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Phantom Six

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Everything posted by Phantom Six

  1. This is great :) good job CUP team. Not only do you guys port stuff from Arma 2 but add and improve upon it as well. Good luck and best wishes :)
  2. I see that every sides (west, east, independent) are limited to 144 groups, but I'm wondering why gamelogics as well? I'm just using gamelogics with setPosASL on them to get the positions of the gamelogics to spawn players in a random building. Right now they're separately grouped, but I'm wondering why they have the 144 group limit as well. I'm assuming that grouping the gamelogics together to get over the 144 group limit won't be a problem for getPos, but I'm curious why is there still a 144 group limit and also for gamelogics.
  3. Phantom Six


    Olsha Wolves - Excellent mission and great atmosphere. Nice foggy firefight. Rush in - Nice mission with chopper supports and insertion to clear hotel for CQB. I'd probably like it better with shooting out of little birds, SMGs, and shotguns for the CQB clearing. I do think it would be better if the radio settings wasn't tampered with.
  4. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    New mission COOP 13 Snackbar Interrogation http://bnp-creations.weebly.com/co-13-snackbar-interrogation.html
  5. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Mission updated CO 12 Oil Leak Version 1.3 - Replaced CUP MAAWs with RHS Javelin - Replaced CUP Stinger with RHS Stinger - Fixed loadouts so you don't have to reload at start of mission on dedicated servers anymore - Added notifications that scouts reported that final wave of enemies will arrive ETA 7 minutes http://bnp-creations.weebly.com/co-12-oil-leak.html
  6. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Mission update CO 16 Steel to Rider Version 1.1 - Added 20 minute auto complete timer for first objective
  7. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    New mission CO 16 Steel to Riders http://bnp-creations.weebly.com/co-16-steel-to-riders.html
  8. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    New mission CO 12 Grenz Grenada http://bnp-creations.weebly.com/home/new-armz-3-mission-co-12-grenz-grenada
  9. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    New mission CO12 Return with a Vengeance http://bnp-creations.weebly.com/co-12-return-with-a-vengeance.html
  10. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Yeah, I know it'll work for all crates and vehicles. I just forgot to change the loadout... *sigh* not fond of fixing really old, old missions before I used a standard... I'm back to school now so I'll be sluggish on editing now. I forgot I had a loadout script for that one. I use FHQ SafeAddLoadout for all the custom loadouts in my later missions. Works like a charm so it doesn't get mess up on dedicated servers. I'm not fond of using VAS since its too gun porny to me. I'm not fond of gathering up at an ammobox for all missions, especially when I want action to happen right away and everyone to act fast. Waiting for people to huddle up at an ammobox can waste some time for those type of missions. ---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ---------- UPDATED CO 06 Data Fish Added FHQ SafeAddLoadout so custom loadout scripts won't get screwy on dedicated servers when it does.
  11. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    My old ones, no, but they were played on Comrades in Arms dedicated server. My newer ones, I test on dedicated server. The TH ones I was trying to experiment with a different way for loadout (its still playable), but its quite a bloody mess. That'd be a pain for me to modify at the moment since it was a messy job. It's still playable and I even try on dedicated, just can be a bit messy.... They're old missions... Usually they're all completed on the CiA server first before I upload them here. Some of the ones you mention, I actually made them around Arma 3 Beta time periods or something, its been a while for those ones. TH missions were actually the first missions I made for Arma 3 and I started on them since around Beta or Alpha... Instead of making a typical mission like back in Arma 2, I decide to make use of whatever of those first addons stuff that came around with the parameters and stuff... well, it was a mess nevertheless... it is playable, but a mess. Round Defense Drimea was the 2nd mission, Data fish was 3rd... made probably around Arma 3 Alpha/Beta times.... For the T-hunts, best have everyone start off at the same time to addaction pick the loadouts unless you want the AI's default gear... Crappy design, yeah. I decided to experiment with something else as a first Arma 3 mission, but well, that didn't work out so well....
  12. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    First post. I just replace the old links.
  13. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    CO 06 Data Fish updated CO 16 Round Def Drimea updated FIXED: You can now grab ammos and weapons from weapon crate on dedicated server.
  14. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Yeah, I figured that out later down the line, but had to leave for school, I'll update it once I get to it. I'll need to do the same for Round Def Drimea. Hard to keep track of the older missions >_< I put global on the newer ones, but I forgot to go back and do it for the old ones.
  15. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    I'm looking through it. I have no idea at the moment. It used to work various patches ago :/ . I'll check it out again sooner or later ---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ---------- New mission released. CO 15 Archaeology Play as archaeologists resisting a bunch of terrorist groups who are chasing them down with Lee Enfields. Requires CUP, AiA Terrain Pack, Hazor Kot.
  16. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Oil leak updated to 1.2 Demoman is now a repair specialist as well so you can repair vehicles.
  17. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Every single mission on the list has been updated. Psycho revive script updated on all of them that includes it. Some older missions have had FHQ safeaddloadout added to them to prevent load out problems and adduniform had been changed to forceadduniform to avoid naked soldier problems.
  18. Phantom Six


    Oh man, I hope Bink gets well from all this :/
  19. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Added 2 new missions - CO 12 Avengence Needle - CO@12 Oil Leak
  20. Yay, congrats on the weapons release guys. I hope to see vehicles and units someday soon. Good luck.
  21. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    Updated Oil Protection Services to 1.1 - Removed ISIS skin due to setobjecttextureglobal no longer working on dedicated server Added one new mission - CO@15 Big Bird Down
  22. Phantom Six

    Community Upgrade Project: WIP thread

    Yay, the guns from Arma 2 in great quality.
  23. Phantom Six

    Phantom Six's Arma 3 Missions

    New mission has been released, CO 15 Oil Protection Services. 75th Rangers hold off against ISIS fighters in the Desert_E. Thanks to Aplion for ISIS uniform. Strange, I can open/close doors with mine, I just have to scroll through the action menu to avoid the SATCOM instead.
  24. Hello guys, I was wondering if it is possible to do setobjecttexture for masks, vests, backpacks, and other stuff. I can change uniforms with _unit setobjecttextureglobal [0,"texture\officer_hex_co.paa"]; inside my loadout scripts. I can't change shemags and stuff textures while trying on the other hand. I change the number 0 from 0 to other numbers. I was wondering if the other stuff are possible to retexture via just scripts without addons. Thanks.
  25. Phantom Six

    HAFM ISIS Addon

    Oh sorry. I'm trying to ask if I can just use the texture files of your addons for a setobjecttexture instead of use the addons for the units if that's fine with you. I know there's no other addons dependencies, but instead of using the addon, am I allow to just use just the textures instead?