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About lawndartleo

  • Rank
    Master Sergeant

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  1. I know I am going off on a tangent but it's a related tangent. Does anyone know where I can find TheForgottenFew_054.7z, the original ArmA II mission. This one is so great I'd like to see what the original was like.
  2. Greetings and great mission.  So great I'd like to go back and see what the ArmA II version was like.  I am not able to locate TheForgottenFew_054.7z anywhere on the web, so far.  Do you have a repository anywhere that I can find this file in?  Thanks in advance.


  3. Sorry for the 9 year necro.... where might I find TheForgottenFew_054.7z as I am coming up empty on all searches so far.
  4. lawndartleo

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Time for a thread necro. Pulled ArmA II out of storage and have been dabbling around. Not sure the Paladin likes modern hardware. The FCS is clipped top and bottom. No, changing game resolution has no effect. No matter what, the FCS screen stays the same, top and bottom masked by screen edges. Any fix or workaround?
  5. @Blackheart_Sixwhen will your group be playing? Poked in last night, very late, was only one there. Tested an IED, for you. Sadly it worked. Nobody there to save me. Pooped a little when it went off. I wasn't expecting to get blown up.
  6. Man, I’m 5 days behind! I hope you are still running it, @Blackheart_Six. I’ll try Friday PM.
  7. Is PO4 going to be user friendly enough (like the previous versions) for most players to create missions or is it a more complicated framework that will need a bit of inside knowledge in order to use to its fullest extent?
  8. 10 print “is it done yet?” 20 goto 10 its the most effective nag post I have ever made.
  9. Y’all realize BI will patch PO4 into oblivion about 3 days after it releases, I’m not sure if this makes me a cynic or a pessimist.
  10. Blackheart, I think you are taking offense at trivial words. Dabbling is nothing more or less than him working on it as his time or interest allows. i noted that there seemed to be activity on the patrol ops front and was pleasantly surprised to see as much. Honestly I thought Roy probably moved on with far more important matters like, oh, real life.
  11. Hey @Blackheart_Six if that was supposed to link to something, it did not for me. Just an empty channel and a notification that there was nothing to see. Irony, perhaps? I had hoped that Roy would finish up PO4 but that doesn’t look very likely.
  12. I completely get that real life can delay or even completely derail a project. When or if Roy ever finishes is his business and I appreciate the fun he provided in ArmA II and III. So, in the absence of Patrol Ops 4, what are people playing for similar type missions?
  13. I resisted using FAST2 for some idiotic reason for far too long. Built a new server last night and decided to use FAST2 to take care of things. Excellent stuff!
  14. Thanks for the input, everyone. I settled on the below approach simply because it is the one I can get my head around. I don't know if this is the best approach but so far it works for all objects that I have a spawning script for. On an object as an addAction this addAction ["REQUISITION A CARGO NET (ACE ARSENAL)","scripts\huron_cargonet.sqf"]; The script _position = getMarkerPos "huron_pickup"; _spCheck = nearestObjects[_position,["B_Slingload_01_Ammo_F","B_Slingload_01_Cargo_F","B_Slingload_01_Fuel_F","B_Slingload_01_Medevac_F","B_Slingload_01_Repair_F","B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"],500] select 0; if(!isNil "_spCheck") then {deleteVehicle _spCheck;}; sleep 1; _cargonet = "B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F" createvehicle (getmarkerpos "huron_pickup"); _cargonet setPosASL [position _cargonet select 0, position _cargonet select 1, 23.75]; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _cargonet; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _cargonet; clearItemCargoGlobal _cargonet; [_cargonet, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox; hint "CARGO NET (ACE ARSENAL) DELIVERED!";