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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    =BTC= weapons A2

    CUP it please :)
  2. andersson

    Track Issues..!

    I guess that some features/bugs are easier to fix than others and with less chance of creating more bugs and problems. Also if a dev is working on one thing he might end up fixing other bugs as they were related somehow. So to blindly follow the most voted bug/request will probably give us more bugs in the end. It's important to vote as when they do end up looking at two things they might fix that are of equal value/effort to them, they probably go for the most voted one.
  3. Wow, hell yes! Thank you, Spasibo :D
  4. andersson

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    Actually it's not. Takes a few seconds for the brain to adjust and then it's all natural.
  5. andersson

    J.S.R.S Vs Speed of Sound. Video 1 - YOU decided

    I have fired different weapons and shoot quite often, and I must say SOS is closer to RL for me. BUT remember, the experience can differ a lot depending on your sound system!
  6. andersson

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    I would say head tracking is worth 130£! But you don't have to pay that much even if it's worth it. You can find a used trackIR4, or build one yourself as people have suggested. TrackIR seems overpriced. But the result of head tracking is no doubt worth it all!! But if you are used to play with free floating zone you have to turn it off. Head tracking is bugged with free zone.... :(
  7. So when will this bug be fixed? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=116 I fell in love with the free floating zone in 2001, and the addition of TrackIR in Armed Assault was fantastic. As I been playing with both since then it is an integral part of "who I am" inside the game, I just can't play without one or the other. I so want to play but I can't enjoy it and so far only logged 18 hours in A3 and I consider myself an armaholic.... Please pretty pretty please BIS.
  8. andersson

    Is the reload indication... cheating?

    I guess you are talking about that console icon at the center of the screen? I hate it. In OFP I had dry clicks now and then, but since armed assault and forward that centered icon pops up obstructing your view until you reload.
  9. andersson

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Because they rely on the same objects/data. If you made it for one island the dl would be almost the same size as the complete package. The actual island file is not that big.
  10. andersson

    Forever alone in Sweden

    Fixed it for you :)
  11. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I had to find an Utes map to double check as I remember where I placed the units and where the enemy was spotted, and it looks like less than 100 m. I also remember that a few times the enemy managed to drive past without getting caught, and from the map I estimate the distance to the road from us to be ~50m. So I would like to correct my numbers to between 50 and 100 m (most often closer to 100m). The enemy was in a skoda, hmmwv or a uaz, and we were standing up (the enemy had a careless wp).
  12. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Correct. Until you get too close to the enemy then they will see what you are doing and define you as the enemy you are. If I remember right the distance the enemy looks through your disguise was about 150-200m. My test was to have me grouped to an AI team leader and have an enemy AI drive towards us in a civilian or friendly car. When I put the enemy into an enemy car the team leader called him straight away. In many missions my friends and I moved on the roads in civilian cars and if we saw an enemy vehicle we could, if we had the distance and time, turn around and find another route without the enemy reacting on us. Ofcourse if we were surprised and were to close they lit us up in no time..
  13. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=116 Please vote up.
  14. andersson

    [CO-05] Altis Bus Driving Simulator 2014

    Read up before you judge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gayniggers_from_Outer_Space :D
  15. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It's an old problem coming back as we didn't have it in A2.
  16. andersson

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    It's a good thing to register your tag, http://www.ofpec.com/tags/
  17. andersson

    Pet Peeves of A3

    Not be able to use trackir and freefloatzone at the same time. It actually stops me from playing the game. Sure, but for me it's very important as I'm used to 100% zone since 2001. And to play without trackir hurts my neck. And I hate that I can't re-assign the stance adjust key. Doesn't fit with my key setup (used to it since 2001..). So right now I can't enjoy playing A3. I can do with bugs and problems, but when my intuitive movement is crippled I can't feel like I'm in the game.
  18. Tried A3 again after the update. Still can't play this game the way I want to and are used to: 100% dead zone and trackir. BIS, FIX THIS!!! Please...
  19. andersson

    3 Monitor Resolution Idea

    With Kegetys SoftTH you can have lower resolutions on the side monitors. http://www.kegetys.fi/SoftTH/
  20. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Pretty sure that was scripted. OFP and armed assault had that "insta-switch" on the radar when an enemy jumped into any vehicle, the change came in A2 (and now the step back in A3?).
  21. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    That is too bad. I really liked that improvement in A2.
  22. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Not true. In arma2 you had to get closer to the enemy before their realized what side you belonged to whenever you were in a civilian or enemy vehicle. I tested this by grouping myself to an AI leader and had the same enemy AI drive past us on a road. If the enemy AI was in a vehicle of his own side the AI leader called it as soon as we saw the car. If I put the enemy AI in a civilian car, or a car from "our" side the AI leader reacted much later when the enemy was much closer. A few times the enemy AI could drive past us without getting noticed. I haven't done the same test in A3, so I don't know how it works, but I always presumed it was the same as A2..
  23. Maybe you know this already but you can start up a local dedicated server, then join it. That way it's easier to test dedicated server compatibility. I do it when I playtest my missions and/or scripts.
  24. andersson

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170426-Blastcore-A3-R1&p=2587540&viewfull=1#post2587540 2 days only and you want to lock the thread? It can be christmas or whatever.