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Status Updates posted by Zipper5

  1. Yes you can post in that thread. It's for asking if a certain setup is able to play ARMA 2, which is exactly what you are asking. :)

  2. I'm not sure I know what you're referring to?

  3. Looks like you might have an interesting birthday, mate. :)

    Best wishes!

  4. Note to self: refrain from not coming online for a few das due to exams, or Enad freaks out. xD

  5. Do you have the most epic birth date or what? :D

    Happy birthday!

  6. Happy 23rd. :)

  7. No, it does not work.

  8. I don't think I fully understand what you're saying. I apologize.

    Do the following:

    1) Tell me if this is or is not the Airwolf mod that you are talking about. If not, then there has not been one released for Arma 2.

    2) If it is the one you are talking about, then send a Private Message to this user with your question.

    3) If he's still active, he'll tell you what you need to do. If he no longer posts here, then you'll just have to try it out yourself.

  9. I acknowledge your English handicap, but I didn't lock your thread because of that. 1) Your thread title didn't say anything about what you posted, 2) You posted in the wrong place, and 3) You did not search before posting. I wrote-off 2) and 3) because you're new here, and only told you that you should contact the maker of your Airwolf mod to see if it will work. We can't tell you that ourselves.

  10. I am fully supportive of stopping hackers. It appears you missed my apology I made in your thread, which is also probably my fault as it was simply edited on to the post, as I did indeed find that I had locked it before all of your questions were answered. You can find that here. Once more, I sincerely apologize for my misconduct in dealing with this situation, and I hope that the response I gave you towards your question about disabling radio voices helps you out.

  11. It makes me feel so importantz!1one D: :D

  12. Hey mate, just wanted to ask if I could use your 9/11 avatar as well for today? It's an excellent tribute.

  13. Yup, I know. :p

  14. "Who put that spam in your jams? The internet isnt banned in the Czech Republic..."

    A winner is you :D

  15. 'abby Birdday

  16. Happy birthday xO

  17. Eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh

  18. Yes, more of Operation Cobalt will be released when I feel I've made enough progress on it. Rest assured, more is coming.
