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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. yes! can you please make an example of that code? i'm keeping get lost in missing [ or not needed ; ecc ! thanks !
  2. uuhhh, explain better please! pleaseeeeee!
  3. you're a saint ! i was just breaking my brain trying to understand it !! huge thanks again man! really appreciated !!
  4. perfect! thanks man for all your help !! now i will try to stydy your code so maybe i understand it completely :) thankssssss!
  5. well...i'm really sorry to boring you again....but i wish you see how fun is this! as soon as it spawns, being more than 1 vehicle, it gets a collision problem and explodes, pushing into the air the vehicles, the soldiers, all in flames...its a nice view for the eyes...but terrible for gameplay! maybe you know a simple solution to spread out a bit the spawned vehicles ? thanksssssssss
  6. huge thanks for your help man ! good news, it works ! really thanks man, you found trouble even without being able to test! great!!!
  7. i never used "case", dont know well what is it, but maybe do something like: select random (CASE1, CASE2, CASE3) CASE1 = spawn X Y Z K Q CASE2 = spawn A B CASE3 = spawn C D E can be a working solution ? EDIT: would be not total random, but a bit of variety its better than nothing !
  8. really thanks man ! i tested it...it gives an error about "undefined variable line 36 : _result_array cant understand why...its defined in the script!!
  9. ahh thanks man ! i try to merge it in my code! thanks !
  10. i've tried this: _RBcar = "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"; _RBconvoy1 = selectRandom [_RBcar]; // random select an array to spawn _RBconvoy2 = selectRandom [ _RBaaa, _RBcar]; _Ga3 = [[ getPos Bres1 select 0, (getPos Bres1 select 1) +0, 1],WEST,[_RBconvoy1]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ...but it spawn just 1 MRAP (instead of 2!) dunno whats wrong.....gives no error...
  11. i should declare a string and not an array, right ?
  12. ah thanks man ! so...hem...what should i do exactly to have the desired result?
  13. here's an image of error. https://ibb.co/bsEM0Q where do i find *.rpt ? (sry for my noobiness)
  14. hello guys ! for another script, i'm trying to randomize the spawn of the vehicles of a convoy....here's the code: _RBapc = ["B_APC_wheeled_01_cannon_F","B_engineer_F", "B_medic_F", "B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_ghillie_sard_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_soldier_GL_F"]; _RBtank = ["B_MBT_01_TUSK_F","B_engineer_F", "B_medic_F", "B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_soldier_AA_F","B_soldier_GL_F" ]; _RBaaa = ["B_APC_tracked_01_AA_F"]; _RBcar = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"]; _RBconvoy1 = selectRandom [_RBapc, _RBtank, _RBaaa, _RBcar]; // random select an array to spawn _RBconvoy2 = selectRandom [_RBapc, _RBtank, _RBaaa, _RBcar]; _Ga3 = [[ getPos Bres1 select 0, (getPos Bres1 select 1) +0, 1],WEST,[_RBconvoy1, _RBconvoy2]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ...it returns an error, saying that he expect a string and i (evil person) give him an array. i understand the error, but cant figure how solve the problem ! thanks for help !
  15. ...still no friends around....hope tomorrow...
  16. thanks Pierre ! my latest version is this: it seems to work, and i'm happy with it for now ! thanks for all your help !
  17. heh thanks man ! thats exactly what i was talking about when i mean "optimization" :) from my noobish point of view i just "feel" that something wrong...but no idea whats wrong and how cure it :) well...my objective is to create/spawn a vehicle with its default crew, give him random waypoints (BI_fnc_taskPatrol works good for this) and delete it when it gets destroyed (maybe far from allplayers just for eye-candy reasons). then restart the loop (create/spawn ecc...) with no ending (its a persistant dynamic battlefield). for gameplay reasons, i really wish (if its not too overcomplicated) to have a special behaviour for a situation that may happen: sometimes the vehicle gets damaged, some crew die, some crew still alive gets out of vehicle, and start running to waypoint. i could simply delete them as if they died on impact....but i find very interesting (again...if its not too overcomplicated) to get some sort of timed "rescue" for them. so if a player decide to ignore the distress call, they will deleted after 10 minutes, but if player decide to go rescue the crew, and succeed in less than 10 minutes, he get some sort of reward (i thinked to spawn a second vehicle of same type...but this one with no possibility to save crew...to not accumulate more than 1 exta vehicle at any given time). at the end, in both cases the crew should be deleted (to not accumulate AIs in long times), and a new vehicle should be created/spawned to restart the whole cycle. my english is not very good...hope you understand what i mean :)
  18. good news ! thanks to PierreMGI for helping me really a lot with this, and thanks for all his patience! this is the script that more or less do what i need: if (isServer) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { _grpDveh = [[ getPos bres1 select 0, (getPos bres1 select 1) +5, 200],WEST,["B_plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _Dveh = vehicle leader _grpDveh; _crewDveh = crew _Dveh; // now you have an array with these guys (pilot or else) [_grpDveh, getPos Bres1, 9000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; waitUntil {sleep 30;{alive _x && _x in _Dveh} count crew _Dveh == 0 || (!canMove _dVeh && fuel _dVeh == 0)}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _Dveh; // delete crew first in case Dveh cannot move deletevehicle _Dveh; // Dveh is empty OR cannot move...better delete it uiSleep 20; // wait some time so crew can die or move away _aliveCrew = {alive _x} count _crewDveh; // returns the number of alive crew units if (_aliveCrew > 0) then { format ["BLUE crew need EXFIL ASAP at %1",mapGridPosition ((_crewdVeh select {alive _x}) select 0)] remoteExecCall ["hint"]; sleep 6; // wait 600 secs = 10 minutes (6 as test now) TO DELAY RESPAWN TO PUNISH DEATH AND GIVE TIME TO SAVE CREW if ({((_crewdVeh select {alive _x}) select 0) distance2D _x > 500} count allPlayers > 0 ) then { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh } else {} } else {sleep 6; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _crewDveh}; uiSleep 6; }; }; }; ...now i intend to spawn many vehicles with it....(lets say 10) ...so maybe there's a way to use just 1 script with a variable for the vehicle type so i the "execVM" can declare vehicle name/type, but i need help on this! ...and to be really perfect, i wish to make so the side that perform the rescue will have some sort of bonus...but i'm still thinking about this. (any idea is welcome!)
  19. Huge thanks man !! Tonight will test with some friends !
  20. anyone knows an external script for spectator ? really need this working for that mission....people get bored if they can't respawn and can't spectate!
  21. nononono! sorry, my fault, i forgot to mention my connection is a shitty 7Mb/s download and 0.40mb/s upload! sry!
  22. ok the bug-hunting is to an end. i found a script that was causing it, my fault, documentation clearly named to run just 1 iteration of it, i was running it twice. anyway, as claws01 asked, here are my specs: i5 4440 3.10ghz 12gb ram no SSD :( EDIT : forgot to mention my connection is a poor 7mb/s download and 0.4 upload ! i use TADST, dont know if i have a basic.cfg or server.cfg, but i suppose the interesting settings are this: maximum messages send: 128 max size guaranteed : 512 bytes max size NON guaranteed: 256 bytes min bandwidth : 128 (kbit/s) max bandwidth : 2000 (mbit/s) min error to send : 0.001 min error to send near : 0.01 max custom file size : 160 (kb) max packet size : 1400 thanks for the help!
  23. You scare me guys...looks like mad genious to my noobish eyes