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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. old_painless

    The Giant Beta Media Thread

    Nice flying, zebby5000 !
  2. old_painless

    Inventory area too precise

    If someone has dropped one of your team members at a certain spot, that spot is not safe. Should really be able to drag a body into safety and take items from it there. But the dragging would be dangerous for you, too :)
  3. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Settings for control: Yes, that it does. IIRC they also announced that beforehand
  4. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Nice to have the post processing split into components! Well done
  5. old_painless

    Dale's Arma 3 Single Player Missions

    If you set the enemy skill in the mission, does that then ignore the ingame settings of Regular, Veteran and so on ?
  6. old_painless

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    The current flight model can probably be adjusted by altering its parameters. So what does the TKOH model have, that the current one does not have, or that can not be achieved within the current FM ?
  7. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Spies from EA. I knew it! Anything missing ?
  8. old_painless

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    yeah, what happened to weather ? that was taken out
  9. I had that, turned out it was bad RAM. Try a memtest it's simple and quick.
  10. old_painless

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    My runs are way too fast. I would really like to learn to shoot from at a distance at low speed, but my low speed means that my pitch is wrong so that the gun aim does not line up
  11. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    My take is that the A3 team is delivering a very fine product given the constraints that all development is done under. My guesstimate is that low level engine coding is done by less than 10 developers. The rest of this 70 person group do art, animations, content, scripts, fsm, manuals, balancing and so on. Two things that have may have come as a surprise in terms of complexity to BI seems to be the PhysX integration at first and changing version of that during development. The other is of course the detainment of two major team members for 6 months (or more?) These two elements in particular has cost other features to be cut, given the 2013 deadline. It also seems that engine developers (you know, those scarce resources) have had to be transferred to DayZ to help out there. The DayZ group has struggled as well, missing a few deadlines and having the design change mid-development. That kind of project drama happens everywhere, also at EA and the sorts. I think BI are handling these setbacks nicely, with openness. I would guess that DLCs for A3 will have more substance, but meanwhile even the already known improvements from A2 to A3 makes for a very good gaming experience in my book.
  12. old_painless

    sproyd's Simple Arma 3 Editor Guide

    Since you ask, sproyd :) I would really like to learn how to set up a simple patrol of OPFOR AI. You know, plop down a group of opfor and have them patrol a town or a base in some sensible way. I understand that it can be done without mods, I just don't know how. And for nighttime ops, how do you equip that patrol with nvg's or flashlights (that may be covered already?) That would be an excellent addition to the guide I think. Hope you consider it, cheers OP
  13. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Thanks for the timings, guys. Seems my iPad don't like E3 :)
  14. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Thanks. Seems to be down atm
  15. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    What time in the recording is BI on?
  16. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Uh, nice destruction model, looks like a Stratis building after a few shells. :)
  17. old_painless

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    The Gamespot live feed will probably be here: http://www.gamespot.com/e3/live/ Starting in 22 hours from now
  18. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    Quite true, but I would be very surprised if default behaviour would be to wander peacefully around enemies. Again, on default behaviour two opposing infantrymen would try their best to take each other out right away. I think rather that the vehicle linkage is screwing with the poor guy. I mean, just rewatch the video in the first post. That is wrong on so many levels
  19. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    I am somewhat pleased with how the AI behaves on foot, as infantry. But they become complete retards when put on a quadbike. This can't be right, why does he not get off, drive away, do SOMETHING !? (30 seconds of OPFOR misery) As for replicating, I put myself (grenadier) down on the tarmac, together with this OPFOR quadbiker. We are facing each other at initialization. The AI is on default behaviour. I'll put up a feedback tracker item during the weekend with this "mission". But for everything holy: BI, do NOT showcase AI on quadbikes during E3 :)
  20. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    I did a retest when the OPFOR quadbiker had a Move waypoint that ran down the runway, right past me. He did drive away from me, once he saw me standing in his path. So some sort of basic evasion is going on. (I know, gotta make the feedback track item) I just find him very not hostile. I mean, we are supposed to be deadly enemies. Once he reached his new waypoint, he did not dismount and try to take me out. He just remained in his seat, happy that he got to where he was going. He should be in a kill-or-be-killed state. Any OPFOR infantry that you put face-to-face with your player will engage you as soon as they detect you. You don't have to spoonfeed them their basic state-of-mind. The quad driver is just too glued to his seat as I see it.
  21. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    Hm, he did not have any waypoints. He should have some basic, sound reaction to danger regardless (like my direct fire), but I am going to see if waypoints make a difference.
  22. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    He is not frightened, he is under direct fire and should act accordingly. Not necessarily getting out, perhaps drive away or drive faster. Missions may have worked around that strange behaviour, but I still view it as an AI shortcoming in how they perceive danger. I mean, he chooses the "do nothing" strategy. Or he may be simply deaf and blind, since I can walk straight up to him and he just sits there.
  23. old_painless

    Shockingly bad AI

    Right, well it seems BI is looking at "balancing" at the moment, so the AI lid may be off. They should consider how AI use vehicles, too
  24. Yes that would be Minozas post above. The sinking into the ground has to go
  25. Yes, I would also think that signal flares should be visible at night from the air, like from a chopper. So no need to tone those down