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John Kozak

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Everything posted by John Kozak

  1. John Kozak

    Zeus + ALiVE + respawn for SP?

    You can achieve same with SP - if the player dies, add another playable unit. This may be possible since the game is not stopped instantly - needs to be tested. Another option is to make a script which keeps at least one playable unit at base marker always by creating replacements - if you die, you can team switch. Here you go, SP respawn :-) Both methods base on the fact that the death SP menu has "Team Switch" option.
  2. John Kozak

    Zeus + ALiVE + respawn for SP?

    Yeah, on hosted server mission stops if all players die. I think it can well be circumvented, though - if player is not alive => createUnit + addSwitchableUnit. Should work in SP
  3. John Kozak

    Questions about control of UAV's in MP

    Small suggestion for you - make the player connect to the UAV right when spawning it, unless he already controls another. That would take care of most of the trolling.
  4. Yes, pretty easy: waitUntil {!isNil player;}; if (side player == OPFOR) then { ["I am OPFOR"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; } else { if (group player == group1) then { ["I am from group 1"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; } else { ["I am BLUFOR and not from group 1... Might as well just die now"] call BIS_fnc_infoText; }; }; This must be executed in some simple trigger, spawned through init.sqf or using BIS_fnc_MP I don't remember what arguments BIS_fnc_infoText takes, but I hope you get the principle.
  5. That's why I deleted the comment - because this may actually work, unlike homeopathy.
  6. John Kozak

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    That's right, they even have a huge mandatory check box when trying to preorder DK - "I understand this hardware is intended for developers and it is not a consumer product" ( https://www.oculusvr.com/order/)
  7. The topic is a bit old, but for future reference - there's a command called uavControl, which returns array with NULL at position 0 if player is not currently controlling a UAV (even if he's connected) - just in case somebody needs that.
  8. John Kozak

    TMR Modular Realism

    Are you sure you're not confusing this with VTS Weaponresting? VTS has almost zero recoil, true, and it can be (unlike TMR) used without support
  9. John Kozak

    U.C.S.V. Cargo & Support Drone

    Awesome thing, dropping a crewed SUV on 5m - 150 km/h is a real adrenaline booster... For those inside! :P
  10. John Kozak

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    Well, since you obviously don't have a clue on what an analogy is, here's a more direct inception: armor does stop bullets, and that's the reason it's issued to soldiers. 10% chance of dying from bullet hit is still better than 90%. And you would certainly be very surprised, but there are different classes of armor - and some types of vests do stop 7.62x39 point-blank (5 meters, GOST-R-50744-95 class 3). And for some reason even politicians do sometimes wear it. Stupid, aren't they? But hey, sorry, I won't be bothering you with reality anymore.
  11. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    Spawning 1 ai per minute is not an option - 10 hours per test is just plain unreasonable. You still didn't say what is "valid" test in your opinion. Should I spawn batches of 10 AI with 50 second delay?
  12. John Kozak

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    Ahem... Maybe it's very common now because ballistic plates stop bullets directed at body? ;) Those areas are smaller and just by pure statistics are less likely to be hit - but since CBAs eliminate the bad consequences of being shot centermass, those now become "more common". Your logic is akin to saying we don't need measles inoculations because hardly anyone catches measles now - forgetting that it's inoculation which stopped it in first place.
  13. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    Okay, guys, sorry for the delay... The two last weekends were much busier than expected. I finally got my hands on testing now, though, so here are the results: Test setup: A dedicated server and a client run on the same machine + TADST + ArmA Server Monitoring tool A mission with simple script (see below) Process explorer Script (init.sqf): Results (screenshot after closing the client): What's interesting about it: FPS is stable, memory and CPU usage are steadily rising as number of AI increases. So far so good There's the same pattern as was hit by OP: all is good until some saturation level is hit. In my case, saturation started at around 490 AI. After the saturation is hit, CPU usage graph starts becoming jagged. This may hint to massive IO (not true in this case), memory paging issues, or lock contention. FPS starts to drop far steeper than could be expected by the AI numbers (20% more AI results in 50% less FPS - I'd expect 1-100%/120% = 17% drop if it was just because of CPU limitations) With each new created AI, the number of OS handles goes up by 1. This is the most interesting thing I've discovered. As we can see, server is hitting a limit imposed by some internal mechanic. This is definitely not related to AI init, since the AIs are created at a steady stream of 1 per 2 seconds and if there was some init time, there would be a constant number of AIs in init phase at any given moment (after some time of course). What's definitely interesting here is the fact that the number of handles rises with the number of AIs and is not reduced when the AI is deleted or the mission is restarted. This is as bad as it sounds - it's a genuine handle leak. So, an advice to restart the server every once in a while is not really a bad one ;) Conclusion: it's still a mystery whether it's related to AI performance degradation. Hard to say anything without PDB symbols (can I get a package, please? :bounce2:). But it looks like I've identified a small but nasty bug. I'll try to get some time & inspiration to apply AMD profiler to the server - will write here if it works out.
  14. John Kozak

    TMR Modular Realism

    It's a workable idea, by the way. The key is called "stance modifier" and is bound as single key (Ctrl)
  15. That one is a very good idea, by the way. Steam provides a great set of APIs for that cause & this will counter many types of cheating.
  16. Looks like we will have a helicopters DLC at some point, so Fixed Wing DLC doesn't look quite out of question.
  17. Opswat doesn't seem to be a trusted source - their data does not relate to official numbers by avast/kav creators. But, in any case, having GMER author on the team doesn't cancel the fact that avast loses Kaspersky in every actual test. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2068485/kaspersky-six-others-top-malware-removal-tests.html http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/home-user/windows-7/mayjun-2013/ http://www.anti-malware.ru/node/10211 http://www.av-comparatives.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/avc_factsheet2014_03.pdf That's what determines "good" or "bad" antivirus, not whether they have a "cloud". Unless, of course, one's personally involved and objectivity is not an option ;-)
  18. As a person who cured more than 100 computers of viruses at the beginning of the career (as outsource IT), I cal tell from my own experience that all current free AVs are (or were, at least) a joke. They failed even where free KAV/Dr.Web utilities cleaned it up on first try. And believe me, I know what a kernel-mode rootkit is ;-) Heuristics are not a silver bullet, and maintaining virus DBs takes resources. Obviously Kaspersky has more money... And more users, BTW ;-)
  19. Cool, an when you would look at the chopper from outside on regular difficulty, the title would say "CH-47B (without chatter)". No, that's not a good idea.
  20. if (isMultiplayer) {.... :-)
  21. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    I'd bet it's something very simple, like using mutexes where critical sections/atomics could do... Will do tests on the weekend.
  22. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    Okay, so spawning 20 AI, waiting 3 minutes, then spawning another 20 and so on would be a valid test, right?
  23. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    Yeah, sorry for the OT, just needed to get it out of the way. That looks very interesting, especially the part you highlighted. We can say here, that: There's certainly some kind of FPS limiter built in, since as AI count increases, the FPS stays around 50 with just CPU usage increasing When the AI count hits 200, there are certainly some bad things happening. By "bad things" I mean lock contention or some algorithmic problem. If the slowdown would be just due to CPU load, the FPS decrease would have been much more gradual - totalling 50% of original FPS at 300-400 AI. Also, CPU usage drops suddenly, meaning there's a lot of code in waiting state. So, there's definitely something to look at. Thank you, CHB68, great video. Do you have a similar one for the recent stable version, with all the improvements?
  24. John Kozak

    What limits the server?

    Ah, got it. Yes, quite possibly. But on the other hand, it may yield results. I once found a nasty surprise with boost::lexical_cast that way - it turned out to utilize globally-locked locale API, which slowed down things ~15 times in my case. So, worth a try.