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About ragnos

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, just stopped by to report small bugs I found in latest version of AR15 mod. Two issues: - "hlc_rifle_M4" rail attachment point is too far foward, so laser pointer is floating in the air - all AR15 weapons have duplicated vanilla optics (2x each one) in Arsenal Mod list I tested it on: @cba_a3;@hlcmods_core;@hlc_ar15
  2. This bugs me too, I've created ticket for it - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24931.
  3. British units are awesome! Found config error and made ticket for it :) Are you guys planning some air like Falklands era Lynx?
  4. Awesome units! Found two minor issues with NV Googles on. Alternative optics (looking over) of "SAL_M4a5_ShortDot" and "SAL_M4a5_ShortDot_SD" disables night vision. Same problem is with "SAL_Mk48_Eot" when looking through EOT.
  5. Bugs me too, I've created ticket for it. Thanks for your hard work guys :)
  6. I've downloaded "SPZub2_3Fixed.7z" version from armaholic. It requires also "jsrs_distance" addon to play. I assume it's just oversight, because it's not mentioned. I'm not using those sounds, so I've unpacked mission and changed mission.sqm and starting mission right now. Also I've played previous version of Zub and also some other missions from you. I must say inspiring work, thanks! I really enjoyed them.
  7. I've experienced it too, just move your campaing PBO files from "Campaigns" folder in game folder to "Expansion\Campaigns" folder. This should work, at least for CO users.
  8. OK I found it, it's in F2 Framework: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/index.php?title=F2_Common_Local_Variables
  9. Hi, I've seen somewhere command returning array of all blufor/opfor units and I can't find it now. Something like "allBluforUnits". I know I can get all units with "allUnits" and sort them with "side", but I've seen this already done solution in ACE or CBA and can't find it anymore. So, I'm hoping that some of you guys use this command.
  10. ragnos

    Takistan region map

    Thanks Cozza, that's exactly what I was looking for :)
  11. Hi, I'm looking for certain takistan map. Like this one, but without region divided: http://www.arma2.com/images/stories/arma2PMC/tak_pro_gro.jpg I tried google it and searched forum with no luck. I found only modified versions. I'm sure, that a lot of you guys have it on your hard drive.
  12. It seems that "camera shake" effect isn't working. I tried code from one of the previous posts (http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1890484&postcount=40) and also start of BAF campaign where is this effect used and nothing. I had postproces enabled. Any ideas? I would like to use it for my mission.
  13. ragnos

    CSLA for A2CO

    Great stuff CSLA team! I've played all your releases from begining (OFP, ArmA 1) and it's top class work again. I've enjoyed some SP missions yesterday, brings back memories on your excellent OFP campaigns. Is some campaign planned for ArmA 2 too?
  14. Hanzu is right. I missed that you posted that you started on CDF side, so your warfare base in different town. Also consider his suggestion about impact of killing (or not killing) Pryzrak. I played on NAPA side so I'm curious. Did you found priest (Pryzrak) on grid I posted?
  15. You can hit "Revert" on "Open Season" and play it so that next mission will be which you want, but you will lose your progress in campaign after "Open Season". There is no other solution.