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Everything posted by kylania

  1. kylania

    View Settings

    That would depend on the mission. Here's the view distance script I use in missions.
  2. kylania

    Building Spawn (module?)

    The main purpose of that OA only module was so that you could use the entirely blank Desert map for custom towns or Takistan since it had a lot of open space. ArmA 3 maps are pretty dense with texture and items so there's not a lot of space to play around with like that. I guess the Arma 3 equivalent would be Custom Compositions. You're supposed to be able to publish them to the Steam workshop, but can't seem to get it working.
  3. Yeah, that worked for me. Thing to remember is the trigger is placed where you were standing when you entered the code, so it won't follow you around. To do that you'd need to change the code slightly. You can attach the trigger to your player by adding this line at the end of the script: _trg attachTo [player, [0,0,0]]; Then it'll follow you around and as you approach one you'll get a hint and as they fall away again.
  4. I guess you could say they've been, *lowers glasses*, Syndikated! YEAAAAAHHH!
  5. You need to have pre-ordered Apex and then subscribe to the proper dev build under Betas in the Steam client.
  6. kylania

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

  7. For that a civilian would need to walk within 5 meters of where you were when that script ran. What script did you copy it into and how did you run that script?
  8. kylania

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Concealment != cover. :)
  9. kylania

    Eden Editor - Question/Suggestion

    For finding the missions, I think you're supposed to make more use of Folders as filters. Instead of having 300 missions in one folder you'll have 5 folders. Takistan, Altis, Current Missions, CSAR.. whatever and have the missions that you want under those folders.
  10. kylania

    Spatial Awareness Improvements

    This isn't radar or simply vision, it's situational awareness. While no, you can't see behind you, as a soldier you would know your squadmates were behind you either from training with them or hearing them or other slight indications which can't be replicated in game. This "radar" is an attempt to replicate those senses. So hiding what you "can't see behind your back" is just removing information your soldier should already have.
  11. kylania

    Map Markers "Disabled by the Server"

    Ahh yeah, we've been getting that issue randomly as well. It's client specific as far as we can tell though? Sometimes the guy hosting will have it, other times some other player. Sometimes changing slots helps other times we need to restart the mission.
  12. Adding functions is kinda easy but is based on description.ext and some extra files per mission, however is great to know how to do. You could make an addon of all your code snippets but maintenance on that wouldn't be easy and it would be required that your players have that addon loaded to play your games. Fine for something like a milsim unit, but not public consumption. Personally I just use my website or endless Notepad++ tabs. :P
  13. kylania

    What is faster? .hpp or sqf

    No need to be arguing and insulting each other, we're all here to learn and share. :wub:
  14. You can use the command addMagazines or if you wanna get fancy adapt this code to add only what they need. _unit addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 3];
  15. It's tied to the Waypoints visibility difficulty setting so if that's turned off the Tactical Ping ability will be turned off as well.
  16. Same here, 0 size file called scripts.
  17. kylania

    Error Messages

    You fix the code in your mission that is causing the errors. Eden Editor won't let you hide those since they are critical errors in whatever you're editing. However if you're obstinate you can save your mission to Single Player missions and run it sans error in that environment. Use the -showScriptErrors startup parameter to see those errors outside of the editor.
  18. Rather than continually adding and removing eventHandlers, why not control their logic via a variable? Otherwise: // calls fn_whatever call compile format["call fn_%1", "whatever"];
  19. They announced that you would be able to however Apex dependency would be a requirement. https://twitter.com/arma3official/status/697800594510192640
  20. kylania

    What is faster? .hpp or sqf

    I'm guessing it's the doubled spawn thing? So that all codeperformance was checking for was "How quickly did I execute the spawn command?" not "how quickly did the code my nested spawn executed complete?" Am I right? :)
  21. kylania

    Para jumps on tanoa

    Here's the demo mission you'd asked for but then edited out. :) Removed the CBA requirement and fixed a few specific things. Haloprep is included, but probably not needed. It's all loaded as functions instead of scripts since you'd want that instead for something you use repeatedly.
  22. kylania

    Need help fixing a bug!

    At least in this super simple version using the + operator to copy was a lot faster than using apply for the initial copy though. + was 0.0029ms apply was 0.0054ms With 400+ values it got worse. apply was 0.35ms while + was 0.054m. So probably want to use: myUnit = +templateUnits; instead of apply to just make a copy.