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Everything posted by ataribaby

  1. ataribaby

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Please, is it possible to add build-in engine command to get actual system time that works even in SP? I am using workaround with missionStart and it works reliable only in MP. Why there is no simple GetSystemDate function to retrieve host date/time? It will be extremely helpful for SP/MP persistent missions.
  2. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    v1.90 released with small finetuning to AI chemlight/flashlight/NVG usage.
  3. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    v1.89 released with scenery furniture optimizations
  4. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    v1.85 released. Guerilla Boss with his guard
  5. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    v1.84 released with guerilla boss.
  6. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Next version will have some badly placed furniture fixed and abandoned cars with random loot. Thanks Smuydl for a idea!
  7. ataribaby


    Thanks haleks.
  8. ataribaby


    Basically I want some control over spawned AI units. Same I made in my Siege Of Athira mission. Runs some AI agent, change loadout and so on. If I can just fill script into module settings it will be pretty neat. I am not familiar with CBA at all. That code you posted do that trick?
  9. ataribaby


    Hi Haleks is this possible please?
  10. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    v1.81 finally released! With trader.
  11. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Trader voice-over test Just player voice is missing now. It is still TTS placeholder.
  12. ataribaby


    Try look to enableSaving [false, false]; I think I was forced to call this every frame to override Ravage settings. Maybe this is not needed. I have foggy memory of this. addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { enableSaving [false, false]; }]; or addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", { enableSaving [false, false]; }];
  13. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Preliminary changelog for next version - Just need make voiceovers for trader instead free TTS placeholders. v1.81 * Code loops optimization * Trader added - you need find radio and bring it back to shelter * CSAT UAV loiters above town during a day when CSAT SF team is deployed (green flare during a night) * AI sets flashlight off when it finds and wears NVG * AI loots weapons from dead bodies
  14. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    First test of trader system. Voices are free TTS placeholders and prices are not set yet - you can get any item for two other items in test video. Trading is actual minigame - not just 2D menu. Sorry for audio at end - Win10 recording gone nuts.
  15. ataribaby


    Hi haleks, I have request if possible to do it please. Is it possible to ass Init EH, Killed EH, FiredNear EH, Hit EF for Ambient AI module? Same as Ambient Zombies module has. At least Init EH will be extermly useful.
  16. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Hope you will like it CptStampede. Play it in SP as I intended to be or as said post above host local MP and you can finetune some params there in lobby and play as in SP. Just small note - SP and MP saves are separated. With MP it doesn't matter if it is local hosted or remote dedicated - still same MP save.
  17. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Released v1.79 where you can change mission parameters in hosted MP lobby. For dedicated server use server config file params class pasted bellow. SP play remains as designed. If you want change something just create local host MP and play as in SP. class Missions { class Mission1 { template = "Siege_of_Athira.Altis"; // Filename of pbo in MPMissions folder difficulty = "Custom"; // "Recruit", "Regular", "Veteran", "Custom" class Params { soaMissionDuration = 90; // values[] = {30,60,90,120,180}; default = 90; soaRealtimeServerTime = 1; // values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {$STR_soaDisabled,$STR_soaEnabled}; default = 1; soaManualTime = 0; // values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; texts[] = {$STR_soaRandom,$STR_soaManualTime_EarlyMorning,$STR_soaManualTime_Morning,$STR_soaManualTime_Noon,$STR_soaManualTime_Afternoon,$STR_soaManualTime_Evening,$STR_soaManualTime_BrightNight,$STR_soaManualTime_DarkNight}; default = 0; soaWeather = 0; // values[] ={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; texts[] = {$STR_soaRandom,$STR_soaWeather_Sunny,$STR_soaWeather_Broken,$STR_soaWeather_Overcast,$STR_soaWeather_LightRain,$STR_soaWeather_HeavyRain,$STR_soaWeather_Thunderstorm,$STR_soaWeather_Lightnings}; default = 0; soaNumOfExits = 3; // values[] = {1,2,3,4,5}; default = 3; soaGuerrillaLimit = 10; // values[] = {10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30}; default = 10; soaNatoLimit = -1; // values[] = {-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; texts[] = {$STR_soaRandom,"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"}; default = -1; soaFoodLimit = 20; // values[] = {5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30}; default = 20; soaDeathTimeout = 120; // values[] = {0,10,30,60,120,300,600}; texts[] = {$STR_soaDeathTimeout_0,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_10,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_30,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_60,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_120,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_300,$STR_soaDeathTimeout_600}; default = 120; soaForceFirstPerson = 1; // values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {$STR_soaDisabled,$STR_soaEnabled}; default = 1; }; }; };
  18. ataribaby

    [SP/MP] Siege of Athira

    Released v1.78 with some new stuff and fixes. I am working on last feature - trader.
  19. ataribaby


    Got it. Seems to work now. Only walkers now. Thanks both.
  20. ataribaby


    Ahh thanks miasdad, totally forgot about bolters. I know I can disable breathfog via module. I mean add litte script to disable fog if you wear any gas mask.
  21. ataribaby


    Hi Haleks, Tried v1.55 after some longer time not playing ravage and I think zombie module type setting is broken. Set to walkers only and still getting fast running Zeds. Am I missing something? Still awesome and ubeatable SP experience like your A2 Dayz SP stuff. BTW possible to disable breath fog when player wear any gas mask?
  22. Hello Dwarden, First thanks a lot for this fixes at EOL of ARMA2 .Can I nicely ask if there is any chance to fix broken cinematic animations under A2 OA? for example at start of original campaign at scene in church shot to death Commander disappears for some seconds and reappears lying on ground dead. Same as I remember was scene with three wounded guys at Sobor bench in Dogs of War (I am not sure about it - it was some time ago I tried replay ARMA 2 campaign in A2 AO). Not a biggie but it will be nice if it can be fixed if cause is known. It is always reason why I play original campaign in Arma 2 instead A2 OA.