told you the modding community will be active

    More guides, mlods, sample configs and information for modding and we might get moving a lot faster and don't forget the new tools too.
  17. smokedog3para

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    The point is that small arms, that he is wasting time on, aren't anyhow required for ie Humvee to function propperly. Just goes to show that you don't know what your talking about weather its a weapon or a vehicle both use the same weapons pbo and there is 5 of them relating to sides and factions like baf pmc acr and oa and arma2 so there is a lot of configs if he just released the vehicles with no weapons your guns on the said hummer would do nothing as the weapons pbo will be required I don't see him wasting time on weapons at all.
  18. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Cheers savage I was only on about MSO as it is moddable in its current form, Alive I can't mess with the core files anymore as its a pbo which stops getting some things working as I did in a2, Alive is good but seems to fit more of a conventional war where mso was an out right insurgency on Sangin and thats the feel I would like to get again as we patrolled on mso in sangin since it came out and only stopped playing it when a3 came out. I will config the units for alive once I get my head round the configs cheers all
  19. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Yes it was a bit shit seeing Iranians on sangin lol My plan is to have Al Qaeda insurgents bit of a mixed bag of Iraq Chechen Somali Pakistan Afghan the hard core insurgents Feidian Taliban hardcore well trained units moving from one province to another where needed local Taliban good at fighting as they know the ground they fight on Civi Taliban not so well trained quick to run when the 10 dollars are spent Civis for complaining that you just have blown up there favorite sex toy the donkey Faction vehicles will be 4x4 pickups and motor bikes, I have a few variants with support for fuel ammo and medical also features some vbieds and truck vbieds no more do you need to scroll wheel to check a vehicle out now just have a look in the back or under the tarps. Weapons will be mostly russian If I can get permissions from miles teg I would like to use his bv10 recoilless rifle to go with the improvised launchers I am working on, I do have a full set of Ied making equipment to go in the ammo box. with ied markers to place so you know when its time to detonate If any one wants to help out pm me got a ton of stuff to do and only 2 hands. Guys don't forget there was a a3 mso released could go quiet well on a3 MSO was the best mission in my eyes for a2 hands down.
  20. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    just a quick update on the units there coming slowly
  21. Hi all I am in need of some help with a config as the oa mlods are now available I have made some changes to the oa walls and made damage models like the mbg kill house wall where you can rpg or place a satchel to gain entry, I would like to have values set for different weapons say a rpg hit the wall then the rpg hole model would appear, if I put c4 down a mouse hole model appears, if a satchel is placed the centre part model is shown another thing i'm not sure of is to add an action to make my murder hole walls appear in place after the action is complete thought it would be good for insurgency so you can make most compounds use full as firing points. At the moment I have looked at the kill house config but I am not getting it to make my own would someone be so kind enough to give me a hand or example config that could allow the above if only 1 wall with 3 damage models I can alter and continue the config cheers if you can help the aim is to have most of sangins compounds more breachable and usefull to fight from with proper damage models relevant to weapon damage values. I am in the final stages before release and thought this would be a good easter egg now I have access to the mlods and it would be better than me placing them in visitor. cheers smoke
  22. smokedog3para

    config help for destroyed walls

    cheers ill take a look here's the walls still need some work
  23. smokedog3para

    problems with tools\sample models

    As soon as I rename the .p3d to my folder the model breaks after binarization I found this to be the case for the a3 sample character too as soon as you change the p3d name the model stops working in game. If I still use mbg_old_usarmy_desert as a .p3d name it works which is kind of stoping me making my own addon folder\structures and leaving me only 3 units to use any idea why this is happening cheers smoke.
  24. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Cheers all for the comments and not long now guys I was going to wait for the new Vis tools but got pissed off waiting months for them. Hi Rob hope your well mate ill jump on and see you guys this week some time. @thomas I was only discussing that the other day not having a small dirt runway so it may well happen when I checked video was only shot at 480 so ill update with some screens over the weekend for you.
  25. Also war torn buildings lots of holes in walls, ceilings hanging down, busted out windows, debris all over the place some what like syria at the moment.