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About Jsempri

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    Private First Class

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  1. Jsempri

    [R3F] Logistics

    How can I detect if cargo is in vehicle? I want it so that when I place a box inside a trucks cargo, I get a hint. "box_1 inCargo Truck_1" doesn't work with this.
  2. Jsempri

    3den Enhanced

    Revo, I want to start with telling you that I love this mod. I have been using it for a long time now. Just recently I have been having issues with two of my missions. ACE 3 will no longer work on dedicated server. I have been wracking my brain to figure out why. Long story short. I reopened the mission without 3den loaded. I saved the mission and then tested it out in MP, and it worked. Not sure exactly what caused is does seem related to 3den. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Sempri
  3. Working on a scenario where you will load a crate into a truck. After lets say 4 crates are inside cargo, the objective will succeed. I'm using ACE cargo load function. I thought " crate in truck " would work but the rigger will not activate. Thanks in advance for any help on this!
  4. Working on a scenario where you will load a crate into a truck. After lets say 4 crates are inside cargo, the objective will succeed. I'm using ACE cargo load function. I thought " crate in truck " would work but the rigger will not activate. Thanks in advance for any help on this!
  5. Thanks Persian. Going to give it a try.
  6. Hi all, I need help on figuring out away to lock a fence door and then having it unlocked by shooting at it. The set up is prisoners get a hold of a gun and break out by shooting at the fence. Thanks!
  7. Jsempri

    Risky Ambush (Co12)

    THIS MISSION IS NOT AVAILABLE ON STEAM WORKSHOP. TOO MANY BUGS. NEED TO WORK ON IT Mission by Jsempri Your team will take part in a operation to eliminate enemy reinforcements entering the city of Georgetown. Features: FHQ EDEN Task Tracker by Alwarren Psycho's AIS Revive No mods required. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=767666037&searchtext=Risky+ambush
  8. New Mission by Jsempri Syndikat forces currently occupy the town of Kotomo. We believe they have AA's, specifically Zu 23,s located somewhere in the center of town, as well as a large weapons cache. Your teams objective is to assault the town and eliminate all assets. Features: Psycho's AIS Revive MODS: CBA_A3 CUP Weapons CUP Units CUP Vehicles CUP Core Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=752311148
  9. New mission by Jsempri You are mercenaries hires as main security to the wealthiest and most ruthless drug lord in Tanoa, Iram Molias. Today your team is put to the test ad Genamerie forces areprearing to raid Iram's villa in Moddergrat. Features Psycho's Revive MODS: CBA_A3 Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...damn+mercs
  10. Never mind. I figured it out. Thanks again for the help!!
  11. So how would I script this? Would I name the fire team group bandit_1?
  12. Having trouble figuring this out and appreciate any help. I want to send a squad to a maker position and I cant figure out how to do it. I put in the trigger: Bandit_1 doMove (getMarkerPos "Marker1"); Bandit= team leader of that particular squade.but the problem with this script is that only the team leader get to the marker while the rest stay in their original spot.I believe I should script it so that the group moves but i cant figure out how to do that. Hope this make sense and i appreciate the help!
  13. I did find a workaround that seems to work tho. In the mission Im creating, I have a 3 man squad where the Team leader is the player and the other 2 members are set as PLAYABLE". Thats where the problem begins. When having the other 2 memebers set as playable, EDEN will then not allow you to TAG the scenario as singleplayer, only MP. Now, if the other two members were set as AI and not set as PLAYABLE, then EDEN will allow you to set it as single player, since it's only the Teamleader who can be played as a no ai. I was able to fix this by crearting a trigger and adding "addSwitchableUnit unitNamet". This seems to work.