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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. ozzbik

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    Not the correct thread to post this (probably OFF_TOPIC would be better :) ) But try to detemine where the noise comes from (Motherboard, FDD, HDD, DVD/BLURAY DRIVE). Noises mostly come from mechanical devices (like the spinning mechanics of a drive), but sometimes electrical component can produce sound as well. Mechanical parts have wear and tear on parts like ball bearings (which cause unstable rotation in a drive and a scraping noise). Electrical parts which make noise could be defective, but it depends on the component. Did you overclock any component btw?
  2. ozzbik

    Arma 3 linux server issue

    What port is configured as Rcon port? From a post from Dwarden (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190164-arma-3-158-rcon-not-working-i-need-explanation-please/: RconPort must avoid reserved ARMA3server port range default reserved ports (+0,+1,+2,+3) are 2302 - 2305 to clarify the reserved ports can't be used for BattlEye's RCON you also shall not need to add the RconIP entry as undefined equals to (all IPv4 local IP addresses) setting it to e.g. will prevent it to respond on external IP setting it to e.g. external IP will prevent it to respond on localhost
  3. ozzbik

    Arma 3 linux server issue

    Battleye is enabled?
  4. ozzbik

    Arma 3 linux server issue

    Could you the Arma3 update again (To see if all files verify correctly)
  5. ozzbik

    Latest CBA_A3

    And you have the exact same keys in the keys folder on you client machine (and no old versions of the CBA keys)?
  6. ozzbik

    Latest CBA_A3

    Is the server Linux based? If yes, try using only lowercase. Where did you place the key?
  7. Does your mouse come with extra software (like providing extra functions to mouse keys)? Could be a conflict.
  8. Which scope (or do you mean just the raise scope action)?
  9. Some mods do use their own keybindings (like ACE).
  10. Perhaps you can try if uPnP works though when starting a multiplayer session from within Arma3 (and use direct connection to your external IP). You can check your external IP through http://www.whatsmyip.org/
  11. Ilias48rus, Do you mean you've created a server on your home network and are trying to find it as an internet server? If yes, Check the following: Does your router support uPnP (so it knows how to connect)? Are all necessary ports opened on the firewall? Does direct connection work (using your external IP-address)?
  12. 12:00:07 Connected to Steam servers Is the message you receive when your server has registered with the Steam servers. It can take a while until your server is visible in the list though. Perhaps what you can try to do first is, start without any mods, and then see if it becomes visible.
  13. Can your server reach the steam servers (all necessary ports going out are open too)? And are you using Windows or Linux as a dedicated server?
  14. Did you re-adjust your screen settings to show the tick? It does look darker on your screen than mine, but i had to re-adjust after the update.
  15. Have you tried running Steam as administrator?
  16. Did you by any chance disable the pagefile?
  17. Hi sir_katusro, Can you try running the game without parameter and mods? The logs file suggest that you run with commandline options.
  18. Have you tried running without mods? Looks like there's a problem with one of them. But is this the rpt after you've started the launcher? In the file i can see the loading of a mpmission.
  19. You can upload the .rpt file via http://www.filedropper.com/ (without registering)
  20. As a possible fix for others who might have the same problem. What did you do to fix this? :)
  21. So starting steamclient itself wasn't a problem? could you post the latest rpt file?
  22. Please explain what you mean by messed up ( pics).
  23. Try the following. Run taskmanager to confirm steam isn't running (if it does, kill the process). Run steam as admin again. Confirm that the viruscanner or firewall doesn't block any actions. You haven't got any other issues with the steamclient? Otherwise you could try a reinstall of the client (move the gamefiles to a temporary location for later use)
  24. Filleh, Strange that doesn't seem to work. Is the process active after you've started it as an admin? I assume you're the administrator of your machine?
  25. dans97266@gmail.com You have tried the first solution in this thread (validate steam cache)?