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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Has the magical, put you weapon in your backpack to free your hands or take binocs, so you consume less fatigue/stamina, been fixed finally?Maybe if BIS puts couple of months testing and really makes big changes in the stamina system so it even gets close to the old fatigue this system could be nice. But that of course raises a question was it worth it to do everything again on the different base. The new system is a fail in my book so long if it doesn't almost force you to walk or stop if you push too far. That's how the old system was, only the fatigue gain and recovery were bit too sharp or short and the weight curve should've been more logaritmic. Maybe we will hear more about this stamina next week if their aim has changed. They must have had some talking and meeting after this huge amount of feedback in this topic and I hope they will make this system more authentic like the fatigue was.
  2. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Maybe introduce animation slow downs different way this time. The more you carry, the slower animations. So 100% loaded player moves like 100% fatigued in the old system, just for example. I also liked the slow down feature but some people disagree heavily. That way the weight should matter a lot again. Then the only problem is the environmental penalties like moving uphill because they don't exist.
  3. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    You can jog forever no matter how much you carry. Only the amount of time you can sprint is reduced but it gets regenerated even when jogging. Basically it doesn't matter what your stance is (Arma 2 crouch running is back), how much you carry stuff with you, you can run on top of a mountain without getting tired. Skyrim sprint system and how long you can sprint is affected by the amount of weight you carry. That's it simply. Fatigue is getting removed and Stamina will replace it.
  4. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    AI was the only one but I haven't seen BIS mentionin that. AI likes to keep their gun up and do all kinds of small movement so they can get tired more quick than the player. That's why I thought we will get couple compromises in the old system and also some tweaks and fixes here and there, but nope.
  5. St. Jimmy

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    Wow second and third timings are 25. Nice speed and insaine high timings. It's not step in the right direction until the timings are also kept low.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    Timings do matter this much http://www.hardware.fr/articles/940-5/cpu-ddr4-vs-ddr3-pratique.html (change the 7-zip test to Arma 3)Not as much as Bratwurste said but still some effect. CL7 1866 would be likely match CL15 or CL13 2400MHz on that list. DDR3 and DDR4 are equally fast if their clocks and timings match.
  7. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Let's take DayZ as an example, what's one of the biggest problems in it? You can run around Chernarus in no time so the world isn't immersive and it feels so small. You can always outrun zombies because they can't catch a running man so they're not a threat. Though even the current DayZ food/water and how much sprinting consumes your energy resources is more hardcore than what we have in dev branch. I don't know have you even understood how much you're watering down the vanilla Arma 3 experience, how much you're watering down all the tactics, how much you're making the islands to feel small and cities like villages and how a mountain became like a no obstacle.
  8. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    This just means that mod makers need to mod the stamina back in and then there's always a chance that you'll break something in it and it needs to be fixed again and all that. The vanilla stamina was very good in game modes like Tactical Battlefield. Mostly the loadouts there are around 25-35% and if you were some kind of an ammobearer then you feel that. It balances dam well, so high loadouts didn't use much sprinting but lighter actually can use it a lot when it's really needed and they can go for long distances (from object to object easily) without even thinking about stamina. Crouch running was used when needed but you always want to be standing up and running if it's possible. The system rewards the "move-observer-move" or "cover-to-cover" playstyles and it worked dam well in CQB. Naturally if you're fully packed with MMG and a launcher it's harder but still if you think it's manageable. You just need to think how much you actually carry with you and move that way and be ready that you can be outmanoeuvred by light troops. It even could make you conisider how much you really want that highest and the most heavy armour or do you want to play guerrilla. With the new system this all is scrapped from the vanilla game and mod makers need to bring that back again and worry if the mod breaks from some changes. What part of the community you even want to please with the new changes? The ones who already have the fatigue disabled won't see any other difference than that they can run even more and the gameplay doesn't change actually at all. And other part of the community sees the change is like taking tire heating out of racing simulators and then you say "make your own" which is like a kick to the nuts.
  9. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Oh my now that i gave this a quick test, it's even worse than I thought. Seriously I'm just running around with full inventory like nothing and weapon sway from beign tired and all that is non-existent. "Because of sandbox" my ass, they already can disable the fatigue if it doesn't fit in their "sandbox" which is what you've done currently, except it's even easier than with the enableFatigue false; in old system. /I could give all kinds of feedback to tweak the old system. Come on ask us what you want to see to be tweaked in the old system and maybe even some add of depth in it. It could be made so it's more forgiving with some tweaks but still have the same gameplay effect at the same time.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    You should fix these things and keep the old system and improve it: Having no weapon in hands fatigues you much less Having binocs in the hands does the same thing Keeping weapon up fatigues you more Tune fatigue to the level of not having anything in hands like in the "old" system like I said above. Maybe getting fatigued should take longer but also recovering fatigue should also take longer. That would've easen things up a bit and make it simplier and less confusing because it mattered if you had hands free, weapon up or down. But no, you just scrap everything and make everybody super soldier again. These were the things that likely caused some confusion and "abuse" or you need to learn those things. The amount of traveled was comparable with real life results and Arma men could pass military tests.
  11. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    No, no, no just fucking hell no! I'm all for this but the above one doesn't sound good.
  12. And out of a sudden Steam starts to download mods also in the worshop folder, WTF?! Tries to download 4GB of mods that i already have. Seems like it worked only for two days and then Steam started to do its own again...
  13. St. Jimmy


    Well this sounds interesting. The fact that it's SP currently makes it sound interesting so need to bookmark this and check it out later how it plays.
  14. Yeah those Zeitgeist stuff is good to watch. There was also some Finnish one. It had some biased views but if you ignore those it can open mind a bit if you start to think things.
  15. St. Jimmy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Did I read right that there will likely be server browser improvements :o Finally! Also weapon changing and Coop Campaign sound good.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Ukraine General

    This will get kind of interesting that who will be the one that gets sued on what. The thing is that Ukraine can be sued because they didn't close the air space. The BUK model that shot down the plane was decomissioned 2011 by the Russian army so they can just say it was rebels or Ukraine, which is very likely rebels so far by the evidence. So even (if) the Ukraine didn't shoot down the plane they could face some consequenses and actually be the biggest losers in this, just because the airspace wasn't closed.
  17. Not happening at least in single player scenario section
  18. OK I deleted once again and now I'm 252MB. I see again only .bin format files. Maybe it now remains like that just like with R3vo :D There are now much less folders inside \SteamApps\workshop\content\107410\ but I still have all my subbed mods inside the defined Steam Workshop mod folder. I also noticed interesting thing that 4 mods were marked as updated and all of them were not signed mods but I have 7 folders so three of the mods are likely missions. So seems like not signed mods and then missions get in there in .bin format. If there's something else then keep on deleting because they shouldn't get downloaded there in the format that mod folder has. And seems like only Not signed mods and missions gets in there. The above is only true if you use only dev branch launcher and game. If you use stable version and launch the stable version launcher, then I don't know what happens.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    I also believe Arma 3 has lost about 10fps (realistically thinking, maybe about 7fps) for me in a year and some part of that is likely explained by the security change, that made the fred41's Large Pages and stuff useless. I remember having better fps when driving or flying with PiP.
  20. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    All kind of sound glitches, disortion and stuff that had been reported for year or more were very much related to surround sound, especially virtual surround headsets, or if you used surround emulation. I don't know what's the cause for it but BIS has fixed that stuff in this year couple times with some sounds. The again was that is there again some new sound that does the same stuff. It was usual thing for some new sounds that were introduced couple months ago.
  21. Yeah this is an interesting topic. It can even cause quite heat discussion or thought on some people. It's hard to limit growth, in money (resources) and population, without pissing somebody off somewhere. Things can be done fast and radically or slow and painfully, there's never a good option that really pleases the most. People are kept alive through all kinds of drugs and medical treatment longer than the system can handle. Probably everyone knows this but naturally people want to live as long as they can and enjoy, so they're ready to take grams of drugs and pills every week. There has been a natural reaction in Europe on population growth. It has gone down for some time already, because people see they can survive long and easily, so no need to make more than one or two babies. Robots are doing work for them and everything is easily available whenever wanted. This is a daemon in the system because it starts from the bottom of the human pyramid and people are iving longer and longer to the top of the pyramind. Seeing inverted pyramind is a nightmare to the current systems, straight box is OK and pyramid is what nations wants so there's always someone to pay the elders penision. Only "human way" in a western human right thinking to compensate this is just bring more humans (encourage people to make babies and/or taking refugees) in but that makes things just worse unless there's a bigger plan. You can rise the age of pension but everyone knows how pissed off people get when that's done because they can't get their pension as early as others before. The optimum for pension is that you actually won't ever even reach it or you only have it a short time, so it doesn't strain the system, before dying. That's the reality that many won't accept.
  22. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Is it again (virtual) surround headphone/sets/speakers problem?
  23. St. Jimmy

    Star Wars Battlefront: impressive trailer

    Unlocks and all that stuff... Well maybe those things give the game couple more hours life span... No class system, everything is big mess... Jet packs everywhere... Personal shield available for everyone, that should be Droideka thing... Regen heath and unlimited ammo... Why in the hell there even are these power-up things... Where is the front line feeling because it's all skirmish insta-action... The amount of content the game has looks pretty low... BattleDutyFieldFront. Visual and sounds are very nice but that's it. It just looks like a boring insta-action game that only difference is the Star Wars set and the whole soul of Star Wars and Battlefront have been thrown in a trash bin. Then let's make some weak DLCs and stuff to squeeze every dollar they can.
  24. St. Jimmy

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Cool, I haven't heard about this. Need to test it later today.
  25. St. Jimmy

    Star Wars Battlefront: impressive trailer

    5/10 good try EA :(