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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. Possibly because the latter involves having to learn scripting and utilising function calls which a person new to mission editing might not even know about. The modules on the other hand are there in the editor and chances are this very thread revolves around the OP's experimentations with said modules.
  2. If a fireteam leader is set to randomly spawn at a location the units in his squad will also spawn with him provided they are set to "In Formation" when placed in the editor.
  3. The fact that any numpty can run an Arma 3 server means most of the ideas in this thread are utterly useless. There are no official servers so what might be trolling on one server is passed as reasonably acceptable on another. Player ranking systems are open to so much abuse, particularly in servers that are run as "old boys clubs" that it would almost irrelevant. Unfortunately the only way to truley prevent griefing on public servers is to have a stable of trusty admins or incorporate kicking scripts that remove a player from the server based on their score.
  4. Imperator[TFD]

    Drone Controls

    You need to set the behaviour of the UAV to Never Fire in the UAV terminal or un-tick the Autonomous box in the UAV terminal. That will stop it from flying away.
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    What do you think of ArmA3's futuristic setting?

    How do we know if perhaps the Israelis were supplying the TRG's to the FIA in support of their cause during the Altis Civil War? As for vehicles, don't forget that at the point the campaign starts the FIA have been the target of an effective joint CSAT and AAF counter insurgency operation.
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    If I recall correctly the AI had a similar penalty in Arma 2. A unit that was shot at would have it's aiming reduced significantly; almost to the point where periodic single shots very close to an AI could have it standing there almost indefinitely while trying to wait for the penalty to cease before firing. Still it will be nice to be able to engage the AI with something even remotely resembling suppressive fire rather than the required kill shots we have at the moment.
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    Ammo type standardization

    Or more importantly why does the AAF HAVE to have standardised cartridges across their forces? (Perhaps a discussion best had in another thread) I'm watching the clock here at work so I can go home and test the new changes, both recoil and resting.
  8. Imperator[TFD]

    Takistani Army A3 - TKA_A3

    This is purely an FYI Evro; the Takistani Army also had the UH-1H and the M113 vehicles.
  9. Imperator[TFD]

    air to ground and ground to air combat (suggestion)

    #1 was true in Arma 2 until they added the "Target Empty Vehicle" command. A downturn in gameplay in my opinion. Also I do believe your suggestion might not work if players are using the "Target Next Enemy" keybind which will only cycle through hostile targets. As for the OP's post this primarily comes down to mission design and 'balancing' (gasp! I SAID THE B WORD!!) and whether or not a specific scenario factors in the capability of assets/weapons provided to players. Missions like I&A where players are granted almost everything under the sun are going to be far harder to balance than a mission specifically catered to each asset/weapon that is placed. In addition to this any mission that indicates enemy presence via the usage of an AO marker (ie giant red circle where the baddies are) is going to foster complacency in it's players as they will learn to only become aware of possible threats in the vicinity of the AO. Using the OP's example of the AH-99; I would balance this by having the scenario randomly spawn patrolling 2-3 man squads of MANPADs soldiers that are not in anyway shape or form marked on the map. These will not show up on radar (duh) and only by actively scanning constantly with thermal imaging will an asset be made aware of the threat. While the tab-lock issue is definitely something that needs a good overhaul there are many ways that this advantage can be mitigated - unforunately usually when these methods are introduced the playerbase will whinge as the game becomes too difficult. BIS went a long way to helping this issue by removing the magical all-seeing radar from most vehicles and only leaving it active on a vehicle that has some similar system in reality. :)
  10. Imperator[TFD]

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Even if they just went developed something similar to the USS Wasp LHD and allowed users to place it at will in the editor but have it completely stationary would be fantastic. Operating rotary-wing with the AFM off the deck of an LHD on a new Pacific Island themed map (which I reckon it is, Asia somewhere to fit the storyline) would be great.
  11. Apologies for the ambiguity in my post, glad that you've resolved your issue. What I meant to say was that you can achieve the same outcome via the use of in-editor placed modules and triggers. Task creation/assignment/completion can all be handled via the editor placed modules. You can even determine if these tasks are assigned to the entire side or specific players. This task completion would then be synced (F5) to a trigger with a condition of "pickedupdocument;" Once your AddAction .sqf file is activated and run the trigger would update the synced task to completed. You could then also define a countdown timer of 10 or so seconds that would then link to another End Mission module placed on the map that can (if desired) run a specific End class as defined in your description.ext. I hope this makes sense? If not I could develop an example and send it to you.
  12. Imperator[TFD]

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I'd love to see some sort of off-shore platform eg: Oil Rig similar to how the LHD was off-shore on Utes. As for naval vessels, as much as I'd love to see something like a small patrol boat they would need to ensure that there is some sort of stablisation on the weapons as using the GL or rear gun on the current Assault boats is near impossible when not stationary.
  13. Imperator[TFD]

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Seeing as your a person very familiar with helicopter flight behaviour; is it normal how rapidly the CH-49 Mohawk seems to re-center/upright itself after cyclic input has ceased? This is with the AFM.
  14. Imperator[TFD]

    How To Repair Vehicles With Repair Truck?

    Is it possible the Repair truck was out of Repair "ammo"?
  15. Imperator[TFD]

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    I believe the RHS helicopters just utilise the vanilla Arma 3 advanced flight models based on similarities in airframe design. For example the Mi-17 flies identically to the CH-49 Mohawk.
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Why would you need to do this when the UAV terminal functions as both?
  17. You could try using the in game Create Task and Set Task State modules to synchronise your players tasks? I have a mission that has almost an identical event as what you have described and I have no issues.
  18. Imperator[TFD]

    Help needed with ModuleOrdnance

    As far as I have tested this is not possible to repeat the module's function.
  19. G'day Monsoon. I currently use Farooq's revive in my coop hardcore missions however that is no longer supported and I'm looking around for revive scripts. As your work is still currently WIP do you have any plans to implement the following? 1: FAKs to stablise patient and halt/slow bleedout clock 2: Definable parameter to allow medic only revive 3: Consumption of FAK upon use 4: Loading of wounded into vehicles I like the applied high fatigue level after revive and think that adds an extra challenge to the wounded player.
  20. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Despite all my ranting I am still already contemplating a few different scenario types where this could become a focus or strong gameplay element of a very specific scenario. Unfortuantely I've yet to be able to test the dev-build changes (damn you full time employment!) however if they function the way I believe they do than even the scenario you mentioned where a little bird co-pilot could fly and throw grenades at the same time could lead to interesting situations where an MH-9 is using coloured smoke to mark targets for an FO or CAS etc. As for turning out in tanks it's something I still do even in the modern tanks we have available now as I simply find it far easier to co-ordinate my driver when I have a clearer view with my head out the hatch. Keep in mind I primarily play with a full human crew so I'm not sure how the AI is affected. At least now in a panic situation I can shoot back without having to turn in and readjust my optics package.
  21. Imperator[TFD]

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Well hopefully BIS do a lot better than some of the car 'enthusiasts' I see around my parts. Zafir changed again? I hope that it still retains that unique sound to it...you know the sound that made you brown your trowsers and sprint for the nearest hard cover. AI are pretty lethal with that LMG.
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I disagree. Now that vehicle inertia is being implemented that should help take care of all those who wish to operate their .50 BMG from the top of a tank. I think a bit of a storm-in-a-teacup is being brewed and people are having nightmares of hordes of people operating Zafir's from atop their T100s while storming through the AO. This is a feature that while absolutely wonderful to have (THANKS BIS!!!) but in reality it will not see that much usage. In the majority of cases it's going to simply be far easier to either just engage the target with your RWS and in the case that you don't have any armament you would just notify your gunner to engage. Just like current FFV situations. I've lost count the number of times I've seen an MH-9 fly down into an LZ with people on the sides firing away; it usually ends up with a lot of dead people on the side of a helicopter. The only real time that engaging targets with your personal defence weapon while turned out would occur is in tight urban scenarios where in reality a tank would be unable to traverse its turret. This is not the case in A3 (last I checked) because the barrel does not have a collision model. From memory every commanders position has thermal imaging as well so turning out with bino's in hand will almost be a negative as you lose a huge chunk of situational awareness. In my experience the only time I turn out is when I'm in a safe area and I'm directing my driver. Don't get me wrong however I love this feature and personally can't wait to charge around in my CTRG uniform atop an M4UP while my black beret sits atop my head with bino's in hand: just call me Monty ;)
  23. Imperator[TFD]

    scope removal feature.

    I believe this may be coming judging from some notes in the dev build updates. Don't hold me to that though ;)
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I just assummed the links went the same place all the furniture did ;) Looking forward to more audio tweaks for the fire-arms BIS; what we've got so far is fantastic and it's a shame they're not in stable.