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Everything posted by helldesign

  1. Thanks for your answer! So I guess there's no easy solution for those people that doesn't have scripting knowledge. I hope someone decides to do some standard "BE filters" package in future, that can be used in most scenarios, because a server without be filters is like naked.
  2. Hey all, Since BattlEye is in the stable branch now I'm curious if it's recommended to use the official BE filters (not sure how official they are as they are initially created for d.ayz ) from https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters if I'm running a regular Arma 3 mission without limitation in weapons and vehicles (unlike d.ayz)? Will they cause some random player kicks when shooting with weapons, launchers, attached/vehicle weapons, respawning/repairing etc. Do I need to edit these filters or use only some of them and is there any standard "BE filters" pack for Arma 3 ?
  3. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    I hope till this time you create a team to help you and continue your work when you are busy and the mission not to be forgotten :)
  4. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Thanks for the reply zooloo Now the question is why only me having this issue if we all using the same mission file with the same version of game client and server.. :confused: and how can I stop these "animals" :D from bugging my server :j:
  5. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Yes, I know about "-nolog" in dev branch, but I'm trying to find why everyone else except me can run this mission without problems. I completely deleted my Arma 3 game (and server) then re-installed and still have this issue. Something is messed and I don't know where to look. Maybe the problem is related to my OS...? (Win 7 64 bit)
  6. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Hey zooloo75 , would you upload your server RPT log file, because I would like to compare it with mine. I'm still getting that massive rpt log spam with errors like ... 0:53:00 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:00 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_animals_f_chicken 0:53:00 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:00 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_structures_f_items_cans ... 0:53:04 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:04 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:04 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:04 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 0:53:04 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109 ... etc. and I'm unable to play the mission. Re-installed my Arma 3 (also tried dev and stable), also re-downloaded the server with no luck. Still trying to figure where this errors come from... BTW anyone running this mission under Windows 7 64 bit using dedicated server? Found similar issue in the tracker http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5897 and I'm wondering if it's related to my problem... Here is my log: arma3server_2013-07-16_00-49-41.rpt
  7. I did fresh installation of Windows 7 (64) bit, then installed Steam via "steamcmd" and after that - clean installation of Arma 3 dedicated server "STABLE" branch via "steamcmd". Installed DirectX 11. When I run my server and join it, I'm getting massive error spam in the RPT log that kills my server FPS over period and making me unable to play certain missions. I'm not using any addons, the mission also do not require mods and nobody reported such errors before, so I'm not sure if the problem is mission related or something messed in my game server installation (missing software ???). Can anyone check my RPT log and help me with the errors in it: arma3server_2013-07-07_20-39-16.rpt Thank you.
  8. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Can anyone check my RPT log and help me with the errors in it: arma3server_2013-07-07_20-39-16.rpt This massive RPT log spam kills my FPS after a period (from 50 it goes to 9-12) and makes the mission unplayable for me. I already did clean installation of my Arma 3 server "STABLE" branch with "steamcmd", no mods or anything additional. Tested "404wasteland" and it works fine (no rpt error spam and fps not changing in time), so I'm not sure where I should look...
  9. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    using dedicated server DEV branch?
  10. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Do anyone have this kind of message in the RPT server log "Server: Unhandled user message Type_109" ? I'm not sure if it has anything with the mission or it is a bug in the server (DEV branch) but my server logs are spammed with this. I restarted my server 7 hours ago and now my "rpt" log is 280 MB...
  11. Hi, I'm looking for info about which OS is better for hosting Arma (3) server in terms of performance. I know that usually the answer would be "Linux" because is lighter than Windows, but it's also important if the software is optimized to run under that OS (moreover that currently the server have to use WINE to run under Linux). So will I have any visible performance gains running the server under Linux over Windows? Isn't it the same if the server runs with WINE like if it runs under Windows? Thanks
  12. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    But it seems that your server is in the stable branch now. Is your mission available for DEV branch servers? Thanks
  13. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    BTW where exactly are the user stat saves? I cant find them in the server directory or maybe they are saved client side? Can anyone tell me the exact path?
  14. helldesign

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Hi zooloo75, Is it recommended to create a PBO to run this mission properly and can I use it as folder? Thank you.
  15. Thank you guys :cheers:
  16. Hi, I'm wondering if options like: "kickDuplicate = 1;" equalModRequired = 1; requiredSecureId = 2; timeStampFormat = "short"; // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; // onUserDisconnected = ""; // doubleIdDetected = ""; // // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData = ""; should be included in the server config or they are deprecated in arma3? (i don't see them in your example conf)
  17. I'm not sure how this will affect the game performance and devs probably have more important issues to solve (short time), but I would love to see it in the final game.
  18. helldesign

    Help with Clan scripts by UID

    It works! Thanks a lot, FreakJoe
  19. Hello guys, I need little help with adding clan scripts to my mission file, so random players cannot access some features in the server till they get instructed and whitelisted by UID. Basically the idea is to make a script that will store a list with player "UIDs", and redirecting their owners to a bunch of scripts (from different locations). Example: first we calling the "clan_access" script via "init.sqf": [] execVM "clan_access.sqf""; and clan_access.sqf should be something like this: getPlayerUID -> IF the UID is "000000001","000000002","000000003","000000004","000000005" -> -> run "folder/script1.sqf", -> run "folder/script2.sqf", -> run "folder/script3.sqf", -> run "folder/script4.sqf", -> run "folder/script5.sqf" I would like to call this script via init.sqf, not by the "init line" of each unit, so that way will be a lot easier to make it work with any mission without major editing. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  20. When we have a few people playing together as a squad and one of them made ​​a mistake (raging in side chat or just improper use of the channels, sometimes people don't do it on purpose) and he get banned, most likely the whole squad will leave the server. It will be a lot better if we have ability to just mute the guy and he can continue playing with his friends without bothering everyone.
  21. I think at least should be added an option for admins to set Mute-bans for Global/Side/Group etc. channels (Voice and/or Text) by GUID/UID/IP, which can be placed for a time (minutes/hours/days/months) and such bans doesn't kick out players from the server but making them shut up. Edit: Plus ability to disable VON in certain channels.
  22. When I ban someone on my server (BE GUID/Ip), he changes his nickname and starts spamming the chat with "battleye kick messages" attempting to join the server again and again. Example: http://lachev.com/downloads/banned_nickname_join_spam.jpg (115 kB) How to stop it? Thanks.
  23. Thank you, Ezcoo :cheers: