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Everything posted by papanowel

  1. papanowel

    hms proteus how to spawn?

    Modify the elevation (in meter) of the gamelogic ;)
  2. papanowel

    hms proteus how to spawn?

    Place a gamelogic somewhere (where you want your sub to appear) and then write this the init file: _submarine = "Submarine_01_F" createVehicle (position this);
  3. I can't start "Game Over" Is there a way to start it? I'm a bit lost here. Edit: I just had to revert the mission instead of replay :)
  4. papanowel

    Which addons are contain MI-24?

    I think kgnino is asking if there are mods that contain MI-24 available for Arma 3.
  5. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    We all agree on that, a stand-alone/huge expansion would be great for all of us. Regarding the success of the 3 dlcs in A2, I'm sure Bis will do that in A3. As long as they don't break/split the community, it's all good.
  6. papanowel

    Custom Face

    This is the one: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5758
  7. I looked at the last episode pbo and there is a mission that's in not in the campaign (yet?): Edit: someone already talked about it... my bad. It never showed up when I did the campaign, I might have done something wrong when I played it.
  8. papanowel

    Rate the third episode!

    4/10, way too short and it's like something is missing in the end. I wanted more infos about the CSAT device.
  9. Tell me that we will have an other episode in the future, it's got to be one. At least we have kind of 2 ending...
  10. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The trawler was there a long time ago ;)
  11. Very nice helmet model! Are you creating new soldier model too?
  12. It's a known issue, it's something related to the workshop.
  13. 5th mission of the Win campaign seems to be bugged, I can't start any savegame from this mission (loading screen and then arma stopped working). Even if I start it again, nothing change. + There is a script error too.
  14. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Stealth technology never worked in Arma, it's just a "skin" nothing less nothing more. At least we still have the chance to pilot an A10. It's 10 am, we never had a big patch before 3 pm (gmt+1).
  15. I just tried and I'm not able to reproduce it.
  16. You should try to contact Mankyle or Gnat ;)
  17. papanowel

    Catalonia: is Europe’s next independent state?

    Arma 3 take place in 2035 and all the arma games have been set in an alternative world (called the armaverse), maybe Catalonia has become an independent state.
  18. papanowel

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Guys are you aware that you can add the mod by yourself? Some already did it, it takes time and we can't do all the mods out there by ourself. So feel free to do it, we will add it to the repository for everyone to enjoy ;)
  19. New abandoned hotel ;) It will be in Iraklia (only roads are visible now, NNW of the salt lake).
  20. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Good news!
  21. papanowel

    Development Blog & Reveals

    It looks more protected to me, it has extra armor plate. Agree about the smaller canon.
  22. papanowel

    Afghanistan Map - No Name.

    Great news, I prefer having maps to enjoy without any other requirement.
  23. papanowel

    Ukraine General

    You might watch/read the wrong media then...