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Everything posted by kenoxite

  1. kenoxite

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    1) The readme in "old v1.1 docs", both in pdf and html format, explain all that clearly. Check the section "HOW to USE the RUCKSACK". As I mentioned previously, it works the same way as the WGL backpacks (with minor differences). Here's what the readme says: 2) This version doesn't modify any functionality, it only expands Mapfact's Rucksack by adding support to WW4 ammo and fine-tunes some minor stuff. If v1.1 worked for you, this should as-well. Probably what you actually mean is that some units in the demo mission don't wear a backpack. That's expected, as the backpack uses the secondary weapon slot and units like AT riflemen already have that slot occupied by the special weapon. If you actually mean "textures" as textures, then it has something to do with not installing the addon properly, as all the backpacks are fully functional. Check the screenshots in the first post to see how they look like in-game.
  2. kenoxite

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    OK. You can try the addon yourself, without the demo mission, anyway. Create a gamelogic with this init: [] exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_RuckInit.sqs"; player addEventHandler ["fired",{if (_this select 1 in MAP_RuckSackTypes) then {_this exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_DropMag.sqs"};}] And a unit in the editor with this init line: this addMagazine "MAP_Bandage_PDM"; this addMagazine "MAP_WW4_W556_30Bmag_PDM"; this addMagazine "MAP_WW4_W556_30Bmag_PDM"; this addMagazine "MAP_Handgrenade_PDM"; this addWeapon "MAP_RucksackAlice" Assuming it's a west unit with an M16 you'll be able to use the rucksack ammo hold in your ALICE rucksack. If you're familiar with WGL it works the same way. Except bandages, which are used directly as ammo, and not unpacked. But if you are using those custom weapons you might find the same problem as you mentioned. Let me know anyway. Glad you sorted it out.
  3. kenoxite

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    OK. Let's make sure it's the mission itself the problematic one. Maybe the one included mission in the file above was too much overkill for your machine. Try this version, which only includes two west squads: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4rvz76f49b4a825 Also, make sure you installed the addon properly. MAP_Rucksack.pbo should be somewhere in a dir you already use for mods or you can create one for it alone. Like "MAPRucksWW4\addons\MAP_Rucksack.pbo". Let me know if that worked out for you.
  4. kenoxite

    MapFact's Rucksack - WW4

    Good! Let me know if there's anything that needs to be fixed.
  5. kenoxite

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    Nice trick. Thanks!
  6. kenoxite

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    Great! Although it seems to be working intermittently now. I managed to download some stuff a while ago, but now I keep getting the "not found" message again. Never mind, I was trying to download Private Military Contractors, by ardvarkdb, and that's one the few files with a broken link. All the rest works fine. Thanks for keeping that site alive. You're doing a great service :)
  7. No seeders, tho. I tried that when trying the filefront/gamefront mirror. Anyway, I have CoC installed, so I was just commenting on its availability in general. All my download tests were to verify if there were still valid mirrors. CoC UA being a essential part of CCE2 makes it a particular concern of mine. I finally changed the link to that of ofpr.info, which will be a valid mirror again eventually. Failing that, I was considering provisionally posting my CoC dir to mediafire and linking to it in that thread, but TBH I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that Great! It's good to have that site fully working again :)
  8. That doesn't seem to work for me, either. In fact, I don't seem to be able to download anything from them. It's odd, as I've never had problems with Gamefront until now. Hopefully ofpr.info will sort its issues shortly. But this lack of mirrors, or mirrors that work globally, is unfortunate in any case.
  9. Actually, I'm afraid Mack was right. That page sents you to this one and after you click "download" you're sent to an error page. Tried it in Firefox and Chrome. So, exactly right now there's absolutely no place where to download CoC UA from. Chainofcommand.net is down and all the mirrors are either dead or finally leading to 404s. Not even the OFPR.info/Gamepark.cz works, but that might be related to it having problems with the server lately (?), as I've read in another thread.
  10. kenoxite

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    Great to hear that all was solved and that there's new updates being working on. May I suggest a small addition? Add the Nogovan vehicles to the WEST side also, please. That way we could have WW4 Everon army vs Nogovan one. Right now you can use nogovan infantry units as west, but not their vehicles. And, unfortunately, WW4 Everon units are all assigned to the resistance side. Thanks in any case and good luck!
  11. kenoxite

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    No problem, man. You've done an excellent work either way! Now, if someone can fix that small annoyance I would be extremely grateful. All my tinkering with the config.cpp file for the mig21s have been unsuccessful so far.
  12. kenoxite

    CCE2 beta 7.x series

    Hey guys, I've updated the first post with a new mission that uses WW4. It's based on the beta 7.2.2 version of CCE2. As you can see I haven't released the template for b7.2.2 yet. That's because I wasn't able to test properly in MP some of the new stuff, but I wanted to release something ASAP, as promised. So, take the WW4 mission as a test area for the upcoming template. If you find anything odd, buggy, etc just let me know and I'll fix it if I can. With that said, there're a couple known issues, none of them game breaking: - I tried to make the mission as addon free as possible. To do that I've removed all dependencies to the listed "optional addons" in the mission.sqm. This is because the mission is scripted in a way that whenever it detects that an addon isn't loaded all the features related to that addon are disabled (voices, fast roping, tracers, etc). Funnily enough, by doing so the mission WILL display an error popup complaining that it doesn't find bn tracers pbo when you're in fact using it. Well, that's nonsense, as that message only displays when you have that addon loaded. Anyway, if you agree on this being too annoying and counter-intuitive just let me know. All this was done to avoid putting the tracers pbo as needed, but I really don't care one way or another. - Related again to the tracers, if you have them active and the addon loaded you'll see a script error just after loading the mission. This is something related to the addon itself and not CCE2 as far as I can tell. It also doesn't have any negative effect on the mission through its extensive testing. Well, try the mission if you can and let me know what do you think about it. If you're lost with any of the new features make sure to pay attention to the hints displayed in-game or read the instructions in the in-game dossier. Also, you can read some backstory in the Notes section. If everything works as intended I'll post the 7.2.2 template in a few days. Have fun!
  13. kenoxite

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    The crash seems to only happens when you pbo the mission, not in the preview. It makes the mig21s unusable, in any case.
  14. kenoxite

    OFP: Nogovan Armed Forces

    Hi, First, let me congratulate you for all your work. Also, apart from the desert units mentioned there seems to be a problem with the mig21, both versions (CAS and INT). Every time they're present an error window pops up that just says "Picture", and the mission shuts down. It only happens to the mig21s. The mig27 works fine.
  15. kenoxite

    Drongo's Toolkit

    I'm practically done with the mission, only an intro and maybe expanding the debriefing and some other stuff would be left. I thought about putting it here, as it extensively uses DT, and a slightly tweaked version for that, and some feedback would be appreciated. So here it is. *Single Player only* Simple Assault v1.0 - BMD - DT (provisional title): http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3qv8eo96iwpx7wm Overview: Lead a VDV platoon in your mission to clear the area from rebels. Requires: WW4 v2.5: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?124403-WW4-Modpack-2-5 Drongo's Toolkit beta 0.3 (obviously) BMD3 / BMD3 M by AKM74 - v. 1.0 - FINAL: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2251 or VIT Apc Pack V1.3 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6192 Editor Update 1.03: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=158 TWEAKS MADE TO DT FOR THIS MISSION Most, if not all, the changed scripts are placed in the DT_overrides directory. The scripts that were calling to the scripts now overriden have been tweaked to point to these new files. So, the only actual changes to the DT directory are in those files. Objectives and victory condition Objectives are invisible (as in no visible marker) An area marker (circle) is placed instead, managed from outside DT. This marker only appears once the objective has been detected by the player's side, and will change color accordingly once the objective has been captured (from red to green). Once captured, the objective logic used by DT is removed. This was done to motivate the AI to stop trying to recapture them, and focus on the ones it has left. Victory condition tweaked so attackers don't need owned objectives. Victory is now achieved only when the player's side captures all the objectives. Radio communications Now the player can only use the command, artillery, etc menus as long as one of the members of his group has a radio (including the player himself). Radios are now absolutely essential, not only to access the command, artillery, etc menus, but also to being able to track units in the map. This was changed in order to fix the default behaviour, where the player was able to keep issuing orders through the map even without a radio. The markers will appear again once someone in the group of the player has a radio again. OTHER FEATURES Squad healing. The player is able to order all the injured units in his group to heal by just pressing one button. First aid kits. Every unit in the player's group carries one and is able to use it. Enemies and other friendly units also have a chance to carry one, although they won't use them. Once dead, their kits can be picked up by the player or his units (but just one kit can be carried per person at any given time). Attach/Detach from group. The player (and his RTO, if it's not himself) can detach from the group he's assigned to at any given moment. He (and his RTO, if it's not himself) can rejoin the squad again if needed (as long as the group is still alive). Random weather ISSUES Because it wouldn't be a post of mine if these aren't included :P Sometimes someone in my side seems to callfor artillery strikes (when we spot enemy APCs for the first time). I thought only the commander was able to do that. Is that correct? The enemy's BMPs don't react to the assault (BMPs with only crew, no cargo). They just patiently wait in their starting positions until the player destroys them. Note that they react properly when the player is detected (they shoot back) but they simply don't move an inch. I tried moving them to different places just in case they get stuck in the geometry, but that doesn't change anything. Right now they're left there, totally exposed, as if I can't fix this I'll probably end removing them.
  16. kenoxite

    Drongo's Toolkit

    I realized that later. The reactions of the AI were in fact the default BIS ones. That was why they defended so poorly. Yes, I saw that. I, in fact, finally created my own victorycheck script: @count dtObjectives > 0 ~30 _objectives = +(dtObjectives) _dmgWest = 0.1 _dmgEast = 0.2 _dmgRes = 0.3 _dmg = _dmgEast #loop _objsCaptured = 0 { if ((damage _x) == _dmg) then { _objsCaptured = _objsCaptured + 1 } } forEach _objectives ?(_objsCaptured == count _objectives): "3" objStatus "done", goto "end" ~5 goto "loop" #end titleText ["VICTORY", "PLAIN"] ~2 dtEndMission = true exit I meant invisible as in dummy units. But it must have been a misconception from my part. While testing I assigned english voices to the russians and russian to the rebels, just to make it easier to distinguish each side. What was happening was that there were moments where a russian voice was heard very, very close when it shouldn't (as in just arriving at the attack position, which is a few hundred meters away from any rebel). Seeing that no rebel was around then my guess was that the one that said that was some kind of invisible dummy unit close to my position. That's sad to hear, but I understand fully. Although I, for one, hope you release that new version.
  17. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    Hi, I've tweaked the Kodiak island (normal version) to lower the City Halls enough so that they are enterable now (as in the winter version). I've also lowered the piers in the small E/SE islands, which were originally positioned too high. All the City Halls should be fixed, but it's probable that there's one missing. If you're familiar with that island and remember their location, please, check that all of them are correctly positioned now and report any unfixed ones. Thanks. <- All fixed now. The intro animation included is the same as the one in the original Kodiak. If you have the original island installed just overwrite the folder in Addons by the one provided here. You'll see that now you'll have the old ones plus "intro.kodiak_fixed". Summary of fixes: All City Halls correctly positioned Piers in E/SE small islands are usable East area of big military base north of Sako elevated, so it doesn't sink under the tides Port of Sako also raised for the same reason ILS fixed. AI planes can now land and take off properly Download v1.1: - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?kqw8rfeq8g1p120 - http://www.multiupload.nl/IS8MZ0PXIV (Test mission without BAS dependencies: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7j8cj79ajbuhxlr ) All the credits go to Instructor, the creator of the island. Also, thanks to Nikiller for helping in finding bugs and giving suggestions.
  18. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    It seems the whole island was raised to be above sea level, not only the lake areas. That's actually quite a major tweak. As all the objects will have to be setposed to ground level after the raise. I'll look into it. No promises, though. Anyway, all this sounds more like a modification than a fix, and for that I guess the author should be contacted, which I didn't for the fixed version as nothing was actually changed from the original (just slightly tweaked and corrected). Which leads to, is Instructor still active around this parts?
  19. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    You're welcome. It's nice to have a Kodiak where you can use the city halls for missions after all. I also tried to fix the ammo bug in Afghan Everon but, unfortunately, it crashes on load in WrpTool. Wouldn't that require another addon for a what actually is now an "addon free" island? Anyway, how did they make that? If it's using some clever use of default textures and objects I might think about it. If it needs extra, then nope, as that wouldn't be a "fix" (not that adding ice would be a fix in the first place) but an "extension" or whatever you might want to call it. But... there's no runway in the winter version! No runway texture = no runway. In my book of laziness, that's it. Anyway, the ILS settings are up there. Just saying.
  20. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    The city halls in the winter version are correctly placed, which was the main reason for the version I released for the normal one. Apart from that, I'm not sure the issue with tides is as important as to force the release of a fixed version for the winter island. That can easily fixed by choosing a different date or time, after all. Maybe they are strategic bushes! Apart from that, the author of the island decided to add them for some reason, and removing them is out of the intentions of all this, as I was concentrating on fixing some obvious (and problematic, gameplay wise) issues. As for the suggestions, mine included, I'm afraid that's a task for others to fulfill. I haven't done any progress in that direction, and it's very unlikely that I'll do so in any foreseeable future. About your edited runway in the winter version, I can give you the ILS data I used for the normal one. Copy and paste this in your dpboed config.cpp: //ilsPosition[]={8272,5500}; //ilsDirection[]={0,0.08,-1}; //ilsTaxiOff[]={8272,6500,8330,6570}; //ilsTaxiIn[]={8340,6460,8286,6460,8272,6415}; ilsPosition[]={8274,5623,0}; ilsDirection[]={0,0.08,-1}; ilsTaxiIn[]={ 8325,6045, 8325,5605, 8307,5575, 8282,5575, 8274,5600, 8274,5650 }; ilsTaxiOff[]={ 8274,5623, 8274,6450, 8325,6476, 8325,6445, 8325,6045 }; The commented part is left there just for orientation, as that was the previous ILS config. You can paste that code in any place in CfgWorlds (somewhere below centerPosition[] = {8500, 6250, 0}; , or so).
  21. kenoxite

    Drongo's Toolkit

    Hi again. Are there any planned updates, by any chance? I'm currently working on a little mission where I've finally decided to use DT instead of waypoints and triggers, as it involved the participation of several squads in a particular assault. I'll finally make the player be the commander of a whole platoon, with all the freedom to plan the attack DT offers. But the (my) main problem with onMapSingleClick keeps me holding back. Have you make any progress on that? Is it just the one having this problem (CWA related, maybe)? Oh, and the problem with DSAI was my fault. While upgrading DT to beta 3 I forgot to add the ECP DSAI pbos to the DT addons directory :o --- EDIT: Adding some stuff I've come across while making the mission I mentioned. It's an assault mission where a platoon of VDV (3 rifle+BMD squads) assaults a rebel camp placed in a forest, the location of which isn't known (in the original version, at least). The only intel available is that it's "in that forest". The player is the assigned platoon leader (and DT commander, via init) and, for this version, all the waypoints for all the units (both rebel and russian) have been deleted, in the hope that DT would manage the AI, etc. While previously I've revised some of your code to check for bugs there's a lot of stuff I still don't know or don't understand fully. So, lots of questions about basic functionalty of DT follow. QUESTIONS Which settings would be needed to be set in Preferences for this particular mission? Currently the ones I have activated are: _command, _menu, _voices, _infoshare Does AI still need waypoints if Objectives is set to false? Looks like, as the AI does nothing even with _AI set to true. CORRECTION: I tested this by placing "objective" game logics while having _objectives deactivated. The capture and defense of objectives still work, but they don't trigger a victory/lose end (as expected, that's what I wanted). That said, the AI commander seems to react poorly and quite late to assaults in this version. But seeing that you mentioned in your latest posts that you're (or were) working on AI I guess this issue will eventually be addressed, if it hasn't already. In that case, there's no need to assign commanders, right? Not even the player? Does that mean that in this case DT is only used for platoon level management? (so, AI would still need waypoints set in the editor and such?) If I decide to use Objectives (which I don't, see below), how to integrate them with BIS objetive system so the briefing is updated when one is captured (via objstatus)? ISSUES dtExclude and _AI: When _AI is activated in Preferences the player group is also given orders, even when player is leader and listed in dtExclude. Maybe already fixed in revised dtExclude? Vehicles and inaccessible areas: Mech Inf has troubles when objective is inside a forest. They try to keep going in without dismounting. Even if Dismount order is given in COMMAND menu they mount again automatically. More info below. SUGGESTIONS Objectives: Assault/Defend only mode: Would it be possible to add a mode to Objectives where the attacking side doesn't have to have their own owned flags? I mean, right now a side without flags loses automatically. In this particular mission, giving flags to the russians would look out of place. That's why I'm not using them right now. Invisible objectives: Could the visibility of the objectives be toggled, to allow for objectives where it's exact location is unknown? In this mission the attackers should ideally only have an approximate idea of the area where the camp/s is/are. Infantry only areas: Related to mech inf and forests, mentioned above: Could there be a way to exclude player defined areas so mech inf AI knows when they have to go on foot (and their vehicle to wait outside)? Something like allowing the mission maker to place triggers, markers or game logics to indicate those forests or "vehicles disallowed" areas? --I know the simple, common sense, answer is "don't use mech inf when objectives are in forests" but, well, sometimes missions have multiple objectives and, anyway, this will give a lot of flexibility to mission makers regarding what unit types to use and where to place objectives. Also, my guess is that vehicles in general (tanks, etc) would have a hard time trying to achieve objectives placed in this kind of places that only infantry can access, and I'm not sure that's taken into account currently in DT. In this particular mission the idea was for the BMDs to wait in outskirts providing support fire while the inf goes in to search for the camps. Radio Operators: When dtHasRadio is false and dtRequireRadio is true the only way to use DT's command interface, etc is if the player himself has a radio equipped. Could be possible to allow access to the command system if ANYBODY in the group of the player has a radio? There's no point in assigning radio operators for the player's group right now, and it's a bit sad. -- MORE EDITS: ISSUES Invisible units and DSAI: Invisible units should automatically be excluded from DSAI by default. Right now, it looks like the islands in OFP are inhabited by the ghosts of drunk russians. You can hear them everywhere, but you can't see them. SUGGESTIONS Timer to capture objectives: Set an objective as captured as long as it has been held for X amount of time. Right now the objectives are captured instantly as long as there's no enemies close. Forcing the attackers to hold the objectives for a given time would both introduce a nice dynamic to the capture system and give the defenders a better chance to hold the last objective.
  22. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma cold war assault\ Or a variation of that. BTW, OFP/CWA is one of the few Steam games that you can run without starting the Steam client first. That means that after you install the game you can move it to wherever you want and the game will work without problems (and without the hassle of going through Steam every time you want to play it).
  23. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    It turns out that the port area in Sako had the same problems with tides as the military base, so I've also raised that area. Now this really should be the last update of this fixed version. I've renamed the island to Kodiak v1.1 to make it easier to know what's the latest version, just in case there's yet something else that needs fixing. I've also included in the zip file the test mission I used to check the new ILS settings. Install this new version the same way as before. After that you can safely delete both the "kodiak_fixed" island and its animations in the Addons folder.
  24. kenoxite

    ArmA Cold War Assault. OFP mods are compatible?

    Yes, it does work. All the stuff from the former OFP versions work in the new CWA one, be it from Steam or not. That said, you sometimes will have to do some tweaking to install some stuff, like changing temporarily the name of the exe. Just search for "CWA" plus the mod/addon you want to install and you'll surely find posts about it.
  25. kenoxite

    Kodiak (fixed)

    Thanks for that. Looking into this ILS thing I can see how easily can be done wrong. All this taxi lanes thing seems a bit convoluted. Anyway, I've managed to fix it. Now the AI can use the airfield without crashing. I've updated the download link with the updated file in the first post. This should be all for bug fixing, right? I think all the mentioned ones have been crushed already, which would make that the last version of the fixed Kodiak.