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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. Maybe the new light rays dropped it for you so your GPU is bottlenecked?
  2. St. Jimmy

    Is this color normal?

    If you're using low HDR you need to tune brightness or gamma (can't remember which one) almost 0.
  3. St. Jimmy

    Keys - Enhanced Interaction System

    You have to change the controls by yourself the mod doesn't change those for you. Those are just Sakura's recommendations.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Keys - Enhanced Interaction System

    *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Down ------------------> "G" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Up --------------------> "G" Aren't countermeasures by default on G? So you might need to add that on the list because of this. *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Down -----------------> "left shift + F" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Up -------------------> "left ctrl + F" Left ctrl + F changed the fire mode so I prefer Flaps Down -> "left shift + Q" and Flaps Up -> "left shift + E" Just sharing some thoughts. Any idea when we can interact better with doors and ladders?
  5. St. Jimmy

    Keys - Enhanced Interaction System

    Great and thank you! Will use this a lot.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Clipping issues

    And this is how it goes in real life Just like in this picture
  7. Can't the AI wait for the player in the last mission? Only 1 or 2 guys are left from the first contact and then they just rush before I can even catch them and die.
  8. St. Jimmy

    KEYS: No action menu

    Yep I'd love to see something like this to open from a key and then you can navigate through those menus normally. Benefit is you don't have to remember where are Mount commands under 1,2,3... because you can see it right away. This system wouldn't probably open up number keys in use because of the hard coding or could it? Here's my ticket about this.
  9. St. Jimmy

    Arma 3 compared to Arma 2

    +++++ Graphics, lighting, new rain etc. omnomnonmnomnmonomnmomonmonnmomn + Movement & stances + Finally I can use GL + Not fucked up campaign (yet). Couldn't enjoy Arma 2 campaign at all. + Underwater + Attachment and gear system + Many enterable buildings + AI feels improved +++ Following metalcraze's crusade + Penetration system - Too much weapon sway ---- Medic/wounding system. AI shoots back accurately after the first hit. The biggest problem for now. - Less vehicles and weapons than in Arma 2 which I can understand why - Sounds fade too quickly and some other sound problems - No women
  10. St. Jimmy

    the AT pod

    Lol yes XD again :D:D:D:D 2013 #YOLO
  11. Dam we need that sound for the thunder because Arma 3's thunder sounds worse than Arma 2's.
  12. Is there a scripted thunder sound in campaign or why I can't get that awesome sound when I'm playing in the editor?
  13. By an average of 0,1fps compared to Titan :eek: I'd like to see with lower object distance. Max 2K.
  14. Waypoints need to be more clear colored. It's pretty hard to see that green almost transparent waypoint so you have to watch elsewhere to see where you need to go. This is certainly a thing that will bug some people and even confuse. Also please fix the direct chat sound issue. You can't hear anything if you're watching derectly at the speaker.
  15. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Dear god now that I've played 1 minute of the campaign the 5.1/7.1 mid speaker bug is annoying me. Can't hear a dam of those conversations. Immersion bug #1 that needs to be fixed really.
  16. I got G.Skill RipjawsX DDR3-1600 DIMM CL9. Is there a chance to go for 2133 or should I give up before even trying?
  17. in Arma 2 you got more stuck with pistol than a rifle. Weapon collision really didn't worked at all in Arma 2.
  18. I think most people are annoyed about the coughing whiny sound that sounds like the character is dying or having asthma.
  19. They've been on the "final lap" for some time and now they're in mid sprint. I'm guessing this is the last sprint before the release of the alpha because of the final lap.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Sakura Chan's Keys (Door behaviour) Mod?

    Wait for the release http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161146-KEYS-No-action-menu
  21. St. Jimmy

    Behaviour "careless" is useless

    It isn't useless for me. I don't know much about scripting and this is handy sometimes when testing stuff.
  22. St. Jimmy

    Cross marketing match made in heaven.

    Cool. Playing Arma, drinking Arma and eating Arma. This is war!
  23. St. Jimmy

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I wasn't expecting Nord to put much effort, at least alone, in this anymore unless BIS gives the quicker technology to do this. I understood that now this is pretty time consuming. Dam nice if he'll make us better Stratis textures because it looks amazing.
  24. St. Jimmy

    AH-9 Pawnee minigun damage values

    Well it still needs 3 shots to kill and that's too much IMO.
  25. St. Jimmy

    Double your FPS

    Well if someone has Windows Aero theme on, turning it off can give you 10fps. That's what happened to me when I changed theme from something cool to Windows Basic. Main menu fps from 50->60.