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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    Borders should be closed for some time and then the situation should be cleared and find people and organizations that are response of this human trafficing and wars. It's getting out of hands.
  2. St. Jimmy

    My experience in buying Arma 3 Special Edition

    Only a week has passed. Usually 2 weeks is a good time to wait if you buy something outside of your country. Someone who has buyed from BIStore could say if they send any message that the item has been shipped or is there any status that yoou can check somewhere.
  3. All I can say is that MH-9 FFV is even more limited now :D
  4. St. Jimmy

    transparent terrain

    Also if the mission or server provides grass detail setting, you need to set it to the max.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Arma 3 crash Ran out of memory

    Yeah Page File shouldn't be too low because the game seems to use it no matter what. At least I couldn't run the game much without a Page File and I've 8GB or memory.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Arma 3 crash Ran out of memory

    Should the memory usage be this high? I saw this already in 1.48. /Over a hour session and now it's like this: 2,9GB feels bit much for a 32-bit app. Made a ticket just in case http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=25344
  7. No problem over here. I can use Left Ctrl as a freelook key and move at the same time and Left Shift works as always for sprinting. Something wrong in your end or somehow keyboard support is different. /Well good that you solved it then. Kind of weird that both of those keys didn't work as expected.
  8. St. Jimmy

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    Anyone getting pretty interesting result with HDD vs SSD? The thing is at the very beginning those Hunters don't move at the start when I'm playing from SSD. They move EVERYTIME when I play from HDD. Anyone have any idea why that's even possible?
  9. Arma and X Planes are games that are mostly depend on single core performance (if the game is a sim, that's how it very likely id) so multiple slower cores/threads don't help as much. As you can see 5820 is runnin @ 3,6GHz and 6700 @ 4,2GHz in those tests so it lacks that behind. When basically Arma 3 fps rises 1fps per 0.1GHz we could say 5820 is about 4fps behind the 6700 if they'd be run at the same clocks.
  10. St. Jimmy

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Is it AI hearing why the AI detects player behind a bush when the AI is not facing the player at all in the cosmic10r's video? I can't now check the timing in the video but it's pretty much in the last minute.
  11. Here's how 5820K does in Arma 3 http://www.hardware.fr/articles/924-15/jeux-3d-crysis-3-arma-iii.html those are likely run without OC so 4790K and 5820K are likely even at the same clocks. There's also not any real difference yet between high speed DDR3 and DDR4 as you can read from the few last pages.
  12. Take the %C2%A0 part off when you open the link. It should be right in my post http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24918
  13. It has been warned for some weeks already that file patching will be changed because of security reasons. It's now off by default because of that.
  14. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    OK that's freaking bad. Ground vehicles can't ever sound good because of those gear shifts. It would be interesting to test manual gear shifting but manual shift keys don't work if I rember right? They're in the profile though.
  15. Well if he could bench the 5820K and share the results with specs and settings, then we might get answer quicker. I thought the 5820K doesn't even compare with 4790K.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Upgrade from i7 860 to i5 6600k

    Nice new info for me. I just read about that with Skylake http://www.techspot.com/news/61697-tiny-die-underneath-intel-skylake-cpu-heat-spreader.html and 20C improvement is possible.
  17. St. Jimmy

    Upgrade from i7 860 to i5 6600k

    Broadwell can only take DDR3L which means low voltage memory (1.35v but I'm not 100% sure could you give more volts because Sandy is rated 1.5v but it can be run 1.65v). So Skylake can run faster memory but Broadwell still runs Arma 3 bit faster or at the same fps which is impressive when you also watch the power consumption. Intel can have something nice in their sleeves in the future when you watch those things. The DDR3L is also likely the reason why Skylake gets about the same performance as Broadwell when both are overclocked because faster memory helps in the overclock performance. So Skylake scales better up.
  18. Got to ask what Power Supply you've currently? Asking because your rig doesn't consume much so you might have bit low Wattage PSU for the GTX 970.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Getting kicked from servers

    Check your .rpt file from C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Arma 3 If you use NoLogs then disable that so the problem will be logged in the file. Copy the text and paste it in PasteBin and post the link here.
  20. Well if you don't care why even bother commenting then... -_-
  21. Actually in many other games the difference is closer to 0. Arma is one of the few games where the min. fps can be increased with better/faster RAM.
  22. The 3000MHz is faster because its timings are also lower. The difference would be ~1fps. What benchmarks say it's ~0,4fps per timing and ~0,5fps per 133MHz. So there's the guide for buying the right RAM. Per timing example: From 17-17-17-37 to 15-15-15-35 gives 0,8fps. If the timings are like 15-17-17-35 then you can imagine or "round up" it's/to 16-16-16-36 Per MHz example: From 2400MHz to 2666MHz gives 1fps. That "theory" applies in these benchmarks pretty well http://www.hardware.fr/articles/940-5/cpu-ddr4-vs-ddr3-pratique.html and also it shows that at least currently there's zero difference between DDR3 and DDR4 when they're on the same level. Can't say anything for AMD guys. It's likely very different.
  23. Find a computer that can run 60fps in multiplayer unless the mission is very light and you'll be the new Jesus.. So no, not going to happen even with very high end computer unless you're playing small coop with a friend.
  24. St. Jimmy

    Forums migration/update status items

    I found a setting that should notify is someone quotes me. It would be nice to have that on by default.
  25. St. Jimmy

    Hardware upgrade

    Are you really playing with those view/object distances? I usually play with 1000-1600m Object Distance and 1500-3000m View Distance. I usually lower it when I go in MP to that 1500/1000m and also I lower Object Detail to Standard. I mean no wonder if you get that bad fps and maybe some people are complaining about bad fps when you go that much overkill with those. I also noticed in today Annex session that if you see that your fps drops, then playing with Object Distance you can get the fps back. You might need to lower it a bit or sometimes just going back and forth is enough and later you can increase it.