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Everything posted by earlsimmons

  1. earlsimmons

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    Hey LJ, i posted it in workshop but want to write it here too: First, it is the best Soundmod ever! Love it since ArmA II... But i found 2 Bugs in this release: Minigun has no sounds, and with supressor you can hear the Weapon echo. And please, add the Apex Sounds into Addon Folder... Why did you pack them in the Extras Folder? Many Mates wont copy and paste some shit, theay just wanna play with all sounds. I played with spar16 1-2 hours and i was thinking they sound really bad... Till i found the Extras Folder Keep on!
  2. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hey LJ, thanks for continuing your work on that mod! Arma without your Sounds is really **** ;-) I just have seen you updated to 1.3 but you want to update to 1.4 in time? Should i download 1.3 or whwn can we expect 1.4? Greetings
  3. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Ok i think its a BI Problem right now...
  4. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Ok, nice work LJ, i only notice that the Minigun and Maingun on Wipeout are clipping in longer firebursts. Greetings
  5. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hey, is 1.1 needed for those who skipped the first patch?
  6. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Anyone else cant hear the GBU-12 in distance?
  7. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    - If you are going inside a house, every sound is much quiter (in German, maybe you understand it, "gedämpft" ;-) ) - With the mortar, i dont mean Zeus, i mean the support call over radio.
  8. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hey Lj, first i wanna say great work on your 1.1 update, all in all it sounds better in huge firefights and you eliminate most of the "Eden" Bugs^^ But i want to tell you some things i have found for your roadmap: (played with onboard sound, Beyerdynamics DT770Pro) -Outgoing Mortarsound can be heard repeated while you are shooting from a Mortar. -If you call in Virtual Mortar support you cant hear the new "incoming" effect. -Gau8 sounds completely different/not like before (was it your intention? Before 1.1 it sounds real/better ;-) -Gau8 extremely quiet from ground. -Explosion in Vehicles cant be heard above 5meters distance -SPMG has no silenced Sound (Marksman MG) -After turn off the hummingbird the chopper sounds clipped. (dont tested with other choppers) -Helicopter in open field sound like you are inroom, too much subdued, maybe that are the new shaders? I hope it will help you to improve this masterpiece of an AddOn ;-)
  9. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Rifles are not too loud, if you compare it with voice over net its perfect. Seba why didnt you lower the volume?
  10. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Maybe you can increase the enviroment sounds in forrest etc. But thats my personal opinion ;-)
  11. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    hmm ok, maybe in Vanilla it doesnt sound so weird, because you cant hear that cartridge drop ;-)
  12. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Yes. Hey LJ, I got a few more bugs for your list: -Inroom gunshoots can be heard from outside like you´re inside. -MH9 minigun sound is buggy -Parachute sound missing
  13. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    You´re right, the weaponsounds are loud enough. But a helicopter flyby or jet is way too quiet...
  14. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm, best Headphones ;-)
  15. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hey Lj, maybe that can help you:-Flyby Sounds for rockets -shrieking mortar incoming Sound XD -I cant hear any waves at the beach -missing Grenade indoor sound -Suspension in offroad sounds like broken ;-) (maybe too loud) For me, its your best release for arma3... And that only some Hours After Eden Release. Big Respect!
  16. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Maybe not the best if its a problem with my Soundcard or config. Captured it with my phone to exclude that. I tried now some other Weapons, it seems like that echopop appeared with the Katiba, MX, DMR without Silencer. Hope you can fix it... incidentally, good work on your Mod. ;) I really love it, thats why i try to help here...
  17. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    In Dragonfyre Lite there was no "EchoPop" and yes i have a Problem with it because you can only hear it on the right Side. Thats like someon ticking on your right side on the Headphone after every shot^^ I think there are more People who notice that, but not everyone gives feedback. And i dont think its from your sources, because its with most of the weapons, silenced or unsilenced. What kind of Video did you prefer? I only want to show what i mean... Played with Soundblaster X-Fi MB3 PS: Are you from Germany?
  18. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Sure, without any Mod in the Editor... Maybe im not the only one... but the only one who report it ;-) LJ, why are you deleting any older Versions on the Internet^^ And why didnt you release a Script and a non-script version of your Soundmod? So everyone can decide. I loved the Dragonfyre Lite, and miss it even more while playing 2.5...
  19. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I made a Video with my Speakers on. Its with every Weapon... MX,Katiba etc... After a shoot you hear it only on the right side... In the Video it sounds like an echo, but its only on the right ear, even if i turn around. In the third and last shot you can hear it the best. You cannot hear it in the fourth. I cannot belive that noone except me and some friends can hear that^^ https://youtu.be/CB-OAoKwdbc I have still the question, where can i load the Dragonfyre Lite again?
  20. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Ok, for now we cannot play with your mod. Almost everyone in my clan can hear that noise on the right ear... it sounds like a tennisball or something... Where can i download the previous Version of Dragonfyre?
  21. earlsimmons

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hey, first of all... I love your Soundmod since Arma 2... But there is a heavy Problem... After every Shot i heard a Sound like an echo or something on the right side... The Sound doesnt move if i turn my head around with ALT. It sounds like it comes from the weapon. Am I the only one who heard this? I used the MX but it also appears with the Marksman Rifles.... Second Issue, the Helicopter sounds too quiet.. In a distance between 200-300 meters your old Lite Version was louder... Sry for bad English and i hope for a fix, cant play with that noise on the right ear^^
  22. earlsimmons

    coop 15 Operation Desperados part1

    Hi, some people dont load your mission because they need this Addon. Its better to make Missions without Addons. Use this script for your Mission, with that can you place the carrier anywhere you want and noone need this Addon: http://www.germany-fun.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=200&sid=d7d4ff837633b7bfd2b5664cedd78a3d BTW Nice Mission!^^
  23. earlsimmons

    Converted OFP SP Missions

    Hi Wolle, thanks for that great Missions! But can u make some of this playable for coop?
  24. earlsimmons

    Justice For All Sp Mission

    Nice Mission but why didnt u make this for MP? Only set some KI to playable and you can play this nice Mission in MP and SP. This goes to all who only make SP Missions! Please think on us Coop Players^^