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Everything posted by tupolov

  1. You should note that we also updated the logic behind civilian hostility to armed forces. Detonating IED's in villages/towns will increase civilian hostility... always best to disarm them. Disarming IEDs will of course decrease civilian hostility. Destroying buildings in villages/towns will increase civilian hostility as does killing civilians etc. Civilian hostility has a bigger role in asymmetric warfare with ALiVE where civs can decide to join insurgent forces or provide you with intelligence on them. Given the Laws of War, expect more of this in future releases. Cheers, Tup PS. Yes, release also doesn't mention HighHead's new ALIVE Military Air Component Commander Showcase mission.
  2. tupolov

    Redd'n'Tank Vehicles

    Ridiculously good! Congrats on such a comprehensively splendid and feature rich vehicle.
  3. tupolov

    Script alternative to ALiVE?

    Check this thread, looks like a few Exile folks have got ALiVE working with it. http://www.exilemod.com/topic/22398-alive-mod-for-ai-or-occupation/?do=findComment&comment=163324 :)
  4. tupolov

    Script alternative to ALiVE?

    Just to say ALiVE is still being developed :) We have a regular release cadence and you can see from our GitHub that there are lots of commits etc. re performance with ALiVE, it's a mission making tool, if you set it up to spawn 100's of AI then your performance will tank. Like any mission making effort you need to tune it for your needs. Lots of people using ALiVE without issue. if the Exile devs want to let us know of any bugs feel free :)
  5. If you are wanting to respawn player vehicles, ensure they are not "virtualised" and use vanilla respawn as required. Combat support units have their own respawn mechanism. French translations would be awesome, merci beaucoup! There's a fair few stringtable.xml files in ALiVE where you can add translations. Unfortunately, our task system is not set up for translation yet, we can implement that if are willing to do the translations :)
  6. tupolov

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Amazing work Snakeman! A few questions: 1. How are you doing the surface mask for these terrains? (its been a while since i did terrains :) ) Are you using any sat image analysis tools? SAGA GIS? 2. Any thoughts or work on procedurally placing objects and compositions on the terrains? 3. In ALiVE we're working on an Air Combat module to coincide with the JETS DLC release, are runways configured across all terrains? Any hangars, heliports etc placed? Cheers, Tup
  7. https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/releases/download/v1.3.2.1704261/ALiVE_1.3.2.1704261.7z http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/github.com.html
  8. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.2.9 Bug Smashing Thanks to our wonderful community of ALiVE users we continue to fix reported bugs and slowly enhance ALiVE. This release addresses a number of issues with our stats, data and auto initialisation of AAR as well as a few other fixes and optimisations. We appreciate your patience as we strive to Release Early and Release Often! Release Highlights Fix to AAR so sys_data_auto.pbo now truely does default to on for AAR! Koplic re-indexed! More improvements to tasks Added speed modifier for combat speed of profiles Fix issue where compositions and roadblocks were still not saved correctly, causing a hung loading screen Improved ALiVE plugin server config parsing Numerous bug fixes and enhancements The grim details of bugs slain in the name of Arma See full commit history on Github Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  9. tupolov


    Ok well probably last post from me on the subject unless others fancy contributing :) Tweaked some things, still some issues. Guess it needs better placement of the emitters (rather than random placement), adjustment for viewing frustum and player velocity. TTL still confuses me as particles seem to live for way longer than the TTL, guess its the random changing vector particle effects.
  10. tupolov


    Yah still needs some tweaking. Thanks
  11. tupolov


    Not sure about this though... you would want to simulate snow being blown from behind someone into their view - if handling wind blown snow. In my tests FPS is not massively affected by the current code (setviewdistance 500 and using fog helps). Should probably not use while loop though, move it to a CBA PFH. Would be awesome if someone could do the math to work out the landing spot of snowflake given starting position, velocity towards ground and wind vector. Any takers?
  12. tupolov


    Thanks for the positionCameraToWorld... good idea. Useful for testing with Zeus.
  13. tupolov


    Yes it needs to be optimized :) Setting fog and lowering view distance should help FPS a little. Wind is already forced to zero in the script. Its not ideal as people will want blowing snow etc. I guess we could calculate where the snow will land given the wind vector (for those that love their math) and surface check to that point instead, this should stop snow blowing into buildings. The script kinda takes into consideration player velocity and vehicle speeds, but could be improved. Also, TTL is confusing, seems like particles live way longer than they should in seconds. @neetch cl_water is the round snowflake. Go experiment!
  14. tupolov


    Added random snowflakes in new edited code above
  15. tupolov


    Just change the value 12 to whatever max height you would like. private _height = (_max - _d + 2) min 12;
  16. tupolov


    You need to remove the comments if running it in the debug console.
  17. tupolov


    Ok, updated it a little. Still not perfect though and stil needs updating to handle wind etc.
  18. tupolov


    Wasn't sure how expensive lineIntersectsSurfaces was compared to lineIntersects. Guess it saves two checks though :)
  19. tupolov


    18000 I think is the intensity limit (number of particles per emitter). The more distance, the more spread out the emitters will be. maxDistance in theory should cover the largest building size, so when indoors, its snowing all around. I think maxDistance of 35-50 is probably ok, but snow starts to thin out even at max intensity. This is just prototype code as a test :)
  20. tupolov


    Thanks to KK for the steer. Here's my proof of concept code. Put it in the debug console and hit local exec. This isn't optimized and not an MP thing, please don't use this in a mission :). It currently relies on zero wind (so the snow falls directly downwards), it really needs the checks to compensate for wind vector (if anyone fancies working that out :)). Play around with snowFidelity (spacing of particle emitters), snowIntensity (amount of snow) and snowMaxDistance (maximum distance snow is spawned from player).
  21. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.2.8 Hackathon and bugs squashing On a dark, cold and damn early Friday morning in London, at a secret location, the ALiVE mod team got together for its very first Hackathon! 5 devs travelled to London while members from Australia, Europe and the US connected remotely for what ended up as 16 hours of bug smashing and playtesting. After some initial technical issues (apologies on the lack of live stream and updates), the crew were up and running, fueled by a full english breakfast, pizza, coffee and prosecco(!) we smashed through numerous bugs. 1.2.8 release is the culmination of that work. Many thanks to Friznit for hosting, and to those that travelled - Tupolov, Gunny, Jman and Sacha - as well as our fellow ALiVE modders across the world. We certainly look forward to the next ALiVE Hackathon in 2017. Release Highlights Players can now carry many different objects, mission makers can whitelist object classes N'Ziwasogo re-indexed! Improved numbers of ambient civilians (prepare for server meltdown) Numerous bug fixes and enhancements Fix to AAR so sys_data_auto.pbo now truely does default to on for AAR! Persistent markers and reports are now restored correctly for JIPs CSAR and hostage rescue missions now work correctly The grim details of bugs slain in the name of Arma See full commit history on Github Thanks to everyone for feedback both here and on our forum! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Join the War Room Now! Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. More Maps? The momentum is really beginning to build with the indexing tools and we are cracking through the backlog. Instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found on our wiki Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with repros) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  22. Damn, apologies there was a typo... eek 0 = [this] spawn { _logic = _this select 0; waitUntil {count (_logic getVariable ["objectives",[]]) > 0}; _testObjective = (_logic getVariable "objectives") select 0; [_testObjective,"debug",false] call ALiVE_fnc_cluster;};
  23. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets#Compositions