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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. ozzbik

    status access violation

    Could you remove the AeoniumGaming and Exile mod in it's entirety (remove the folder in the workshop) and choose repair from the launcher. It could be these mods are corrupted.
  2. ozzbik

    status access violation

    I see CBA has a version mismatch? On your machine Version on the server Version: Also 0:03:41 "ExileClient - Checking ARMA version..." 0:03:41 "Installed: 184 - Required: 180" The server has not yet been updated, which makes testing a problem imho.
  3. ozzbik

    status access violation

    Thanks, but I think you posted a link instead of the file itself :) BTW. which mods are you using?
  4. ozzbik

    status access violation

    - First of all what are you PC specs? - Are there any other errors in your Windows eventlogs (Application/System)? - Did you check the temperatures of your CPU, GPU and mainboard? - Are you using the latest of any driver? - What do the RPT files state (to be found in; ...\Users\Your Profile\AppData\Local\Arma 3)?
  5. It could be one of your mods is causing this behavior in combination with a virtual memory problem. What mods are you using?
  6. ozzbik

    Arma freezing whole computer

    Check the Windows eventlog and look for errors. Most likely you have a problem with overheating, but it could be a driver thing.
  7. What have you done already? - verify steam cache - set launcher parameters to default - update drivers to the last version - if using mods, try connecting to a vanilla server
  8. ozzbik

    Arma 3 Server Issue

    Try adding the following to the start of your -mod line: curator;kart;heli;mark;jets;expansion;tacops;orange;argo;tank
  9. ozzbik

    internet's problems

    Do you have a small set of DHCP addresses and perhaps a IP conflict in your network? Could you post the full (copied) error message?
  10. When videosettings are set on low, the CPU is used instead of your graphics card.
  11. ozzbik

    Battleye initialization failed

    This is from the BattleEye support site (https://www.battleye.com/support/faq/): I am getting kicked for the following violation(s). I don’t use hacks, so what can I do to resolve this? BattlEye initialization failed First of all, please ensure that BE is properly installed for your game. You can manually install it by following the instructions on the download page. If that doesn’t help there might be a problem with your file permissions. To fix this please go to “C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\[game name]” (make sure that you can see hidden files/folders if you can’t find this directory) and delete the BattlEye folder there. If the issue still persists your system’s root certificates might be broken/corrupted. To fix them download and install the following update from Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2813430. Perhaps this will solve your problem?
  12. ozzbik

    Logitech Force 3D Pro not recognized

    Havemyou tried using a new arma3 profile? Could be there's some leftover config.
  13. ozzbik

    Dualshock Confusion

    It seems like the controller isn't calibrated correctly (it outputs data when it should'nt). Use the calibration from Windows to correct this (or from within Arma configure deadzone, etc.)
  14. ozzbik

    Distorted textures over a distance

    Object distance is set to 12000 (or relatively high) as well? Does this happen with all maps and missions (in the editor)
  15. ozzbik

    Distorted textures over a distance

    What is your view distance set to? What setting of terrain quality is set?
  16. Does it work from within the LAN environment (through direct ip connection)?
  17. Do you have any mods loaded? Arma3 has a large dependency on CPU single-core speed (the higher the clock-speed the better) Try using a higher view distance to see if the FR goes up or down and always set shadow quality higher than low (otherwise it will use your CPU instead of GPU). Could you post your settings perhaps (it will give insight as to what might be done)?
  18. VON uses Steam so that your assumption is correct. Do you have multiple audio devices plugged in and is the correct one selected as recording device in Steam settings? Also try to change the activation mode (push-to-talk to voice activate or vice versa)
  19. ozzbik

    Long loading screen when mission loads

    Do you have different virusscanners (or with different exclusions) on your systems? Try running a performance monitor in the background. Maybe that will point in the direction of the problem. Also, do you have a fixed pagefile or system managed on both machines?
  20. ozzbik

    Long loading screen when mission loads

    Does the .rpt file contain any clues to the long loadingm (for example; script errors)?
  21. What does your Windows eventlog tell you (application and/or system log)? Also, has and .rpt file been created (%LocalAppData%\Arma3)?
  22. To start with, ARMA3 is a very CPU dependend game. So high clockspeed is a must, especially when multiple units are deployed. Your processor has a 2.20Ghz clockspeed which is a bit low, i am sorry to say.
  23. From your server commandline i can not see that the mods are started on the server. What is your server mod list?
  24. ozzbik

    Arma3 Stuttering

    But it could be that a service running in the background is causing this fps drop.
  25. ozzbik

    Crash on startup

    Could you try launching the 32-bit version, to see if that works?