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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. NOO! i forgot to ask BI if recoil simulation is coming back :( It probably isn't.. oh well, back to Armed Assault.. or not.. i really REALLY hope it is there.
  2. I hope so, that would be awesome I'm sure this map will lead to a lot of "one IS down" moments :D
  3. Fox '09

    Island Jade Groove

    icebreakr... destroyer of bridges :D i thought the AI could easily cross bridges.... at least, last time i checked.
  4. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3726/arma22010060603234524.png pretty self explanatory. reflective surfaces, windows etc have black boxes only on shadow high and very high. Using arma 2 beta patch 70951. NVIDIA 256 drivers. Anyone else have this issue?
  5. Fox '09

    SLX Mod WIP

    seems simple, I'll try it myself. Did you set their waypoint status to combat or something? or no change
  6. looks great. Is the airport elevated? It would be beautiful to land on an airport in the clouds.. :D I can see what i can do about houses, I'll drop you a PM if my modeler is free
  7. looks great! I love the last one (to the right) on the first pic the most :)
  8. haha, that made my day
  9. Fox '09

    shadow issue, boxes

    same here. I could try turning off FRAPs.. and other on screen stuff
  10. Fox '09

    SLX Mod WIP

    runs fine with 70951, but not the newer ones..
  11. I'm an okay texture artist, what kind of stuff would I have to do? camos? decals?
  12. needs more david hasslehoff on that smoke scene :D nice vid
  13. Fox '09

    My Grass Dissapeared!!!

    such as helmand valley (well it used to)
  14. Fox '09

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    I'm getting myself a disc copy as well as steam version, I love cover art.
  15. i request a config to use 2009 units instead of 2008 units for ACE.. but will it be MP compatible? I hate the shiny texture, i want to use my (own) private reskin
  16. Enad has encouraged me to reskin.. I want to start with the USMC and CDF guys, but i have some questions. 1. How would I go about getting the texture files etc for the units? 2. I would have to credit BIS of course, but is there anything else license wise I should know? 3. I could use someone to help me out with class names and configing. I am just reskinning them to ACU or my own woodland MARPAT texture if you were interested.
  17. vilas p'85 has soviet afgan troops
  18. thanks! It's there on firefox for me. edit: you guys should change the Off topic description, it still says operation flashpoint.. perhaps change it to "not related to BIS" or something
  19. why not add them to the self interaction menu? problem solved..
  20. Fox '09

    Flags from Bloody #749

    thanks, was looking for something like this :)
  21. i got a question for w0lle, how do you see how large an image is? Downloading them is really time consuming..
  22. heh, yeah. I need to get out of the editor..