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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. ozzbik

    ArmA 3 alpha not working?

    What is your systems configuration (videocard/memory/processor/Windows version)?
  2. Could be: - Keyboard malfunction (hanging keys) - Controller plugged in which is not calibrated correctly - Faulty drivers - Ghostly visitor pushing keyboard keys.. ;)
  3. ozzbik

    Development Blog & Reveals

    So that's Altis then (hopefully comes with the BETA)? :pray:
  4. Depends on the router. A firmware update or configuration setting could do the trick. Friend of mine bought a (cheap) new router which fixed the problem for him (in Arma 2). Your router has a configurable firewall. I don't know if the supersedes the ICMP default, but you could try to configure a rule for Arma3 ports for UDP packets to your machine?
  5. Could be the router doesn't do well with a lot of udp packages (flood)?
  6. I believe this is partially already in-game? For instance the rotor breaks when it hits the ground. It would be nice if it affected more points on the chopper though. :)
  7. ozzbik

    None can connect to my Mission

    Are you using any kind of mods on client? Also could you post your rpt? Do you have a router with configured port forwarding?
  8. ozzbik

    Houses and Interiors

    This is not a 'fixed' game. If you want a hidden weapons cache: place it in your mission. I guess furniture will come in later updates as civilian objects in the editor.
  9. Are you using a software firewall? It could be that the new program isn't allowed access to the internet.
  10. ozzbik

    Development Blog & Reveals

    It isn't Christmas, but i'm just as happy as if it was.;) Keep it coming BI
  11. I've check the mission and can reproduce the problem. The logs are full with nonnetwork errors, which could be problematic client scripts. So it could be that one of the clientscripts used which a causing this behaviour. As i understand now the errors aren't always shown. Will try some other stuff to find out the exact issue (learn new things everytime :) )
  12. ozzbik

    None can connect to my Mission

    Could it be that it has a problem with client side scripts?
  13. Lol, had your old mission files. :P http://www.ofpec.com/faq/index.php?action=read&cat=64&id=55 another usefull link I guess. Will look into it this evening.
  14. For that error, try to include the following: class Header { gameType = COOP; //game type minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 10; //max # of players the mission supports }; More info about this file: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext
  15. I only host a multiplayer server once a week (playing with colleagues on stable build). As there's no dedicated server at the moment for the stable build, I guess a lot of people aren't currently hosting 24/7 (Servers are usually 'clan-run' so mostly by invite but sometimes open as well). The rest of the week I play singleplayer only (development branch) trying out all kinds of different stuff in the editor. But looking at every dev version that comes out, it's getting better (besides the occasional bug), i'm a happy man.
  16. As there are security modifications to the alpha (against hacking) it could be your scripts are the problem. But we'll see. Also in your rpt there was an error about a description.ext file. Could you read this; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82217-Mission-refuses-to-run and check if it has anything to do with you problem?
  17. So I guess you don't use the dedicated server workaround but use the ingame game hosting. :) Could you ask your clan mates what they get their rpt logs?
  18. You can move your Arma3 folder to another drive if you want. :)
  19. @gossamerSolid : If there's a ticket in Feedback, which number has it? Also if the game crashes there should be an entry in the windows application log with some extra info. The more info, the better ;)
  20. Just a few questions: :) - Are you using the beta of the steam client? - Is the client the same version as your server? - Are you using mods and/or startup parameters (and if so which ones)? - Is the client using any mods and/or startup parameters?
  21. ozzbik

    Alpha update 0.56 problem

    If you have problems, please check your Arma3 rpt files for the reason of problems (run with no mods for a 'clean' error log). When you find any errors, report them through the Feedback site so the developers can look into it. It's Alpha you know, bugs are bound to appear ;)
  22. normally it resides in {profile path}\{profile username}\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha (rpt files and/or mpstatistics (if used in startup parameter))
  23. Did you check the server's log for more info? It could be the reason for not accepting clients is in there.
  24. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't start

    The Arma series is very CPU demanding (scripts & A.I., etc.). So faster=better. Keep in mind though that A3 is not yet fully optimized, so framerate can change in the end.