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About GTR11101

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. GTR11101

    Enhanced Movement

    Greatest mod ever before Bad Benson! Me and my friends are enjoy a lot! We noticed some problem like Otto's, EM may make custom keybindings for other mods disabled after respawned in MP, including Alive, TFAR and Action Button Mod, but MCC sandbox works fine. So far reload the missions(totally disconnect from server then rejoin) can restore keybindings, hope these info would help. :)
  2. GTR11101

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    little test on tank class vehicle Such good feature that greatly improve urban survival ability for IFVs :D
  3. Just found where the problem is me self : you can't use the animation .rtm file straight from the A1 sample!:)
  4. Have you checked selection "eye"'s position in Memory LOD of your .p3d file?
  5. **Just noticed my friend have post for me already, anyone can delete this thread?:eek: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! I'm first time posting question on BI forum, hope I didn't violate any rule of posting. :) I've been working on modding and porting for couple days, and I'm stuck with vehicle now. Everyone in vehicle will slip on ground with incredible speed once they leave the vehicle, including get off in static and eject in move. I thought that would be cause by the engine simulation part in cfgVehicle but no lucky, and I can't found any clue in p3d file. I may using wrong keyword for searching, didn't find things can help.:( Here's the video describe the situation: The files: https://mega.co.nz/#!V84XUZjD!zjvxovdJ-Ei_C8o37-I7nOSHvl0o_7qJK_S-eAKUYnM And CfgVehicle: class cfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; // External class reference class Tank : LandVehicle { class NewTurret; // External class reference class Sounds; // External class reference class HitPoints; // External class reference }; class Tank_F : Tank { class Turrets { class MainTurret : NewTurret { class Turrets; // External class reference }; }; class AnimationSources; // External class reference class ViewPilot; // External class reference class ViewOptics; // External class reference class ViewCargo; // External class reference class HeadLimits; // External class reference class HitPoints : HitPoints { class HitHull; // External class reference class HitEngine; // External class reference class HitLTrack; // External class reference class HitRTrack; // External class reference }; class Sounds : Sounds { class Engine; // External class reference class Movement; // External class reference }; }; class ROC_M113_Base : Tank_F { mapSize = 3; author = "YOLO"; _generalMacro = "ROC_M113_Base"; attenuationEffectType = "TankAttenuation"; hasGunner = true; hasCommander = false; soundGetIn[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\noises\get_in_out", db-5, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\noises\get_in_out", db-5, 1, 20}; soundDammage[] = {"", 0.562341, 1}; soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_start", 0.707946, 1.0}; soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_start", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_stop", 0.707946, 1.0}; soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_stop", 1.0, 1.0, 200}; buildCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_08", 1.0, 1, 200}; buildCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_09", 1.0, 1, 200}; buildCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_10", 1.0, 1, 200}; buildCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_11", 1.0, 1, 200}; soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0", 0.25, "buildCrash1", 0.25, "buildCrash2", 0.25, "buildCrash3", 0.25}; WoodCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_08", 1.0, 1, 200}; WoodCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_09", 1.0, 1, 200}; WoodCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_10", 1.0, 1, 200}; WoodCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_11", 1.0, 1, 200}; WoodCrash4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_01", 1.0, 1, 200}; WoodCrash5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_08", 1.0, 1, 200}; soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0", 0.166, "woodCrash1", 0.166, "woodCrash2", 0.166, "woodCrash3", 0.166, "woodCrash4", 0.166, "woodCrash5", 0.166}; ArmorCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_08", 1.0, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_09", 1.0, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_10", 1.0, 1, 200}; ArmorCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\crashes\crash_11", 1.0, 1, 200}; soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0", 0.25, "ArmorCrash1", 0.25, "ArmorCrash2", 0.25, "ArmorCrash3", 0.25}; class Sounds { class Idle_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_01", db-8, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(400/ 2640),(500/ 2640)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(100/ 2640),(200/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(750/ 2640),(600/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_02", db-6, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(500/ 2640),(730/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(550/ 2640),(730/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(780/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine1_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_03", db-5, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(630/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(600/ 2640),(720/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(840/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine2_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_06", db-4, 1, 250}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(850/ 2640),(1300/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1300/ 2640),(1100/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine3_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_07", db-4, 1, 300}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1600/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1270/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1550/ 2640),(1380/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine4_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_08", db-3, 1, 300}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1400/ 2640),(2000/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1380/ 2640),(1500/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(2000/ 2640),(1700/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine5_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_engine_10", db0, 1, 300}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1700/ 2640),(2640/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1600/ 2640),(2500/ 2640)])"; }; class IdleThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_01", db-4, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(400/ 2640),(500/ 2640)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(100/ 2640),(200/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(750/ 2640),(600/ 2640)]))"; }; class EngineThrust { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_02", db-4, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(500/ 2640),(730/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(550/ 2640),(730/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(780/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_03", db-3, 1, 200}; frequency = "0.8 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(630/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(600/ 2640),(720/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(840/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_06", db-3, 1, 250}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(850/ 2640),(1300/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1300/ 2640),(1100/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_07", db0, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1600/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1270/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1550/ 2640),(1380/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine4_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_08", db1, 1, 350}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1400/ 2640),(2000/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1380/ 2640),(1500/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(2000/ 2640),(1700/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine5_Thrust_ext { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\ext_exhaust_10", db2, 1, 400}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1700/ 2640),(2640/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1600/ 2640),(2500/ 2640)])"; }; class Idle_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_01", db-10, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(400/ 2640),(500/ 2640)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(100/ 2640),(200/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(750/ 2640),(600/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_02", db-9, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(500/ 2640),(730/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(550/ 2640),(730/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(780/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine1_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_03", db-8, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(630/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(600/ 2640),(720/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(840/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine2_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_06", db-7, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(850/ 2640),(1300/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1300/ 2640),(1100/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine3_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_07", db-6, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1600/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1270/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1550/ 2640),(1380/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine4_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_08", db-5, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1400/ 2640),(2000/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1380/ 2640),(1500/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(2000/ 2640),(1700/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine5_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_engine_10", db-4, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1700/ 2640),(2640/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1600/ 2640),(2500/ 2640)])"; }; class IdleThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_01", db-9, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(400/ 2640),(500/ 2640)])*0.15"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(100/ 2640),(200/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(750/ 2640),(600/ 2640)]))"; }; class EngineThrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_02", db-8, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(500/ 2640),(730/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(550/ 2640),(730/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(780/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine1_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_03", db-7, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(630/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(600/ 2640),(720/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(840/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine2_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_06", db-7, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(850/ 2640),(1300/ 2640)])*0.2"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(800/ 2640),(1000/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1300/ 2640),(1100/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine3_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_07", db-6, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1600/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1100/ 2640),(1270/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1550/ 2640),(1380/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine4_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_08", db-5, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1400/ 2640),(2000/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1380/ 2640),(1500/ 2640)]) * ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(2000/ 2640),(1700/ 2640)]))"; }; class Engine5_Thrust_int { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\APC\APC2\int_exhaust_10", db-4, 1}; frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1700/ 2640),(2640/ 2640)])*0.1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 2640) factor[(1600/ 2640),(2500/ 2640)])"; }; class NoiseInt { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\noises\noise_tank_int_1", db-6, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "(1-camPos)*(angVelocity max 0.04)*(speed factor[4, 15])"; }; class NoiseExt { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\noises\noise_tank_ext_1", db-4, 1.0, 150}; frequency = "1"; volume = "camPos*(angVelocity max 0.04)*(speed factor[4, 15])"; }; class ThreadsOutH0 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_hard_01", db-8, 1.0, 140}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-0) max 0)/ 60),(((-5) max 5)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-15) max 15)/ 60),(((-10) max 10)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutH1 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_hard_02", db-7, 1.0, 160}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-10) max 10)/ 60),(((-15) max 15)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-30) max 30)/ 60),(((-25) max 25)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutH2 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_hard_03", db-6, 1.0, 180}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-25) max 25)/ 60),(((-30) max 30)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-45) max 45)/ 60),(((-40) max 40)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutH3 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_hard_04", db-5, 1.0, 200}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-40) max 40)/ 60),(((-45) max 45)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-55) max 55)/ 60),(((-50) max 50)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutH4 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_hard_05", db-5, 1.0, 220}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-grass)*((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-49) max 49)/ 60),(((-53) max 53)/ 60)])"; }; class ThreadsOutS0 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_soft_01", db-10, 1.0, 120}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-0) max 0)/ 60),(((-5) max 5)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-15) max 15)/ 60),(((-10) max 10)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutS1 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_soft_02", db-9, 1.0, 140}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-10) max 10)/ 60),(((-15) max 15)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-30) max 30)/ 60),(((-25) max 25)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutS2 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_soft_03", db-8, 1.0, 160}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-25) max 25)/ 60),(((-30) max 30)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-45) max 45)/ 60),(((-40) max 40)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutS3 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_soft_04", db-7, 1.0, 180}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-40) max 40)/ 60),(((-45) max 45)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-55) max 55)/ 60),(((-50) max 50)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsOutS4 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_ext_treads_soft_05", db-6, 1.0, 200}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(camPos)*(grass)*((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-49) max 49)/ 60),(((-53) max 53)/ 60)])"; }; class ThreadsInH0 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_hard_01", db-12, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-0) max 0)/ 60),(((-5) max 5)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-15) max 15)/ 60),(((-10) max 10)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInH1 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_hard_02", db-11, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-10) max 10)/ 60),(((-15) max 15)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-30) max 30)/ 60),(((-25) max 25)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInH2 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_hard_03", db-10, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-25) max 25)/ 60),(((-30) max 30)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-45) max 45)/ 60),(((-40) max 40)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInH3 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_hard_04", db-9, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(1-grass)*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-40) max 40)/ 60),(((-45) max 45)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-55) max 55)/ 60),(((-50) max 50)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInH4 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_hard_05", db-8, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(1-grass)*((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-49) max 49)/ 60),(((-53) max 53)/ 60)])"; }; class ThreadsInS0 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_soft_01", db-10, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*grass*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-0) max 0)/ 60),(((-5) max 5)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-15) max 15)/ 60),(((-10) max 10)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInS1 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_soft_02", db-10, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*grass*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-10) max 10)/ 60),(((-15) max 15)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-30) max 30)/ 60),(((-25) max 25)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInS2 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_soft_03", db-9, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*grass*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-25) max 25)/ 60),(((-30) max 30)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-45) max 45)/ 60),(((-40) max 40)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInS3 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_soft_04", db-9, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*grass*(((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-40) max 40)/ 60),(((-45) max 45)/ 60)]) * ((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-55) max 55)/ 60),(((-50) max 50)/ 60)]))"; }; class ThreadsInS4 { sound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\vehicles\armor\treads\v2_int_treads_soft_05", db-8, 1.0}; frequency = "1"; volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*grass*((((-speed*3.6) max speed*3.6)/ 60) factor[(((-49) max 49)/ 60),(((-53) max 53)/ 60)])"; }; }; precision = 3; turnCoef = 3.0; simulation = "tankX"; enginePower = 780; maxOmega = 210; peakTorque = 3370; torqueCurve[] = { { 0,0 }, { "(1600/2640)","(2650/2850)" }, { "(1800/2640)","(2800/2850)" }, { "(1900/2640)","(2850/2850)" }, { "(2000/2640)","(2800/2850)" }, { "(2200/2640)","(2750/2850)" }, { "(2400/2640)","(2600/2850)" }, { "(2640/2640)","(2000/2850)" }}; thrustDelay = 0.4; clutchStrength = 180.0; fuelCapacity = 1885; brakeIdleSpeed = 1.78; latency = 0.1; tankTurnForce = 200000; idleRpm = 610; redRpm = 2300; engineLosses = 25; transmissionLosses = 15; changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.5,0.15,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.9}; class complexGearbox { GearboxRatios[] = {"R2",-2.235,"N",0,"D1",2,"D2",1.5,"D3",1.125,"D4",0.85,"D5",0.64}; TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",6.4}; gearBoxMode = "auto"; moveOffGear = 1; driveString = "D"; neutralString = "N"; reverseString = "R"; transmissionDelay = 0.1; }; class Wheels { class L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL1"; center = "wheel_1_2_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_2_bound"; damping = 75.0; steering = 0; side = "left"; weight = 150; mass = 150; MOI = 24.85; latStiffX = 25; latStiffY = 280; longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 100000; maxBrakeTorque = 10000; sprungMass = 4000.0; springStrength = 424000; springDamperRate = 46000; dampingRate = 0.2; dampingRateInAir = 4250.0; dampingRateDamaged = 10.0; dampingRateDestroyed = 10000.0; maxDroop = 0.15; maxCompression = 0.15; }; class L3 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL2"; center = "wheel_1_3_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_3_bound"; }; class L4 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL3"; center = "wheel_1_4_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_4_bound"; }; class L5 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL4"; center = "wheel_1_5_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_5_bound"; }; class L6 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL5"; center = "wheel_1_6_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_6_bound"; }; class L9 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkoloL9"; center = "wheel_1_9_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_9_bound"; sprungMass = 1500.0; springStrength = 37500; springDamperRate = 7500; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; class L1 : L2 { boneName = ""; center = "wheel_1_1_axis"; boundary = "wheel_1_1_bound"; sprungMass = 1500.0; springStrength = 37500; springDamperRate = 7500; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; class R2 : L2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop1"; center = "wheel_2_2_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_2_bound"; side = "right"; }; class R3 : R2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop2"; center = "wheel_2_3_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_3_bound"; }; class R4 : R2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop3"; center = "wheel_2_4_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_4_bound"; }; class R5 : R2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop4"; center = "wheel_2_5_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_5_bound"; }; class R6 : R2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop5"; center = "wheel_2_6_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_6_bound"; }; class R9 : R2 { boneName = "wheel_podkolop9"; center = "wheel_2_9_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_9_bound"; sprungMass = 1500.0; springStrength = 37500; springDamperRate = 7500; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; class R1 : R2 { boneName = ""; center = "wheel_2_1_axis"; boundary = "wheel_2_1_bound"; sprungMass = 1500.0; springStrength = 37500; springDamperRate = 7500; maxDroop = 0; maxCompression = 0; }; }; scope = private; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_APC_Tracked_01_Base_Library0"; }; model = "ROC_P_V_M113\m113.p3d"; picture = ""; Icon = ""; transportSoldier = 11; getInAction = "GetInAMV_cargo"; getOutAction = "GetOutLow"; cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInAMV_cargo"}; cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"}; cargoAction[] = {"passenger_generic01_leanleft", "passenger_apc_narrow_generic01", "passenger_apc_narrow_generic01", "passenger_apc_narrow_generic03", "passenger_apc_generic03", "passenger_apc_narrow_generic02", "passenger_generic01_foldhands", "passenger_generic01_leanright"}; driverAction = "M113_DriverOut_EP1"; driverInAction = "M113_Driver_EP1"; forceHideDriver = false; driverForceOptics = false; hideProxyInCombat = true; hideWeaponsDriver = true; hideWeaponsCargo = true; LODTurnedIn = 1100; LODTurnedOut = 1000; class ViewOptics : ViewOptics { initAngleX = -15; minAngleX = -45; maxAngleX = 45; initFov = 0.75; minFov = 0.375; maxFov = 0.75; }; maxSpeed = 64; // max speed on level road, km/h armor = 150; armorStructural = 8; armorLights = 0.08; damageResistance = 0.01; cost = 1000000; crewVulnerable = false; waterAngularDampingCoef = 1.0; waterLinearDampingCoefX = 4; waterLinearDampingCoefY = 1.2; rudderForceCoef = 150; waterLeakiness = 2.5; maxfordingdepth = 3; waterPPInVehicle = 0; waterResistance = 0.05; waterResistanceCoef = 0.03; engineShiftY = 0.1; waterSpeedFactor = 1; fireDustEffect = "emptyEffect"; wheelCircumference = 1; tracksSpeed = 1.0; class HitPoints : HitPoints { class HitEngine : HitEngine { armor = 0.5; material = -1; name = "motor"; passThrough = true; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.25; }; class HitHull : HitHull { armor = 1; material = -1; name = "telo"; visual = "zbytek"; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 2.0; radius = 0.25; }; class HitLTrack : HitLTrack { armor = 0.5; material = -1; name = "pas_L"; visual = "pas_L"; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 2; radius = 0.36; }; class HitRTrack : HitRTrack { armor = 0.5; material = -1; name = "pas_P"; visual = "pas_R"; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 2; radius = 0.36; }; }; animationSourceHatch = ""; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "exhaust"; direction = "exhaust_dir"; effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig"; }; }; outsideSoundFilter = 1; insideSoundCoef = 0.9; // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {1, 0.5, 0.3}; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 8; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 0; smokeLauncherAngle = 120; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { class Turrets {}; gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "handle_L"; gunnerRightHandAnimName = "handle_R"; body = "mainTurret"; gun = "mainGun"; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; // endpoint of the gun gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; // chamber of the gun gunnerName = "Gunner"; weapons[] = {HMG_M2}; magazines[] = {"100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "100Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red"}; soundServo[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", db-40, 1.0, 10}; usePip = 0; commanding = 2; minElev = -10; initElev = 0; maxElev = 60; gunnerAction = "M113_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "M113_Gunner"; gunnerGetInAction = "GetInLow"; gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutLow"; viewGunnerInExternal = true; castGunnerShadow = true; forceHideGunner = true; stabilizedInAxes = 0; gunnerForceOptics = false; inGunnerMayFire = true; outGunnerMayFire = true; gunnerOpticsModel = "a3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_empty.p3d"; discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2; turretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview"; memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "gunnerview"; gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1"; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; primaryGunner = 1; primaryObserver = 0; LODTurnedIn = 1000; LODTurnedOut = 1000; startEngine = false; disableSoundAttenuation = 1; class ViewOptics : RCWSOptics { initFov = 0.375; minFov = 0.375; maxFov = 0.375; }; class ViewGunner : ViewOptics { initAngleX = -15; minAngleX = -45; maxAngleX = 45; initFov = 0.75; minFov = 0.375; maxFov = 0.75; visionMode[] = {}; }; class HitPoints { class HitTurret { armor = 0.6; material = -1; name = "vez"; visual = "vez"; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGun { armor = 0.6; material = -1; name = "zbran"; visual = ""; passThrough = false; minimalHit = 0.2; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.25; }; }; class CommanderOptics {}; }; }; selectionFireAnim = ""; canFloat = true; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {1900, 1800, 1700}; ambient[] = {5, 5, 5}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 1; innerAngle = 100; outerAngle = 179; coneFadeCoef = 10; intensity = 1; useFlare = 0; dayLight = 0; flareSize = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 1.0; constant = 0; linear = 0; quadratic = 0.25; hardLimitStart = 30; hardLimitEnd = 60; }; }; class Right : Left { position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; }; class Right2 : Right { position = "P svetlo"; useFlare = 1; }; class Left2 : Left { position = "L svetlo"; useFlare = 1; }; }; aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left", "Left2", "Right", "Right2"}}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {}; }; supplyRadius = 5; transportMaxMagazines = 90; class TransportMagazines { }; class TransportItems { class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 10; }; }; class TransportWeapons { }; class EventHandlers; // External class reference class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class ReloadAnim { source = "reload"; weapon = ; }; class ReloadMagazine { source = "reloadmagazine"; weapon = ; }; class Revolving { source = "revolving"; weapon = ; }; }; class UserActions { }; }; class ROC_M113_M2 : ROC_M113_Base { side = TWest; scope = public; faction = ROC_A; vehicleClass = ROC_Armor; crew = "roc_p_men_96_Crew"; displayName = M113 M2; typicalCargo[] = {"roc_p_men_96_Soldier"}; hiddenSelections[] = {}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {}; }; }; Any advise and help would be grateful. :D
  6. Same here! We got same problem after the update, server crashed once enemy got shot. After hours of examining, we assume mods related to bullet may make server crash, including weapon and ballistic mods.
  7. GTR11101

    NATO 5.56 and 7.62 adjustor

    Start testing now! That's a vital improvement for all weapon mods with 5.56mm ammo, Good job and thanks! Any plan to make this mod like ASDG Joint Rails mod, with fully mod support? :p
  8. The download link seems broken to me, anyone got this problem too? :( anyway,still thanks for Lao Fei Mao's work!
  9. Celebrate Information From Liberty Zone People! Nice Work! :3
  10. GTR11101

    MK18 Mod 1

    Awesome, just awesome I can say. Maybe we can expect '12 rail version comes out?
  11. Hi, I'm kayhase's friend, very appreciate that you made this mission. Really an awesome mission!